Hearing Jiang Anzhi's promise, Feng Lanchu no longer hesitated, put her slender wrist around his neck, and gently lifted her red lips to his thin lips.

This night under the stars, they were as crazy as they could be.

The soft sofa bed has become the best harbor, protecting them from outside disturbances.

Early the next morning, the two woke up under the light of the sky. In the morning of early winter, the sky was still blue and the white clouds were still soft.

Feng Lan looked at the sky in a daze, and it took a while to realize where the two were.

She glanced sideways at her side. An Zhizheng was sleeping deeply with her in his arms, breathing long, his chest undulating slightly, his hands and feet wrapped around her like an octopus.

Feng Lan sighed and pushed him away at the beginning, last night his wish really came true, the two of them hugged naked like salted fish all night, but they didn't have any clothes on their bodies, if they moved a little, the air-conditioner outside the quilt would swish She poured water on her body, so she had to nest in Jiang An's arms all night looking for heat sources.

What a brilliant way to keep warm, huh, what a rollover.

As soon as Feng Lan moved, Jiang Anzhi also woke up, and he asked in a low voice, "What time is it?"

"Six o'clock."

Feng Lanchu usually wakes up at 6:30, but today she was on the roof, and she forgot to turn off the sky shade last night while watching the stars, and was woken up by the light early in the morning.

Jiang Anzhi's eyes lit up: "There is still half an hour."

He said and took her to his side.

"No, the curtains are not even drawn." In broad daylight, the world is clear, and if the neighbors see it, it will be embarrassing to death.

"That early, no one will be up."

Jiang Anzhi said his hands up and down, Feng Lanchu was still dodging, and Jiang Anzhi had already easily suppressed her with ease.

Feng Lan looked sideways at the sky in the first half of her stomach, and saw that the clouds in the sky were like sea waves, slowly dyed with the sun's blush layer by layer, and the sky was getting brighter and brighter. She was worried that her neighbors would get up, and she tensed up nervously.

In the morning, Uncle Jiang was in good health. He agreed for half an hour and insisted on delaying until 7 o'clock before the two hurried downstairs.

When changing clothes, Feng Lan first noticed that her knees were bruised, and she cast a reproachful glance at the culprit, who was indeed a troublemaker.

Jiang Anzhi glanced annoyedly, and silently decided to replace the sofa bed with a thicker one.

Today, Feng Lanchu's morning jog was replaced by bed exercise. Now that she has time, she no longer plans to run. Surprisingly, on a beautiful weekend, old Uncle Li called her to ask her to work overtime.

Feng Lanchu planned to cook breakfast before going to the office, but Jiang Anzhi took her breakfast back from the outside one step ahead of her.

Feng Lanchu couldn't help being surprised. It turned out that Uncle Jiang even prepared breakfast. Could it be that this series of events was planned and premeditated.

Jiang Anzhi smiled guiltyly. Last night was premeditated, and this morning was an accident. I felt sorry for her after a tired night and couldn't bear her hard work making breakfast, but in the morning...cough, it was not beyond the plan.

Feng Lanchu ate breakfast with peace of mind, but just after taking a few mouthfuls, her phone rang again.

I thought it was Old Uncle Li who forgot to explain something, but after a closer look, it was Director Zhao.

Feng Lanchu and Jiang Anzhi looked at each other before answering the phone.

"Hi, Director Zhao."

"Mr. Xiaofeng, good morning. Did calling so early bother you?"

"No, I'm ready to go to work too."

"That's good, um... That's it, preparations for the second season of "Guardian of the Homeland" are about to start, the leader means that the original cast members can return, and we also very much hope to cooperate with Teacher Xiaofeng again , I wonder what your thoughts are? Of course, the price must be increased."

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