Each crenel of the Mutianyu Great Wall has a number, of which No. 14-20 has the most beautiful scenery and is the most suitable for taking pictures. If you are too lazy to go, it is also a good experience to take the cable car directly to No. 16, and then return to No. 20 with your feet.

However, Feng Lanchu and his party climbed the Great Wall not to check in, but to pay tribute to the great rivers and mountains, so they climbed up on their feet.

When they arrived at the legendary scenic spot 15/16, the sun was already out.

The light of the morning sun shrouds the land, and the scenery here is different from that of Snowman Township. Among the rolling hills, the winding Great Wall is shocking to the soul.

Captain Gonpo looked at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"My motherland is so beautiful!" He murmured with emotion.

Every Chinese citizen should come to the Great Wall to see the Great Wall that has been condensed for five thousand years in China! It is the wisdom and crystallization of the ancient working people. It is not only a business card of China, but also a symbol of China's national integrity.

Only after climbing the Great Wall, you will find out how much you love your motherland.

Captain Kampot silently wiped his hot and humid eye sockets. The morning sun smoothed the gullies on his cheeks and diluted the plateau red that had been eroded by ultraviolet rays.

The nostalgia for the motherland of this veteran soldier from the frontier overflowed his eyes.

An Zhi raised the camera to freeze the picture.


The 7-member team took a lot of photos along the way.

When climbing No. 20, everyone really felt what it means to be "a man who does not reach the Great Wall". There is a staircase that is basically 90° vertical, and it can only be climbed up by pulling hands and feet on it.

But as long as you grit your teeth and climb to the city wall, all the hard work and sweat will be worth it, because the scenery is not so good.

Li Yue took out his mobile phone to take a selfie with everyone, and a group of young people in the mountains smiled at the camera.

Director Zhao was very happy to see this photo, and tentatively asked if he could take it.

Everyone naturally sent it to him without any doubt.

When the group returned, because it took a lot of physical strength to go up the mountain, Director Zhao thoughtfully provided two routes, the cable car and the slide, to see which one they liked.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the cable car. The so-called slide is that each person takes a small car, sliding from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain like a slide. The journey was bumpy all the way, and the return journey only takes a moment.

The guardian sweetheart subconsciously followed Feng Lanchu's lead, and Feng Lanchu scratched her head: "I've come here, so naturally I have to experience something different."

The implication is that there are cable cars everywhere, but the slides on the Great Wall are special.

Seeing that Teacher Xiaofeng had made a choice, everyone followed closely. Only Jiang Anzhi slightly disagreed, but seeing Teacher Xiaofeng's full of interest, he couldn't say anything, so he could only follow silently.

As the name suggests, the slideway is a slide that goes down the mountain. Visitors can sit on a small scooter and wind down the mountain. It is a good pastime for those who love to challenge outdoor activities.

They were all foolish and bold. Qin Zhuo was the first to challenge, and Captain Gongbu happily followed. Feng Lanchu's eyes sparkled and she was gearing up for preparations. Jiang Anzhi had no choice but to follow her.

Feng Lanchu was ready to leave under the arrangement of the staff, Jiang Anzhi squeezed her wrist worriedly: "Be careful."

"Don't worry." Feng Lanchu nodded calmly.

With a bang, he slid down without looking back.

Jiang Anzhi felt his status again, it was really... so humble that he couldn't see it.

Sighing silently, he got on the tackle and chased after his wife.

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