My Beautiful Agent Wife

Chapter 216: The last level!

The last level of the 260th chapter!

The entrance from the fifth floor to the sixth floor was closed early. Now the downward exit is also closed.

Suddenly, everyone felt tight, and a strong sense of anxiety surged.

Xingtian's voice suddenly sounded at this time:

"Everyone, this is the final test of the game of death. If you can pass the test here, you will be able to ascend to the sixth floor and meet Mr. Qiao Yunshan. Next, in order to pass the test, please fight hard!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a huge rumbling sound from the wall that had been tested by the snow wolf before.

Immediately after that, an automatic door opened on the four walls, and heavy footsteps came from inside.

For a moment, the room was silent.

Everyone hurriedly walked to the center of the room, and then stared at the automatic doors.

At the same time, they all pricked their ears and began to listen to these footsteps. They didn't even think that behind these walls, there was actually another heaven?

Gradually, the sound of footsteps was getting closer and everyone's hearts were hanging in their throats. They breathed gently, but the atmosphere did not dare to gasp.

At this time, Lin Chen frowned.

He was familiar with this kind of footsteps.

When facing the monster Tang Yu before, the sound of his footsteps was this kind of sound!

It seems... the Japanese people used the last weapon. Listening to this sound of footsteps, I am afraid that more than a dozen monsters like Tang Yu have appeared?

Just now.

The sound of footsteps that were originally very regular suddenly became extremely noisy.

The thunderous figures rushed out of those automatic doors!

Everyone was wary just now, and the figures that were almost invisible have rushed in front of them!


Two heart-piercing screams spread to everyone's ears. The two servants of the Yang family actually hugged their arms and cried out in pain?

Everyone looked intently, and only then discovered that although only a **** mouth was cut on their arms, the dark green on the wound was shocking!

Obviously, the two have been poisoned.

According to the characteristics of the mutant poultry in the second layer before, they are already very bad luck...

And when everyone was panicking, the surrounding automatic doors had been firmly closed, and the dozen or so dark shadows had quickly blocked everyone's exit.

These dark shadows, a team of four, surrounded everyone in a square.

There are sixteen monsters in total.

The heads of these monsters can barely be regarded as individuals, with eyes, noses, ears and mouths... But their bodies are truly "monsters' bodies"!

Their palms are extremely wide, and their fingertips have long pointed nails, which are indistinguishable from a bear's paw in appearance;

Their legs and feet are in sharp contrast with their palms. Because their legs and feet are so slender that people feel hairy! If you are looking for an animal to describe it, it will be almost the same as the leg of a cheetah.

And what shocked everyone was... their eyes and ears.

They have no pupils, only a pair of eyes that are as sharp as eagles, which are shiny and black;

Their ears can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and they are big and pointed.

Looking at such a terrifying sixteen-headed monster, even if the masters on the scene have experienced strong winds and waves, there is an uncontrollable sense of fear at this moment!

Lin Chen knew that many people had never fought against the monster Tang Yu, so he immediately reminded:

"If I'm right, these monsters are very powerful, and they carry venom that can melt the human body. Remember not to be touched by him! In addition, the back of these monsters should be close to a black instrument. That It is their weakness! As long as the black instruments can be destroyed, these monsters will lose their ability to move!

Remember, never shoot! Once its blood splattered out, there is no cure for anyone touching it! "

Lin Chen's reminder did not make these masters optimistic, on the contrary, the sadness on their faces became more serious.

Monster that can't shoot? And very powerful?

How do we fight?

You know, among these people, many are known to be good at guns. Not being able to use guns is equivalent to pulling out their sharpest teeth.

Gao Yuan and Yang Lie obviously didn't expect to encounter these monsters here. After looking at each other, they looked at the snow wolf at the same time.

"That man, is it true?"

Xuelang nodded silently and added:

"In addition, when fighting these monsters, don't hit them in a pile of people! Otherwise, the deaths and injuries will be tragic!

Division of labor! I dealt with four monsters with the beard. You try to drag the other monsters and don't ask you to shoot, but please don't die too fast! "

Xuelang gave an order, and he already rushed towards the front four monsters. As soon as Lin Chen saw him making a move, he also swept over the four monsters in front of him with great cooperation.

Among the crowd, although some were uncomfortable with Xue Lang's contemptuous words, the situation was critical now, and they could not find a good way to deal with these monsters, so they had to obey his instructions.

After Lin Chen and Xuelang took away half of the monsters, the remaining more than ten people only had to face the eight monsters.

But even with only eight heads, there is still nothing to do for the less skilled.

In less than a few minutes, several people in the crowd fell to the ground, and in a blink of an eye they turned into a pool of foul-smelling blood. Those who survived did not dare to relax at all, they did everything they could to escape the pursuit of these monsters...

Lin Chen had already had the experience of subduing the monster Tang Yu. In addition, he was extremely skilled. These monsters waved that huge "bear paw" and chased him for several minutes, but they could not touch the corner of his clothes.


Because there were too many monsters, he couldn't find a suitable opportunity to make a move for a while, and he could only rely on the exquisite gossip step to constantly dodge the slap of the bear's paw.

As for the Snow Wolf, he had no experience dealing with monster Tang Yu, so when dealing with these monsters, he couldn't let go.


Lin Chen thought of a wonderful way.

"Snow Wolf! Bring these eight monsters to a bunch!"

After hearing Lin Chen's yelling, Snow Wolf also instantly understood.

Yes indeed! The bear paws of these monsters sink vigorously, and when slapped on ordinary people, they can surely be smashed into flesh, but if they... are slapped on their companions?

Xue Lang responded, and then rolled forward on the spot, attracting the monsters behind him towards Lin Chen's position.

When Lin Chen saw this scene, he immediately threw a silver needle and hit a monster.

The monster immediately let out a deafening roar, and then rushed towards Lin Chen frantically!

When Xuelang and Lin Chen got together, they rolled over at the same time, causing the crazy monster to collide with the other four monsters!

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