My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 426 Vice President Wei

However, even though I think so.


Seeing Shu Fu so unrestrained, holding his pocket in one hand and shaking the notice back and forth in the other, Jiu Xinqin felt a little depressed because they felt like maids.

The elder and younger are in front, walking leisurely.

The maid is behind, playing the role of labor.

She couldn't help but think back to a drama she watched last night, and suddenly, a sense of picture emerged spontaneously.

So angry!

. . .

This scene made many people envious.

nice car!


It's a pity that there is one more handsome guy, and what's even more exasperating is that he didn't take care of two such cute and beautiful girls, and walked ahead swaggeringly.

Both hands are empty.

As for the notice? What weight is that?

He is handsome, and he is just like a beautiful woman, so he can have privileges.


Looks are predetermined, it's too late to reincarnate, accept fate!

"Student, freshman?"


"Which department, I will take you to sign up."

"Need not."


Faced with those who came up to help, the two women shook their heads decisively and refused. Shan Luo didn't want Shu Fu to have any misunderstandings, and Jiu Xinqin felt that it was completely unnecessary.

She is not disabled.

Not too tired either.

It's just that the weather is a bit hot, and the sun is still at forty-five degrees.

When I got off the air-conditioned car, I felt a heat wave instantly.

After being rejected, the other party could also see that the two women were not interested in chatting with him at all, so they didn't continue to entangle, after all, they had to meet.

"excuse me."

He said politely, turned and left.

See here.

The other old students who were eager to try had no choice but to calm down and give up their thoughts.

As for the new students? I just started reporting today, and everyone is still very shy.

. . .

Follow the signs.

Come to the registration office.

Separated from the two girls, Shu Fu is not their nanny, so he has to follow them all the way.


Pay the fees.

When Shu Fu officially entered school, several seniors were vying to take Shu Fu to the dormitory.

"Excuse me, where is the procedure for applying not to stay in school?" Shu Fu asked the female counselor.


Hearing this, the female counselor was obviously taken aback.

Shu Fu had no choice but to repeat.

"You have to think about it. Although you can apply, you are not allowed to regret and want to come back to live on campus later." The counselor warned, this is the rule.

You can choose to go to school, but you are not allowed to change back.


Shu Fu nodded.

Live in school?

I am so busy that I may seldom come to class, let alone stay.

Seeing Shu Fu's insistence, she didn't persuade him any more.

"That's fine, let's forget about the location, I'll take you there." She was quite enthusiastic, um, definitely not because Shu Fu was really likable.


It's purely my job as a schoolteacher.


"You are welcome!"


Along the way, Fang Lingzhi was very talkative, and she was even curious about whether Shu Fu had reported the wrong major, and even reported to their college with a score that was far from perfect.

That was far more than the second place score.


One word answered her curiosity.


Fang Lingzhi was very satisfied with the answer. Indeed, if she didn't really like it, it would be hard to understand such a high score for an industrial design major.

I am very happy, and there are also top students in the department.

. . .

come to place.

"Are you sure you won't be able to go to school?" the person who went through the formalities asked.


"That's fine, but this has to be agreed by the guardian." For most families, college is the child's departure from the familiar home environment to a strange place.

Although they are all adults.

But it is decided that there are some things that still cannot leave the family behind.

At the same time, it is also for the safety of students.

"A direct relationship?" Shu Fu suddenly asked.


Shu Fu: "No."


"Both my parents have passed away, and my grandparents and grandparents have also passed away. The only relative is an uncle, but he has been living abroad."

Hearing this, the surrounding people were immediately moved.

so poor!

"You mean to live alone all the time?" Fang Lingzhi asked hurriedly.




The sympathy is flooding, so inspiring!

Living alone, no family members, although there is a foreign relative, but after all, it is not an immediate family member, such a person, but a multi-province champion.


Almost wiped my tears.

Can't be persuaded.

"Okay, in this case, there is no need for confirmation."

Shu Fu is his guardian.

After filling out a basic information form, Fang Lingzhi had to write the address of the off-campus residence. Fang Lingzhi found that it was not far from the school, just a few streets away, but the rent was a bit expensive.

Belongs to high-end district.

"Sign it here."


Shu Fu signed his name and left with Fang Lingzhi.

"If you need anything in the future, you can call me directly."

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, I am your counselor."


Just left not far away.


A voice of surprise sounded, Shu Fu turned his head, and saw an acquaintance, Wei Jie, a professor of the Department of Architecture, seeing Shu Fu, Wei Jie couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"You kid, don't say anything when you come." Wei Jie stepped forward and said.

Shu Fu: "I've just arrived for a while, and I'm planning to contact you after I'm done."

"This is?"

Wei Jie asked in surprise, the report was not here.

Shu Fu: "I can't go through the school formalities."

"I see. Did it go well?" Wei Jie was not surprised. In his opinion, Shu Fu might open a shop in the capital again, so it would be inconvenient for him to live in the school.

"very smooth."

"That's good. I still have something to see the principal. Are you free tonight?"



After chatting for a while, Wei Jie left in a hurry.

"You know Vice President Wei?" Fang Lingzhi was slightly surprised.

"associate dean?"

Shu Fu couldn't help being surprised too, Wei Jie has been promoted?

"That's right, Professor Wei served as the deputy dean of the School of Architecture a week ago." Although it is not a department, it is related, so Fang Lingzhi knows it.

"Oh, we've met each other not long ago." Shu Fu said.


Not long ago?

Looking at the conversation between Wei Jie and Shu Fu just now, it seems that they are like old friends for many years, and their attitude is completely equal, not senior and junior, which is very unscientific.

But he didn't care too much. Of course, Shu Fu's excellence would attract more attention.

. . .

After a while, Shu Fu and Fang Lingzhi separated.

Found two girls.

They have already signed up and allocated dormitories.

Although the box was big, they didn't bring a mattress. When they came, he promised the parents of the two girls to help buy it. Well, to put it bluntly, he just wanted him to be a coolie.

At that time did not refuse.

The girls' dormitory is downstairs.

"Which dormitory are you in?" Seeing Shu Fu, Shan Yao hurriedly asked.

"I don't live on campus."


"I just applied to live off-campus, and the dormitory is inconvenient." Shu Fu explained.


What could the two girls say, and they even quite understood that at home, Shu Fu lived alone, and it seemed that he was really used to it, and he didn't like the crowded dormitory.

The key is. not bad money!

Although I don't know how much Shu Fu has left after selling his works, it is definitely no problem to rent a house.

In addition, they also thought that Shu Fu might continue to carve wood, and the dormitory was really inconvenient.

"Is it far?"

"Not far."

Shu Fu actually asked the company to rent two sets, one is relatively far away, a large villa a few kilometers away, and the other is very close, just a suite.

It is convenient to come and live if you have something to do.

Such as military training, my legs were inconvenient in my previous life, I really lack experience in this area.

"Can I take a shower?"

Jiu Xinqin's eyes brightened.

Although they are all girls, suddenly, it is a bit difficult to adapt to bathing in the same bathhouse with many girls.


Shu Fu nodded.

"Great, let's go after buying the bedding."

It was also Shu Fu's extreme attitude this past year that made her less vigilant.

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