This man is called Kangbala, and he is very lean and burly in his 40s.

Among the children who cut the pasture just now, there is a little girl who belongs to his family.

Kangbala was very happy to see the administrator riding over, and greeted them warmly like a good friend.

Feng Lanchu asked curiously: "Do you go here every day to graze?"

Kangbala nodded: "There is no way, there is no grass near the village, but the pasture here can only support spring at most, and it may go deeper in a while."

The nomads are originally a nation that floats like duckweed and lives everywhere.

After all, if you want to go to a deeper place, it is unrealistic to go back and forth every day. Especially in the event of bad weather or unexpected situations, the loss of cattle and sheep or other accidents are possible. So the best way is to move with the whole family.

In this way, there will be no worries.

Of course, there are still many families who maintain this nomadic life and have not joined a certain village.

But for Kangbala, nearly a decade of comfortable life has made them used to living in groups. Watching and helping each other with the villagers is better than anything else. They really don't want to relocate if they can.

But everything depends on God's will.

Feng Lan nodded at the beginning of understanding and said a few words to them, then started to stroll around here.

On the vast land, pastures are green and lush, and the wind blows in response to the sentence "The sky is like a dome, covering the four fields. The sky is blue, the fields are vast, and the wind blows and the grass looks down on the cattle and sheep." What a beautiful scene!

Just feeling the magnificence and majesty of nature, I heard a scream from the sky.

Feng Lan looked up and saw a falcon flying across the sky like a shooting star, leaving only a small black spot after a while.

Kangbala laughed happily: "I've been seeing this eagle circling the sky these days. Speaking of which, I haven't seen an eagle near the village for a long time."

He didn't expect to see the eagle when he went deep into the hinterland. At first he thought the eagle had moved away from this place.

Another villager also said with a smile: "I went back late a few days ago, and I heard wolves howling."

He was so frightened that he hurriedly drove the sheep back home, fearing that a pack of wolves would suddenly appear and chase his sheep.

The children on the grassland talked endlessly when they talked about the adventures of shepherding. Although their Chinese is not very proficient, everyone is very enthusiastic about the guests coming from afar.

Show them as friendly as possible.

Finally, Kangbala took out a water bag from his waist and handed it to them enthusiastically.

"This is my home brewed wine, try it."

At first glance, Feng Lan saw it was wine again! Quickly shook his head and refused.

"I already drank highland barley wine at the village head's house just now. This strong wine is too strong for us, so I can't drink it anymore."

Kangbala was no longer embarrassed when he heard the words. After all, the guests had to ride back on horseback, and it was really not appropriate to persuade them to drink at this time. He smiled and raised his head and took two sips. The strong aroma of the wine wafted in the grassland, really heroic and wanton.

With Kangbala taking the lead, other herdsmen also took out water bags from their waists one after another. Seeing that this place was about to turn into a large-scale wine competition, Feng Lanchu silently quit the group chat and began to wander around.

Kangbala looked suspiciously at the beauty experts who were gradually being placed on the list, and then at the administrator.

The administrator smiled and answered: "Professor Feng is an expert in the field, and he can always find the key to the problem from the clues. Let's just look at it."

Kangbala nodded clearly: "Then what can we do to help her?"

The administrator shook his head: "We just need not to persuade her to drink, and keep her sober at all times."

Kangbala laughed when he heard the words, and readily agreed.

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