When the fans of Feng Lanchu's support club were blasting each other and enhancing their revolutionary friendship.

Little Jiang Che also fell into the first battle between heaven and man in his life.

As he grows older, he can no longer play happily at home.

During the few days when his mother was on a business trip, his grandma packed him up and sent him to the kindergarten, where he really experienced the hardships of life. Alas~

There is a Royal Kindergarten near Jiangxin Xiaozhu, which claims to follow the most advanced teaching concept in the world, and is famous for cultivating children's cognitive ability by understanding nature.

This kindergarten only accepts 30 children per school year. It is said that the children who graduate from here are very smart, and they will win at the starting line, and they will be the future pillars of the motherland.

Jiang Ma relied on her superb skills to win a place for a trial class, and it happened to let Jiang Che experience group life these few days. After all, he will become an honorable pre-kindergarten student in September.

Life in Kindergarten is simple:

8:00-9:00 Breakfast time

After breakfast, the first class of observing life, the children came to the outdoors, randomly selected flowers, trees, pavilions, pavilions, and pavilions, just looking for curious ones to observe and play. Every child has a fixed teacher who follows them not far or near. Whether they are counting ants or watching flowers bloom and fade, the teacher will not urge them and let them get in touch with nature.

At the end of the life observation class, the teacher brought them home for snacks, and then entered the handicraft class, sometimes folded frogs, sometimes drew pictures, and sometimes went to the toy room to play with toys.

Then eat lunch and sleep.

Continue to observe life in the afternoon, eat snacks, feed animals or work.

Finally home from school.

For other children, this kind of life is like a vacation, with new discoveries and new joys every day.

Kid Jiang Che was the complete opposite. As soon as I arrived at the observation class, I just sat on the rocking chair and stared at the sky in a daze. After class, I went back to eat a few snacks, continued to draw origami in boredom, then ate, slept, and continued to go to the rocking chair to daze.

The only thing I can get excited about is the moment when I feed the little white rabbit.

"Is this little cute baby a bit out of gregarious?"

"Aloof? Or social barrier?"

"It doesn't look like it. He can communicate normally. He was playing with the children when he first entered the kindergarten two days ago. It's only been like this for two days."

"Then... what's going on?"

"I don't understand, let's observe and observe."

"Well, if there is a problem, respond to his parents in time."

"Okay. But these days, grandma picks him up and picks him up, so he hasn't seen his parents."

"That...maybe it's because of the family."

"It's hard to say. I'll ask his grandma tonight."

Jiang Che, who was passing the boring time in a daze, didn't know that he had become the observation and research center of the teachers.

After struggling until the last class of love, the teacher took them to the home of love.

This is an independent classroom built outdoors, and there are ten chubby rabbits living in it, and each little rabbit has its own cage.

The school allows children to feed and take care of small animals one-on-one, thereby cultivating children's love and sense of responsibility. This project has won the approval of parents.

"Okay, kids, it's time for us to feed the small animals again. Please give the little rabbit dinner."

After the teacher finished speaking, the children were allowed to receive food for the little rabbits, including lettuce leaves, lettuce, carrots, etc.

Unlike the other kids who are scrambling to get hold of everything, Jiang Che methodically matched some of each item before walking to his little cage without haste.

Allotted to him was a gray and white bunny, very cute. The little rabbit saw the feeding officer coming with sharp eyes, his nose and lips kept moving, and the little rabbit's teeth were looming.

Jiang Che pursed his lips and smiled as he handed the food to the cage. The little rabbit ate a couple of mouthfuls with his hands, then stretched out its paws and dragged the food into the cage. Jiang Che didn't fight it, and let it drag it in.

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