My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 438 Zhang Qianyi and Jiang Anzhi break the dimension

This photo of Zhang Qianyi is undoubtedly a boulder shaking up waves.

It’s fine that the photos he posted are exactly the same as the hot searched ones just now, the last group photo is really Wang Zha, which makes people scream like crazy.

The photo is a ski resort, everyone is wearing ski equipment, the team is Zhang Qianyi, Zhuang Nan, Jiang Anzhi, Feng Lanchu.

Jiang Anzhi put his arms around Feng Lanchu's shoulders, and the slender teacher Xiaofeng was very cuddly by Anzhi's side.

Although several people are wearing masks, to the fans, even if they wear night clothes, it doesn't work!

[My Jiang Feng Yuhuo! Anzhi can finally declare his sovereignty openly! 】

[Yes! An Zhi's paws hugged Teacher Xiaofeng, and she smiled sweetly! The shoulders are all next to Anzhi! 】

【Grass! Thank you Qianyi for slipping and kneeling! 】

[From today, I will be Qian Yida's grass protector! Thank you Qian Yi for your selfless dedication! 】

[Woooooo An Zhiang! Kangkang family is humble and big! The silhouette you put up is so weak! Post your selfies now! 】

[Haha, sisters upstairs, don't get excited, do you think Qian Yida is the kind of person who directly posts private photos? It must have been released with An Zhi's consent! 】

[Fuck, I found a serious problem. I thought I was escaping from the haunted house, but actually not only missed the snowy owls, but also missed them? 】

[Sister, you are nothing, I stayed there for a week, and I didn't recognize them. 】

[By the way, I'm also in the manor! I did see a very tall boy and a girl fighting in the snow at the ski resort. Now that I think about it, that person seems to be Zhuang Nan! 】

[Fuck, Brother Nan is fighting with his sister? no? 】

【Hey, that's not an ordinary girl, she's very powerful, many people say she's the world champion Romanda. 】

[Then...Brother Nan is amazing, he even competed with the world champion! 】

[Ahem, sisters, don't be fooled. Since Zhuang Nan is at the ski resort, it means that Teacher Xiaofeng and Anzhi must be nearby. You... didn't take a closer look? 】

【knock! Say no more, I think I need first aid. 】

Is there anything in the world that makes me vomit blood more than having an idol right next to me, but I don't recognize him?

If she recognized it, would she still be jumping here? knock! knock! knock! angry! !

[In other words, will the story be like this. Teacher Xiaofeng's family went on vacation and found the snowy owl. Then Teacher Xiaofeng reported it to the leader, and the leader sent experts over? 】

[Sister's inference is reasonable and I can't refute it, so I will say more. 】

[I don't care, I must go to the ski resort once in this life, I want to find the footprints of Teacher Xiaofeng and Anzhi. 】

[Sister, stop talking, go and grab the house. 】

[Ahhh, brothers and sisters, hurry to the official blog of the ski resort! There are surprises! 】

Just as everyone was having a great time chatting, someone shouted at Chaohua Square, and everyone rushed to the official blog of the ski resort keenly.

This official blog was created 3 years ago, but after several years of operation, there are only more than 3,000 fans, and the fans are not the kind of active fans who check in every day, and everyone only comes to visit occasionally.

When the manor launched Rainbow Fort and Crystal Restaurant this year, it only attracted the attention of a niche circle.

It really came into people's field of vision, and it was the hot search for Snowy Owl Habitat a few days ago.

People discovered this fairytale-like manor from the popular searches of Snowy Owl, and they were impressed by the environment at that time, but they did not expect that it sent a new message today.

These are two thank you letters and the autograph of the owner, Jiang Anzhi and Zhang Qianyi!

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