My British Empire

Chapter 34 Lease of the Manor

The little white-faced knight is the most special. His family not only has been loyal to the Lancaster family for a long time, but his loyalty can be guaranteed. Of course, there is no permanent loyalty, only permanent interests, but at present, the Martin family is relatively loyal to the Tudor royal family.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Edward's grandfather, Henry VII is a branch of the Lancaster family, a small nobleman from Wales. The maternal ancestor of the Tudor family is John Beaufort (John Beaufort), the illegitimate son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, England, and his mistress Katherine Swynford in the 14th century, and the father of the Duke of Lancaster It was King Edward III of England.

Normally, an illegitimate child would have no claim to the throne, but the situation was complicated in 1396 when the Duke of Lancaster and Catherine officially married when John Beaufort was 25 years old.

Both the Pope and the English Parliament issued separate proclamations the following year to retroactively recognize John Beaufort as a legitimate legitimate child of the Duke of Lancaster. The Duke of Lancaster's other legitimate son, King Henry IV, also recognized the status of John Beaufort's legitimate children, but declared that they had no right to inherit the throne.

Princess Margaret Beaufort, John Beaufort's granddaughter and heir to the throne, married Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond. That is, the father of Henry VII.

While Henry Tudor was in exile in Brittany, his mother, the mother of Edward's grandfather, Princess Margaret Beaufort, remarried in England, lurking in England under the hostile York dynasty. Son's future plans.

So when the Lancaster family became extinct, Henry VII declared himself the heir to the throne of the Lancaster royal family. Eligible for succession to the throne of England.

Henry VII soon successfully landed in England, and defeated Richard III of the York family in the Battle of Bosworth Plain in 1485, and then proclaimed himself king as Henry VII of England.

And by marrying Richard III's niece, Princess Elizabeth of York, she quelled debate over the legality of her succession.

The marriage between the hostile families ended the War of the Roses, and created a new dynasty with the offspring of the Lancastrian and Yorkist dynasties, and merged the red roses of Lancaster and the white roses of York Group CD Tudor royal emblem, red and white "Tudor Rose"

Let's take a look: John Lancaster - John Beaufort - Gerrit Beaufort (Edmond Tudor) - Henry VII - Henry VIII - Edward VI. This is more intuitive. It can be said that the Tudor family's ability to become the royal family of England is very much taken care of by Lady Luck.

It can be said directly that the York family must be dissatisfied with the Tudor royal family, and after the Lancaster family died out, the Tudor royal family replaced the Lancaster family and became the object of loyalty of their knights.

"Cavalier Devereux, let me ask you!" Edward saw that he was relatively young and had a close relationship with his family, so he used him to pry open the gap between the three of them.

"I don't know how much your family spends every year?" Hearing Edward's question, Devereux's first reaction was that the Foran family, who often opposed him, asked someone to inquire about the secrets of their family. Prepare to give yourself a whack.

However, he remembered that it was his majesty Edward who came to ask him. It was impossible for him to be willing to be a spy, and even if he were, not many people could invite him.

"Dear lord, your poor knight has to count every shilling every month to live!" Speaking of expenses, Knight Devereux's eyebrows were already wrinkled into a hill, and his young face suddenly turned pale. became a bitter gourd.

"The banquets and hunting costs almost every shilling I have in my pocket every month, and I have a knight's suit for my brother Pete, and my sisters pay for it every month. I want to buy those beautiful clothes that are popular in France..." Even though Chevalier Devereux is a man, his nagging level is no less than that of those fifty or sixty-year-old aunts.

"Stop, my dear knight, I already know your situation! Don't say any more!" Edward hastily stopped Devereux's long speech, and saved Bruno and William, who were already on the verge of collapse. And Butler Howard has already started to close his eyes and rest, please ignore him.

Faced with Edward's stop, Devereaux closed his mouth tactfully, but seeing his unfinished expression, fortunately he stopped him, otherwise there must be a long story behind. Edward couldn't help but patted his chest in rejoicing.

"Damn! He said such a long paragraph and still didn't say the specific number? He is not honest when facing the prince. It seems that no one who can become a knight is an idiot!" Edward sighed in his heart.

But fortunately there is Butler Howard, he is really a usable talent!

"Your Majesty! Knight Devereaux spends almost a hundred pounds a month. This is my most conservative estimate!" Butler Howard quietly came to Edward's side again, and said a word. Then he moved away from Edward for a certain distance, pretending that nothing happened, and stood there as a sentinel as if nothing had happened!

Edward estimated the annual income of Knight Devereaux. Assuming that the 1,500 acres of land are planted with grain, the annual income is at most 900 pounds, so how can he spend 1,200 pounds? of?

Seemingly seeing Edward's doubts, the elusive butler has also come to Edward's side, explaining as if no one else was around.

"Since his father, the old knight Devereux, the Martin family has sublet the manor to those merchants who smell like copper to raise sheep. It is estimated that it has been eighteen years, and they will get 1,200 pounds every year! What Howard said really shocked Edward.

Unexpectedly, the current knights have already sublet the symbol of the knights, the fiefdom, and it will last for eighteen years!

If you think about it, you can live happily in London, a world of flamboyance. Who wants to stay in the countryside? Besides, you don’t have to manage the manor, and you can get more money every year than you can earn from working hard. Why not Why not?

Edward didn't know that at that time, the Devereux Cavaliers were pretty good, just a year-by-year lease. There are also nobles who have been renting out for almost 100 years in 1999. The consequence of this is that when your family is not in the manor for a long time, the manor will gradually become his, and some of them are extinct from their own family, and your manor is theirs. of. What's even more pitiful is that he met a prodigal son who spent all his savings and the manor was pawned.

This is also a reason for the disintegration of the feudal economy and the rise of capitalism.

"So, what about Bruno Knight and William Knight?" "William Knight still manages it by himself, and Bruno Knight also sublets it!"

Edward didn't expect that the big boss William Knight who was most likely to sublet would manage it himself, while Bruno Knight, who likes to read, would sublet it out!

Then Edward said something that surprised everyone.

"Then, knights, I wonder if you are willing to sublease the manor to me?"

Thanks: Dream God, Yuri Yefimovich Shelov, Ice☆Xiaoyi, Lili 599, are you kidding me, book friend Xuan, shell shell shell, xinghaiyue, Tianyi sword, ignorance is not wrong, Ling Fan, book friend 215xxxx32, Xiaobao Knight, chenkunkun, everyone's support is the biggest encouragement for me!

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