My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 704: The Professional Qualities of the Film King

Today's scene is that Gu Yue eavesdropped on the gangster's intelligence and passed it on to the police.

The set was remodeled from an abandoned factory, and the props team took more than half a month to build. Suddenly, it really looks like the Golden Triangle.

Gu Yue wore black T ripped jeans, and there was a blood-red gash on the cheekbone. At this time, he casually covered the wound with a hemostatic tape, but there were still some scratches.

Based on the exposed part, it can be known that the gap should be drawn out by glass, knife, steel wire, etc., which made the handsome face a little more sinister for no reason.

Gu Yue casually chewed his gum and entered the factory. The guard at the gate first looked vigilant. He saw that it was the little brother Gu who had recently been reused by the boss and was in the limelight, and immediately greeted him in a flattering manner.

Gu Yue nodded casually and walked in with his hands in his pockets.

Taking advantage of Boss Hei not returning to the office, he spit out the chewing gum in his mouth, quickly added a bug and stuck it to the corner of the bottom of the table, at this moment, Boss Hei came in, Gu Yue rolled his slanted phoenix eyes, and naturally looked The slender fingers were withdrawn from the bottom of the table and inserted into the pockets.

"Boss, you are finally back."

"Why are you here?" Hei Boss's eyes were like sharp eagles scanning Gu Yue's body, full of defense.

Gu Yue stretched out his fingers and pointed to the wound on his cheek: "If I don't come again, I guess next time it won't be my face, but my neck."

Boss Hei glanced at the hideous cut on Gu Yue's face, and instantly understood: "Did Huang Quan do it?"

"Hmm." Gu Yue nodded lazily, and began to count Huang Quan's crimes eloquently.


Jiang Anzhi's personality is gentle, his upbringing is excellent, and he will never criticize anyone. But this character in the camera has a distinct personality, he will talk when he is in pain, sleep when he is tired, and take revenge when he suffers.

Feng Lan looked at the 'Gu Yue' on the monitor in awe at first.

She accompanied Jiang Che to watch a lot of movies played by Jiang Anzhi, and she always thought that the actor's acting skills are important, but the post-production packaging is the key to a drama. Poor acting skills can be made up for later, but the post-editing is not good, no matter how good it is Acting can also appear procrastinated and incoherent.

But today, when she came to the set and watched Jiang Anzhi's scenes personally, she realized that her acting skills don't come from post-production!

Some actors have tension and can control the rhythm very well. For example, Jiang Anzhi, any of his micro-expressions, tone, demeanor, and movements are so natural that people completely forget that this person is Jiang Anzhi, and he was easily brought into the role of Gu Yue by him.

Even though the scene was messy, surrounded by photographers, lighting engineers, sound engineers and other things that make people play, but once you put your eyes on Jiang Anzhi, you will unconsciously fall into Gu Yue's story.

"An actor's sense of belief is very important. Only when he fully believes that he is the role can he convey the same feeling to the audience. Anzhi's talent and ability in this aspect are very rare."

It was rare for a family member to visit the class. Director Situ praised Jiang Anzhi from head to toe to Teacher Xiaofeng as if holding a parent-teacher meeting.

Teacher Xiaofeng listened with great pride, realizing for the first time the meaning of the word actor.

At that time, Jiang Che sat in the director's seat and watched his father's acting earnestly. Unlike other brats who would run around on the set, he sat here obediently all morning and was extremely serious.

Director Situ couldn't help but praise: "Little Diaoyu is really good. Do you want to be an actor like Dad when you grow up?"

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