My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 777 Civilization Differences

three days later.

Identity issue, done!



When our disguise technique is fake, the main reason is that there are not many flights to the living star. In the past three days, we chose a person who is not good at home as the target.

Play games every day and sleep when you are full.

I ordered takeaway when I was hungry and had no friends.

Such a person, even if he is silent for a few days, no one will find out.

Shu Fu used his identity to book a boat ticket.


It also made Shu Fu a little speechless. In the information age, everything is good, but it is not easy to hide.

go out.


social contact.

All behaviors are recorded. If this identity is on a boat while going in and out of the house, the information will be compared and the exception will be reported.

Because it will be suspected of misappropriation.

have no choice!

Find a nerd and get dizzy, so that he can take the boat instead of his identity.

Fortunately, this civilization is still an identity card system, rather than implanting chips.


Shu Fu can only sit in the cargo hold.

In the past three days, I have almost learned the language of this civilization. With an excellent memory, as long as I make a good comparison table, I can communicate in a day.

There is no obstacle for two days, and dialects can be used for three days.

. . .

ticket check.

on board.

On the west side of the dungeon, a huge patio opens.


The cold wind penetrated in, and the surface of the spaceship froze quickly. However, the temperature in space was even colder than this, let alone more than minus one hundred degrees.



The power of the thrusters increased, and after a while, a large spaceship rose to the ground, carrying more than 300 people, but only a few dozen people were on board.

Unpopular flight, that's it.




Entering space, the speed is faster, and the ice contaminated on the surface quickly falls off.

Sitting in it, Shu Fu felt average. Compared with his own spaceship, the comfort level was far worse. For example, the state of acceleration is not very comfortable now.

My own starship, the seat has its own force field.

Even if it suddenly accelerates dozens of times the speed of sound, the overload will not hurt the people inside.

In the cabin, it's very quiet.

Those who didn’t chat were all enduring this acceleration, and they wanted to arrive in a few days. The acceleration time in the early stage would take at least two hours, which is very slow.

All right!

Shu Fu thought of a product, which he probably could sell here.


Passenger spaceship!

look around.

He also went to the countryside to do as the Romans did, and was as good as everyone else, pretending to be uncomfortable. As for the female guard, she stayed in the dungeon and continued to lurk.

Observe this civilization silently and learn cultural knowledge.

. . .

Five days later, we arrived at our destination.

There were no accidents along the way.

"not bad!"

Looking out of the window, Shu Fu couldn't help but nodded. The high-tech civilizations he encountered before had the highest refuge stars, but the city has long since been in ruins.

The eyes are different.

years of peace.

quietly develop.

It is a picture of living and working in peace.

Skyscrapers stretch straight into the sky, and aircraft are everywhere in the sky. The future city in science fiction works is just like this, which is very impressive.

The spaceship stops.

Disembark one after another.

Shu Fu didn't immediately go to buy tickets for the nearest city to the Star Gate, so he took a stroll first.

. . .

On the streets of the bustling city, people pass by in bright clothes, with smiles on their faces, in stark contrast to the countless cold corpses on Danguoxing.

It's not like a civilization.

To this.

Shu Fu didn't say anything.

How people live their lives is their business.

Looking around, there is an advanced look everywhere, some bold clothes, even a few pieces of cloth, the girls passing by are also very beautiful.

None are ugly.

very simple.


On their way, the female guards are constantly absorbing the information of this civilization. For example, the people here will accept the fine-tuning technology when they are in their teens.

When you grow up, there won't be an ugly one.

It is also different from plastic surgery, there is no sequelae, and there is no need to mess up messy things. It is a safe biotechnology, and the result is obvious.


Looking around, it's either a beautiful woman or a handsome guy.

standing on the street.

After watching it for a day, I feel aesthetic fatigue.

Looking at the general appearance, you can even feel amazing.


It is that a considerable number of people give up fine-tuning, but are very distinctive. The end result is that no matter how good-looking they are, they are still a little bit worse.

it's the same!

No difference!


Generally, girls want to increase the adjustment, and most men directly choose not to adjust.

. . .

Shu Fu walked very slowly.

"Well, it tastes good, like pineapple."


"That's right, Nuo Nuo."


"Bah bah, is this swill juice?"


Walk all the way, buy all the way, and taste the food of this civilization. Compared with the dungeon, the variety here is more abundant, but it tastes a little weird.

Eat all the way, throw all the way.

Anyway, most of them are synthetic foods, using some basic elements to synthesize.

This is not a very difficult technique, and Refuge has it too.

Even on the earth, in eight years, Huaxia will develop the technology to use carbon dioxide to synthesize starch, various sugars, oils, proteins, etc.

There will be breakthroughs one after another.

eat meat.

Eat noodle.

Before rebirth, large-scale synthesis had already begun.

Relatively speaking, it is safer and does not contain additives.

"This, this, this, one of each." Shu Fu came to a barbecue shop.

"Okay, thirty in total."



Shu Fu handed over three banknotes of this civilization, where did they come from? Of course it came by chance, now that the dungeon is bound, any random shop will be enough for him.

"Slow use!"


Mmm, this tastes good.

Someone is curious.

Why is such an advanced civilization still using paper money instead of electronic money?

The reason is simple, although paper currency may seem backward, it is more secure.

In this civilization, more than three hundred years ago, electronic money was fully used. There was nothing in the first ten years, but in the seventeenth year, something happened.


The system responsible for settlement is formatted.

main system.


a preparation.

Second backup.

A total of eight insurance backups are all formatted and cannot be retrieved. Even if the three backup points are physically disconnected, they have not escaped.


Everyone's wealth is cleared to zero, and a big accident almost happened.

In the end, it was useless to find out who did it, all the data was gone, and I couldn’t say how much I had in my card. In short, it was a mess for a long time.

Since then, paper money has returned.

Although it is still not mainstream, everyone is gradually returning to electronic currency.

But the circulation of banknotes has been preserved.

The old way of trading, but no one thinks this kind of behavior is backward.

Otherwise, if Shu Fu wanted to buy a boat ticket before, it was difficult to get money. After all, when the man woke up and saw that the money had been stolen, he would probably call the police.

. . .

Eat and drink enough.

Passing by a movie theater, Shu Fu strolled in. This is not an open movie theater, but a cabin for each person, similar to the experiential one.

There are many movies being shown, densely packed.

I picked one.

looked up.

After watching it, Shu Fu was surprised. The special effects are amazing, the equipment experience is undeniable, the plot is impeccable, and the acting is even more online.

The point is, there are no real people in the film, all are virtual stars, but they can't be seen. If the guards didn't check it, it would be hard to believe.

The difference in civilization made it difficult for Shu Fu to adapt.

The only real people here are the only movies of that kind.

All right!

Different civilizations, different cultures, different histories, different. It doesn't make much sense to use the moral standards of the earth to criticize others.

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