My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 347 Pilot Launched in Europe (Order!)

at this time.

It's already mid-May.

Work overtime.


The APPs of major companies have been launched one after another. Some companies can actually go online soon, but due to the high requirements of Pilot, only one major change can be made.

Reduced size.

Reduce threads.

At the same time, some functions are limited.

Such as obtaining the user's mobile phone number, address book, picture information, etc.

have no choice.

Major companies can only change according to the rules, who is so powerful!

As of May 8, the global sales volume of Linghang was 5.6 million. Now it is the 15th. In the past week, although the upward momentum of Linghang has weakened.

But sales are still amazing.

There are hundreds of thousands of copies every day.

this week.

Another 2.9 million units were sold, plus the previous ones, a total of 8.5 million. If this continues, it may exceed 10 million by the end of the month.

Depend on!

Seeing this number, all parties are very envious.

only one month.

10 million units.

Doing the math, the total sales will reach RMB 40 billion.

I'm so envious! ! !

. . .

On the very next day, on the evening of May 16th, a message came back to China.

"EU Approval Pilot Launched! "

"Pilot is about to start a new journey! "

"Thousands of myths, wait and see! "

one look.

A lot of attention has once again gathered in the past, and obtaining the marketing authorization of the European Union is an important signal.

But many people cursed in their hearts: Waterloo!

Such as apples.


At Apple headquarters, the new CEO no longer has a smile on his face.

On May 3, Apple released it.

Sales on the first day were okay, but then took a sharp turn for the worse. It is now mid-May, and the sales of Apple 4 have just exceeded one million units.

Compared with piloting, it can be described as bleak.

Totally a failed product.


After some iPhone 4s were delivered, a large number of unboxing videos appeared, and the number of clicks was very high. It almost gave the iPhone 4 a scolding from inside to outside.

That is, the A-4 processor was not sprayed.

The rest did not escape.



want to cry!

A new product with no bright spots has dealt a blow to Apple's reputation.

It will take time for this stall to be erected again.

. . .

the other end.

Europe just morning, after getting permission.




Pilot's advertisements began to cover the sky.

It's not even noon yet.

Everyone found that the surrounding topics were occupied by Navigator, and when they went out and walked on the street, a large number of Navigator billboards replaced the original content and occupied the field of vision.

"Finally passed? Great!"

"Hurry up and buy one, I don't know if it will be in time for my daughter's birthday."

"This advertisement is a bit strong!"


After the surprise, came the interest.

There was a boycott in the United States before, and the European side was very happy to eat melons. Many people remembered the brand of Linghang, and now they see the product on the market, and they are thinking about it.

Check out the prices.

not expensive.

Only a few hundred euros.

It is a small part of everyone's salary, and they are used to credit cards. After installment, it only costs tens of euros a month. Many enthusiasts have checked online.

Then I ran to the store, but I can't get the spot for the time being, so I can try it first.

After watching the unboxing video for so long, my heart itch.


"It's late again!"



Helpless, we can only start queuing up, each person only has a short experience time, and then quickly go to the cashier, swipe the card to make a reservation, I heard that it will take a month to wait.

All right!


It's not in a hurry anyway.

. . .

the other side.

Online reservations have also started to catch fire. The Apple CEO saw that every time the number is refreshed, the number changes, ranging from dozens of units to hundreds of units.


I drop that heart!

Turn off the webpage, out of sight, out of mind.

In addition, all the manufacturers are also extremely tongue-tied, how many advertisements has Pilot smashed? Right now, several major TV stations in Europe are broadcasting it.

Preliminary calculation, if the contract is longer, it will be more than 100 million euros, right?

If you have money, you are willing to make it!

. . .

Take people's money.

speak for others.

The major European media took Linghang's advertising fees, and naturally began to speak for Linghang, and intentionally or unintentionally increased exposure and fame.

"Esports is about to launch in Europe, and the market expects it strongly!"

"This morning, online polls showed that 65 percent of the respondents were interested in the Navigator mobile phone, and 23 percent said they would buy it."

"The index ranking of Linghang on the website of technology enthusiasts has set a new record for this year."


For a time, huge waves were set off in Europe.

. . .


A manor.

"Father, why don't we invest in mobile phones as well."

"Yeah! It doesn't seem to be difficult."

"Pilot is too popular, I think, we can do it too."


Listening to the children chatting, the old man in the first seat was moved. He bought Shu Fu's work last time, and later found out that he was actually the largest shareholder of Linghang Technology.



And Zhu Xianming turned out to be the employer.

Such a combination can be made, what else is impossible? I used to think that I needed a technical background, but now I find that I don't need it at all, and the technology is fixed by others.

Just find some programmers and change the system.

"Dad, what do you think?"

The elder son's words brought him back to his senses.


The old man shook his head slightly.

Experience told him that when everyone sees an opportunity, it is a big pit, the kind that can eat people to the bone if they don't pay attention.


If it is half a year earlier, with this vision, you can krypton a krypton.

But now, the outlet has appeared, and everyone can see it, so what's the first opportunity?

"never mind."

"No such life!" The old man smiled wryly.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

The son does not believe in evil.

heard the words.

The old man thought for a while and said, "Come with me to your Uncle Zhu's house in the afternoon."


The eldest son was taken aback, why did he go to Zhu Xianming's house?

"Have you checked the shareholders of Linghang?" the old man asked.


The eldest son shook his head slightly.

Their family is not involved in the mobile phone industry, and it is a Chinese company, so they didn't pay attention to it, but after listening to their father's explanation, they were stunned.


"Uncle Zhu is an investor in Pilot? But only 10% of the shares?"


So surprised!

Linghang's valuation, according to online reviews, has already exceeded 20 billion US dollars.

Such a company was actually invested by Zhu Xianming, but the shareholding is so low.

"Is he old and confused?" Because of the shock, he was a little speechless.

"Say what?"

The old man glared at him.

"I asked last time. Your Uncle Zhu said that he is old and has no interest in money. When he saw a good idea, he decided to invest."


Others were stunned.


Zhu Xianming is now a widow, so what's the use of having a big family business?


Thinking that Zhu Xianming has almost all the investment, but only 10% of the equity, everyone feels unwilling to do so, and this is a big loss.

Continue to develop, the future of Linghang is immeasurable.

Zhu Xianming's wealth calculated in tens of billions of dollars can be said to be handed over to others.

"Then who is the founder of Pilot?" the youngest daughter asked.

heard the words.

The old man looked to the right. The woodcut hanging on the landing of the stairs was previously hung with an oil painting worth several million.

Now replaced it.

"The one who carved it."


A pair of eyes looked over in an instant, surprised.

what's going on?

Are the founders so versatile?

I heard that my father spent three million to buy this thing. The craftsmanship is really good, the pinnacle of woodcuts.

But it is really impossible to connect with the founder of a tens of billions of companies.

"That's a young man... I can't see through."

The old man sighed lightly.

If I had known earlier, I would have exchanged more information at that time.

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