Mobile phones are the most important carrier in the mobile Internet era.

none of them.

In 2009.

Smartphones have been around for a few years, but next year's Apple IV is the one that will be epoch-making. Since then, smartphones have exploded in growth.

have no choice!

I can't get the top spot by myself.


Without technology, whether it is systems, chips, or other components, there is no accumulation.


There is no time, it will be released in the middle of next year, and at this moment, the Apple prototype is basically finalized.

In such a short period of time, even if he opened the hook, he couldn't get ahead.


There are mainly two ways that Shu Fu can do next.

The first one is to learn from Xiaomi, starting from technology integration, and then seeking to master the core technology.

Second, make software.

There are still many opportunities.



Tik Tok.


take a taxi.


After some operations, a small business empire can also be rolled out.

But whether it will be absolutely successful, Shu Fu can't guarantee it.

But just like buying station B, success or failure can be planned.

Although the road is quite difficult, because each of the above comes out, there are a lot of existences who want to get a share.



Throwing money.

Most of the successes have become dazzling existences by stepping on the corpses of dozens of colleagues. And there are some opportunities to see that you may not be able to eat.

as the first one.

Socializing on WeChat is like challenging penguins.

It can be imitated in a week, and by using Penguin's huge user base, it can become the top in one fell swoop, and you can only watch from the sidelines.

It's frustrating, but it's reality.


Shu Fu is not that greedy, why should he fix everything?


It has to be a bit of a specialized direction, first gain a firm foothold in the number of users, station B is just the beginning, so as to have a certain number of users.

After that, make Toutiao out, expand the user base, and move forward step by step.

As for talent?

It's simple.

The guards under him are not only good at fighting, but the learning ability of their auxiliary chip is astonishing, it can almost be a force-feeding method.

Maybe a little less creative, but almost impossible to go wrong.

It can be said that as long as they are willing, their guards can quickly transform into top software engineers. Such subordinates are rapidly increasing.

In short.

Technically, there is no obstacle to what kind of software Shu Fu wants to make.

And the efficiency of one of his subordinates can almost surpass half of the team.

Just like now.

Acquire B station.

He then sent two people to be responsible for the technology. The current website is still too simple, whether it is the kernel code, the interface, or the function.

need to be optimized.

In addition, he also sent a shopkeeper to serve as the president.

As for the original founder?

The title of a director is hung, and it retains part of the shares.

But not much.

After a few capital injections in the future, it can be diluted almost insignificantly.

. . .

After one hour.

the capital.

On the fifteenth floor of an office building, in a small office area, the first meeting started.

Below the conference table.

The original founder of Station B felt very unbelievable at this time. The website he founded out of interest was bought by someone at a 'high price'.


For him who just graduated, it was an absolute huge sum of money.

In the end, he couldn't resist a series of attractive conditions, and the other party had the same ideas as him.

Since then.

He became the content director and was willing to be his subordinate.

Because during the negotiation, he found that the other party had a deeper understanding of this industry than he did, and was quite strong.




He surpassed in all directions, and he was also convinced.

Also just now, through video, he met the behind-the-scenes boss of the investment company, who turned out to be a young man.

I was surprised to see that I was younger than myself.

First place.

The general manager said:

"In three days, all departments of the company will enter into operation one after another. The current website is still based on the current style, and the second version will be launched early next month."


"Increase servers, speed up the optimization of website code, and improve access efficiency."


"When the second version of the webpage is launched, that is, at the beginning of next month, the first version of the client will be released."


Hearing the client, the founder's eyes lit up.

The benefits of the client are self-evident for a video website.

A single web page often makes mistakes due to browser compatibility and other issues.

And it's easy to get stuck, but I didn't have the ability to get a client before, and I couldn't operate it.

"Currently, the focus is on attracting users, and fee-paying members are not open."


"Sites will never run video pre-roll ads."


"In the future, the main direction of the website is to support original two-dimensional creation, not just a moving website."


"In addition to uploading by freelance creators, the website itself must also have original works that really stand on its feet."


The more the founder listens, the happier he is. This is what he likes in the true sense, and it is also the recognition of this concept that makes him willing to give up control.



and some secondary processing.

Although it's good, it's after all. At present, China's second dimension can almost be called the Japanese dimension, which is far behind.

Only originality can make the whole industry truly stand up.

. . .

Also on the second day.

"Hey! The playback speed is much faster today."

"I also have this feeling."

"The barrage has also added colored fonts, not bad!"


Many MikuFans (predecessor of Station B) users found that the opening speed of the website was much faster, and the video playback was less laggy.

The barrage is also smoother.


Interested people quickly discovered the clues.

"Look, there's an extra line at the bottom of the homepage, it's corporate."

"Let me see."


Many people scrolled down, and sure enough, they saw a company name.

At this time, a pop-up window came out, indicating that the website was acquired.

Many people are worried. After all, this is an interest website. They are skeptical about where it will go if more capital is involved.

To this.

The website also quickly issued a statement and gave an explanation.

The content is very simple, nothing more than that the website still exists for the second dimension, and some new changes, with special emphasis on never inserting video pre-advertisements.

This has won favor.

"That's good, I hate advertisements the most."


"Hopefully it will be done."


These days, there are very few videos that can be watched for free without an advertisement. Even some free video sites have advertisements all around the playback frame.


They quickly accepted the acquisition.

At present, there are too few places to share in the second dimension, as for Station A? In the past few months, due to its frequent downtime due to internal conflicts, there is often no access.

This is how MikuFans was born.

Although station A has been restored now, it would be nice to have a 'backup station'.

. . .

It was at this time.

Station A hated the appearance of this new opponent, because in the message areas of Station A, a large number of people were advertising to attract people.

Can't delete it.


I'm so mad!

Thank you all for your votes!

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