My Best Actor Ex-Husband and I Became A Role-Model Couple

Chapter 342 The Contest between Good and Evil

"You pay me for the snake!" The old man went up to pull Xu Mu angrily, the hand was like an iron claw, even Xu Mu felt the pain.

"You're sick! It's a poisonous snake, catch it! You don't want to hurt others if you think it's too late!"

Xu Mu recovered from the fright while resisting and cursing. It was only 0.01 seconds away. If he hadn't flashed so fast, the snake would have rushed straight to his face.

Even if he is uneducated, he knows what the black and white pattern represents, the king cobra at the top of the rainforest food chain! Fuck!

This old man almost made him die heroically!

"You have solid evidence of poaching nationally protected animals. Now even if you don't call the police, we will report to the police."

The iron head spoke in dialect stiffly.

"I won't go! Why should I go! There are so many people catching snakes here, why only catch me." The old man yelled angrily, waving the wooden stick in his hand, aiming at the iron-headed Xu Mu and Qin Zhuo. , the woman behind her was beaten a few times when she couldn't dodge.

Without saying a word, Jiang Anzhi stepped forward and grabbed the stick with his hands horizontally. With a flick of the stick, it caught him instead, and easily escorted the old man away.

Seeing that the old man was controlled, the woman clasped her hands together with tears in her eyes and excitedly gestured at them.

Everyone glanced at the woman: "Your husband committed a crime, and we need to take him back to the police station. Will you take the initiative to testify with us, or go home and wait for the police to summon you?"

The woman seemed to understand what they said, and immediately stepped forward excitedly and grabbed Jiang Anzhi's clothes, expressing that she would go with them.

Jiang Anzhi didn't say anything, escorted the old man and went out.

Xu Mu and Qin Zhuo naturally helped Jiang Anzhi carry his camera and tripod.

It's a good thing they drove a car today instead of sharing one with the Black Storks.

Tie Tou found hemp rope from the car and tied the old man tightly. Three boys surrounded him, staring at him vigilantly.

Feng Lanchu sat with that woman.

The woman looked at Jiang Anzhi and then at the crowd, impatiently gesticulating, tears streaming down her face.

But Feng Lan couldn't understand what she was talking about at the beginning, and the old man stared desperately at the woman and cursed obscene words at the woman.

Seeing the old man's ferocious face, he looked like a hungry ghost. Jiang Anzhi frowned, took out a sunscreen from his bag and covered the old man's head expressionlessly, blocking his cannibalistic sight, and then said to Feng Lanchu: "Give her the phone."

Feng Lan first woke up, and immediately handed her mobile phone to the woman. The woman took the mobile phone in surprise, and typed on the mobile phone while holding back the trembling.

Her finger was injured, so she typed very slowly, and when she typed out complete words, everyone was stunned.

[My name is Zhao Xiaomei, I was tricked into coming here. 】

Zhao Xiaomei showed them through, and then began to edit with her head down again, tears streaming down her face while editing.

Although the road out of the jungle was very bumpy, and even though Zhao Xiaomei's fingers were not as dexterous as before, she tenaciously overcame all disturbances and typed seriously.

So on the way to the police station, everyone learned a terrible and dark story from Zhao Xiaomei's code words.

Her name is Zhao Xiaomei and she is studying at university in Xi'an. Two years ago, she went out to buy food from her dormitory, and met an old couple at the back door. When she was soft-hearted, she took the two of them to buy steamed buns. As a result, when passing by a van, she was suddenly dragged into the van by the people inside, and then she was knocked out. After several tortures, she was sold here.

In order to make her submit, the old man often threatened her with poisonous snakes.

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