Two months later, the Federation October 4235. In a valley hidden on the map of the main star, the lively laughter broke the silence for several years, occasionally mixed with the singing of birds and the whispers of beasts.

There is a luxurious building behind the wooden villa, and the passing airship brings the guests who arrived on time into it.

On the open-air venue, various colors of flower petals are flying, beverages, foods, and snacks are continuously delivered to everyone by the machine waiter. Some of them are friends of Xiang Yi and Weir, some of Weir fans, and the orphanage yard that has taken care of Xiang Yi, and He Do Mi’s children and parents from the same school, in the corner rest area, there are some big figures from the upper echelons of the federal government.

Today, everyone came here, no work, no worries, with blessings and laughter to discuss the two protagonists of the wedding, and look forward to the wedding ceremony afterwards, there are also many people in the excitement playing with the small animals rushing around in the field.

In the wooden house, Linnaeus and Hogg, who came first, helped the two protagonists of today's wedding adjust their wedding clothes and taught the little flower girl.

"Is there a bouquet for today's wedding?" Hogg asked a little disappointedly, looking for a circle without a bouquet.

"Yeah! How can there be no bouquets for the wedding!" Linnai looked at the two protagonists looking at each other, not only a little helpless, but hurriedly contacted the assistant who came today to let her make a bouquet as soon as possible.

"Fortunately, you have enough materials here." Seeing the assistant busy on the side, Linnai touched the sweat from his forehead and sat aside to take a break.

Xiang Yi looked at Linnaeus while he was busy with joy, thinking that he had broken his heart for Vale and his family over the years, but he is still single now, so he said: "Make two bouquets, anyway, I and Vale There is no bride at her wedding, so I just take bouquets."

A bouquet was thrown to Hogg to ask him to marry him, and a bouquet was thrown to Linnaeus to wish him off the order as soon as possible.

Weir looked at Linnaeus, who nodded repeatedly, and then at Xiangyi, who was smiling slyly and cutely, without saying anything in connivance. Just looking at a white suit, Xiang Yi was very energetic and stunned.

"Okay, you two, don't look at each other. You can see each other as long as you want tonight. Now that the time is up, the ceremony will begin soon." Ming Su walked into the room and reminded everyone that they were leaving.

Accompanied by the familiar wedding march, Duomi dressed in a white suit carrying a flower basket, and while walking along the petal path, she carefully sprinkled red rose petals.

Behind the cute little boy were two white figures. Weir was dressed in a complicated and cumbersome white robe. His knee-length silver hair was even more rare today. The exquisite silver ornaments decorate it. The perfect face is exposed in front of everyone. People appear to be extremely delicate and perfect, full of divinity. The whole body seems to be shining, making people afraid to look directly even though they are eager.

Xiang Yi is a self-cultivation white suit. The cut is simple but very close to the body to outline the slender figure of the young man, with a sunny smile on his face.

The two walked on the road holding hands, receiving the blessings of everyone on both sides, and holding a bouquet of flowers on the other hand, so many women and unmarried men were a little bit eager, thinking in their hearts: "I have two bouquets, can you grab them? arrive?"

However, Linnaeus' astonishment that disappointed everyone, and Hogg's excitement and joy on the spot, the bouquet's whereabouts were determined.

The wedding reached a climax when the two protagonists kissed each other, and then everyone celebrated. The most exciting of them were the fans of Weir.

This was the first fan meeting in four years, and Ver, he actually showed his true face.

"I'm so excited, why won't Will open the live broadcast today! Why don't you let everyone see such a face, oh oh oh." The lucky girl looked at the dazzling two people in the field, her cheeks flushed with excitement, and she pressed her hand tightly. The intellectual brain, who lives on the other wrist, restrains his thoughts of taking pictures.

"Well, so I have to look more now, and blink less to earn money." As an old fan specially invited, Qiqiqi is excited in her heart and pretends to be calm on her face, so she is afraid of losing it. Will's face. I didn't see the people sitting in the corner, but they often appeared in the federal official news.

"I want to take a look in the coniferous forest. The path is really very impressive." Old Yuhang was impressed by the path in front of the courtyard.

"I, I, and I want to go too. That's where Weir and Xiangyi go every day." Fans in the live broadcast room know that the building they are in is actually a temporary custom-made building. They will definitely be there after the wedding. Disappearing, only the wooden villa and coniferous forest in front are where Weier Xiangyi really lives.

"Let’s take a look if you want, and you can take some landscape photos in the taiga." Linnaeus has always cared about Vale’s fans, fearing that they would not be used to such an occasion, and now he heard their words and contacted Vale all the time. After getting permission, I took some fans who wanted to go to see the scenery.

Xiangyi took care of her mother in the yard and sat down in the resting place, chatted with her for a while, and said that she wanted to help her children go to school in the orphanage. Then, under her relieved gaze, she walked to the upper-levels of the Federation with Will on the other side.

"Fortunately, there are Leliss, otherwise so many guests are really poorly taken care of." Walking on the road, Xiangyi looked at the busy figure of his friends in the field with emotion.

Weier looked at Xiangyi and couldn't help but rubbed Xiangyi's cheek with a smile. He always felt that his own Xiangyi had grown up a lot and became more mature and more attractive to him.

Xiangyi pulled Weier to find a place to sit down, and they have not eaten since they were busy in the morning. Halfway through the meal, I suddenly remembered that both of them were busy with the wedding before, but he seemed to forget one thing, "Would you like to go to the honeymoon after the wedding?"

"I have planned the itinerary, and I will never let you down." Weir smiled mysteriously and didn't say much, and gave Xiangyi a sip of wine.

After the wedding ceremony, the guests are preparing to go back one after another, and a small number of them will stay here to rest for a while. Weir arranged the little princess and the dragon prince as their temporary guides.

I ate dinner in a small building with close friends like Linnaeus. Everyone was talking and laughing. By the way, we always complained about pigeon live broadcasts.

The small building also specially prepared rooms for them, and everyone who drank a lot of wine rested here.

The second floor of the quiet small building belongs to Xiang Yihe Weier's space. After Xiang Yi walked out of the bathroom, he threw himself down on Will, an eager kiss that prevented the two of them from speaking further.

The night has just begun...

Early the next morning, everyone in the villa found that they could not find Weier and Xiangyi. It was not until the queen came to the villa to pick up Domi and the little princess, and everyone knew from the queen that the two owners of the villa had been hidden. I went on my honeymoon.

And one of the two disappeared and did not return to the main star for two full years. Only the live broadcast every other month and the gifts from each galaxy every other month prove that the two are doing well. You don't need to worry too much.

Two years later, the two finally returned to the main star, and then signed a new contract with Bluestar Platform and Linnaeus, and took away Domi, who had graduated from Junior College in advance.

This time, the family of three disappeared for a longer period of time. They traveled outside the federation for five years, and a few times the video returned was even more uncertain.

Linnaeus was very excited when Vail changed the contract with himself and the platform at the beginning. He kept wondering if it was going to be torn by fans this time. As a result, after Vail released Traveling Life, fans could not accept it except at the beginning. After that, it calmed down, but many old fans would check in on Weier every day, looking forward to Weier’s new news every few days.

Weier and Xiangyi have often lost contact since then, and only took Domi back to the main star to live for two years when he was an adult. Before leaving again, they reached a deal with the upper level of the Federation and wanted to return to Earth again.

No one knows what the Federation got, but this time Weier and Xiangyi disappeared for a very long time. For three full years, they sent something without news.

Fans of anxious fans even repeatedly reported the Federation to the police, hoping that the Federation would come forward to find the missing Weier Xiangyi and the children they claimed. Weir is a person who helped the entire interstellar people find ways to improve their spiritual power. His discovery of spiritual power can’t be overstated in the selection of the Star Medal. Xiang Yi is also now a well-known senior pharmacy master in the Federation, and the pharmacy he refined is even more than half advanced. Pharmacist works better.

How could the two talent federations remain indifferent? In fact, since the three of them entered the earth, the federation can no longer collect their traces.

In desperation, the federal government had to announce the final whereabouts of Vail and the others, and the contribution that Vail and the others had made to the restoration of the earth.

Everyone was soothed, after all, everyone knew that the earth had no signal, and the fact that the earth is expected to accelerate its recovery is even more touching.

The topic on the Internet was shifted, and Weier and Xiangyi had no news for many years since then. Friends like Linnaeus and Hogg are actually not too safe for the three of them. After all, Weier has shown his true strength in front of them, except that they missed it. Besides, I thought in my heart that those three people might have stayed on the earth, or they might have broken into other places in the universe, but they will see them again someday.

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