My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 579 Who Can Explain It?

Just as the Walled City army was looking at the scenery along the way.

a long distance away.

A house.

"Your Highness, it's time to eat!"


The fifth prince came to the hall dully, and ate the food, which tasted really mediocre, because after being detained by Xiang Liang, almost all his subordinates were dismissed.

And of course the cook.


It is his maid who cooks.


In this kind of big family, most of the maids are only good at some 'style' things in terms of cooking skills, such as pastries, which can be cooked very delicately.

But cooking is really not good at it.

However, you can still speak.

if not?

Since being imprisoned here, the Protectorate's Mansion only delivers ingredients, not cooking.

eating meals.

want to cry!

Why was he so stupid at the beginning, only a few people went to the banquet, and Xiang Liang caught him.

One bad move, and the whole game is lost.


These days, he knew almost nothing about the news from the outside world. Now the second prince should have ascended the throne. Thinking of this, he felt a dull pain in his heart.



Xiang Liang is such a fool, he shouldn't have been promoted in the first place.

Unfortunately, no regrets.

One day at a time, maybe one day he will be granted death.


While eating, the gate of the house was pushed open.

A group of soldiers rushed in, and Xiang Liang stepped in behind.


Is this day finally coming?

"General Xiang, can you do it later?" He saw that the concubine, several concubines and maids were trembling. If they were going to die, they had to eat their fill first.

"Do it?"

"Didn't they come to kill us?"


Xiang Liang smiled and shook his head.

"From today, the prison will be lifted."

. . .

half an hour later.

Get out of the house.


free air.

cough cough.

The thick smoke from burning firewood and cooking from someone not far away poured into the mouth, the fifth prince coughed until tears came out, he quickly covered his mouth, and ran several tens of meters before stopping.

The air is better here.

Looking around, there are no soldiers to restrict walking around, it feels so free!

Of course, this freedom comes at a price.

For example, being demoted to the common people.

For example, don't travel far.

However, limited freedom is also freedom.

It's just that the shock in my heart can't dissipate until now. I really didn't expect that after I was imprisoned, the outside situation would change so suddenly.

The second prince was indeed enthroned as expected.


However, he was besieged by the vassal king, and after only a few days, he lost his soul and followed the former emperor.

After that, the situation became even more twists and turns.

The puppet emperor ascends the throne.

There was civil strife that night.

In the end, King Xi won.

But he 'inspired' the kindness of the former emperor, and he also left that day. He left so strangely that even if the fifth prince was beaten to death, he would not believe that King Xi would commit suicide.


This is the official statement, beyond doubt.

Think about it.

The Fifth Prince smiled wryly.

After fighting for a long time, the winner turned out to be the Ninth Prince.

Everyone else was making wedding dresses for her. Everyone worked desperately, lost their lives, lost their rights, lost their money, and felt completely lonely.

Think about it, really speechless.


From the beginning to the end, many incidents, now Yipin, none of them have been normal.

Who is playing this game of chess?

Nine princes?


Then, from the perspective of the second biggest beneficiary, there is only one possibility——Nanqing!

But what if you realize this? The general trend is set, and it is useless even if it is announced, because the first and second beneficiaries have already pocketed the benefits.

One became emperor.

One gets Qizhou, reimburses military expenses, and has a lot of hidden income.

The former even ordered directly, overthrowing almost the entire old noble class.

A new system centered on Lu Jin has been formed.

The latter, Nanqing is a powerful country, even if it is made public, who can punish it?

There is no way, the two sides of the 'dividing the spoils' are too strong, and the two empires are determined to reach an agreement on a certain matter, and no one will be able to shake it.


Take a long sigh.

Thinking of Xiang Liang explaining his mission, the fifth prince had a bitter look on his face.

Freedom has a price!

. . .

After a few days.

Dayan Empire.

In a certain prefecture city, a camp of prefect soldiers ten miles outside the city.


"Eat more, you're welcome."

"It's been a long journey."


The government soldiers warmly entertained the soldiers from Baicheng and Qianzhai. Two days ago, they escorted the new governor to take office, and yesterday officially completed the ceremony.

So, let's have dinner today.

A thousand or so people are eating.


Really good flavor and meat.



If it was the Nanqing army, they would definitely not dare to do so, but Dayan's government soldiers entertained them, and they still escorted them all the way under the orders of the government officials, so there would be no precautions.

Because there is no reason to be against yourself at all.

Fu Yin is wary of Nanqing, but not of the Walled City.

Therefore, they all let go of eating.

half an hour later.

Poured a slice.

After the whistle sounded, a large number of Nanqing soldiers rushed in to help the government soldiers to collect their weapons. In fact, the soldiers on both sides were still in a daze.

Why did you do it all of a sudden?

If the government soldiers hadn't been suppressed by their superiors, they probably would have run away!

Because they were captured by the Nanqing Army before, they already had a psychological shadow. After cleaning up, with the explanation of the chief, they finally understood one thing.


The empire and the Walled City are not allies at all.

And Nanqing is true love.


Many soldiers trembled in their hearts, and it is not difficult to imagine what the consequences of doing so would be.

Attacking the soldiers in the Walled City is almost equivalent to declaring war, no, removing almost all of them is declaring war.

And camp understands that.

On one side are Nanqing and Dayan.

On the other side, Baicheng and Qianzhai.

This battle.


Because the two empires took the initiative to provoke it, rather than any accident, this attack was simply a prelude, followed by absolutely not waiting to be discovered.


Take a breath and inhale into your lungs.

There will be another storm in this world.

. . .

something like this.

Happened all over Daeyan.

Take office.


There is nothing wrong with it at all, and they are all arranged on almost the same day, tampering with food, not killing people, and the cost is low, so it is widely used.

Of course, not all are like this.

Only about half.

The remaining half has to be done.

But there was no need for a deadly battle. The Nanqing army surrounded the local state army, government soldiers, and county guards. The number of them was several times that of the opponent.

There are also those who want to work hard, but after all, they are very few.


In just one day, except for hundreds of thousands of soldiers who followed the main force of the Nanqing Army, the rest of the troops who were "escorted" to take office were all captured.

The next day, early in the morning.

The army of the Walled City set off to keep pace with the Nanqing army.

Walking into a canyon, some generals chatted.

"Where is this?"

"How do I know?"

"This place is steep, and the canyon is long and long. If the front and back are blocked, the marchers will be in danger."

"It is indeed a good place to lay an ambush."


Riding on the horse, talking and laughing, he didn't notice any abnormality at all, mainly because he was not familiar with Dayan's road, anyway, he just followed the Nanqing Army.

half an hour later.

Turning a corner, I looked at the high parapet standing in the narrow area opposite.

Slightly taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, before the Lord General could think too much.



There were dense explosions from the rear, and when the men came down to report that the narrow road in the rear was blown up and the road was blocked, everyone was dumbfounded. Can anyone explain?

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