My Age of Investment

Three hundred and ninety-three, gay in gay

Xia Jingxing borrowed 20 million US dollars from the Liqiu Fund, plus his own 21.25 million US dollars. After paying the barren land, real estate, and aircraft deposits, there was still 250,000 US dollars left.

In addition, he received a salary from Facebook for more than a year.

Before Facebook's A round of financing, the three founders had no salary.

It wasn't until Axel invested more than 50 million U.S. dollars that he, the foreign girl, and the puppy dropped out of school, and they didn't start to receive a salary.

But the salary is not high. As an executive, he only received a total of more than 400,000 US dollars in more than a year, and part of it was used up, leaving more than 200,000 US dollars.

Xia Jingxing simply used up the last half a million dollars in his pocket and bought a new car, a seventh-generation Rolls-Royce Phantom.

In order to keep a low profile, she had been driving that second-hand BMW. Apart from getting out of the car occasionally, Yang Niu spent most of her time driving her second-hand Wrangler.

The BMW car was actually given to the puppy, but the pretender had already driven a Porsche, he didn't care for BMW, and would look at Xia Jingxing from time to time.

The decision to change cars came to Xia Jingxing suddenly.

Then he directly called Zhang Chenguang to a luxury car dealer in San Francisco, looked around casually, and bought the top-of-the-line Phantom among the existing cars in the store.

At his wealth status, he has already realized the freedom of shopping, and he can buy whatever he thinks of.

From entering the store to deciding to buy a car, it takes no more than ten minutes.

This neat attitude made the beautiful brown-haired saleswoman laugh from ear to ear.

Foreigners are blind to Asians. She didn't know Xia Jingxing, and thought she was the son of a rich Chinese in San Francisco.

There are many Chinese Americans in San Francisco, and relatively speaking, there are also many wealthy Chinese Americans, so the white people in the whole city think that Chinese Americans are very rich.

Seeing that Xia Jingxing is so young and has a full-time driver, the brown-haired foreign girl has abandoned the prejudice against skin color, and wants to add Xia Jingxing's MSN or Facebook.

But she was ruthlessly rejected, which made the brunette very unhappy, and for the first time doubted her own charm.

The saleswoman took Xia Jingxing's driver's license with a sad face, and took it for registration.

When Zhang Chenguang drove Xia Jingxing away in a car,

The manager of this store rushed from the office to the lobby, but unfortunately he came a step late and did not see the super rich person reported to him by the registration staff.

The manager sighed.

Later, the brown-haired saleswoman also learned the truth from the manager.

The Chinese who just bought the car turned out to be the legendary Darren? Founder of Facebook?

The female saleswoman was in a complicated mood. After thinking for a long time, she finally posted a Facebook post, saying that she met Dai Lunyun, the founder of Facebook, when she was selling cars today.

But no one believed it, her friends thought she was bragging.

This is like Ma Yun coming to someone's Taobao store to buy things, which is a bit of a fantasy.

In the end, I don’t know if the female salesperson wanted to prove something, or just wanted to get popular, so she came up with the idea of ​​copying the surveillance video in the store and posting it to Youtube.

But the manager was afraid of being sued by the super rich, so he quickly stopped her crazy idea.

The influence of Facebook and YouTube is increasing day by day, and the penetration rate among young people is ridiculously high. The brown-haired female salesperson is a die-hard fan. She posts Facebook updates every day, and occasionally shoots and uploads a video of a luxury car in the store.

As for the manager, it was because their shop had just opened a corporate account on Facebook, and wanted to get to know Xia Jingxing, and condoms were almost a good idea.



Sitting in the spacious new car, with the wind blowing, Xia Jingxing looked out the window at the coastal scenery, and felt that a glass of champagne would be perfect.

Actually, he was a little thirsty.

"Old Zhang, how is this car? Are you used to it?"

Xia Jingxing had always called Zhang Chenguang "Big Brother Chenguang" before, but the other party thought it was not good to call him that way, so he simply asked Xia Jingxing, the boss, to call him "Old Zhang".

In fact, Zhang Chenguang has just turned 30 years old this year, so he is not worthy of the title of "Old Zhang".

But who says the boss is too young? Calling him "Xiao Zhang" is even more awkward.

Zhang Chenguang drove the newly acquired large toy of nearly six meters, and couldn't be more satisfied, saying "中~中~中" incessantly.

Xia Jingxing remembered something, took out his mobile phone and called Gao Lili.

Then Zhang Chenguang turned the car around and drove towards Stanford along the 101 highway along the coastline.

Almost half an hour later, a pitch-black Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly stopped downstairs at the incubation base. The tall and upright statuette at the front of the car attracted the attention of several passing female students.

When Zhang Chenguang opened the car door, Xia Jingxing still felt a little uncomfortable getting out of the car. He always felt that the door was installed backwards.

Seeing Xia Jingxing, a few foreign students... Oh, no, seeing the foreigner Darren Xia, a few native American students crowded around excitedly, wanting to say hello to Xia Jingxing.

But Zhang Chenguang's arms were straight, and they stopped them directly. His eyes kept cruising around them, checking whether they were carrying any murder weapons.

A girl with a breast augmentation yelled: "Daren, I'm a fan of yours and a loyal Facebook user, can we chat?"

Xia Jingxing took a good look at the girl. She was in good shape, but her face was full of freckles, which ruined the overall score.

However, he is not a member of the Appearance Association, or a person who needs to maintain a friendly personality. He waved to a few people, said a few words, and hurried upstairs with an excuse, leaving a few full-fledged people on the spot. A girl with a sad face.

The office of Lilith Media is still on the second floor of Building F, which is the original office of Facebook.

After Xia Jingxing opened the door and walked in, he found a group of people having a meeting.

Gao Lili and Shen Xinyi sat on the sofa, surrounded by more than a dozen employees, and there were a few more unfamiliar faces.

"Hey, the boss is here, sit down!"

Noticing that Xia Jingxing had arrived, Gao Lili quickly got up and started looking for a chair for the hands-off shopkeeper.

Seeing the other party's extremely enthusiastic appearance, Xia Jingxing always felt that the other party seemed to be teasing him.

Shen Xinyi went to get two bottles of mineral water, one was passed to Xia Jingxing, and the other was passed to Zhang Chenguang who was standing behind Xia Jingxing.

The dozen or so employees of Lilith looked at the two sudden visitors with different eyes.

"Hi Darren, I'm Lilith's Multi-Channel Network Director, and my name is Abra!"

A stylishly dressed, gay-looking man stepped forward and extended his right hand to Xia Jingxing.

It was only then that Xia Jingxing noticed that this man was mixed with the students present, and he seemed out of place.

Wearing earrings, short-sleeved rivet hedgehog suit, and long black hair parted in the middle.

After approaching Xia Jingxing, he even shook his black hair.

Fortunately, it was just a handshake, Xia Jingxing was afraid that the other party would give him a hug.

"Your name is Ebola?"

Xia Jingxing had just seen that the other party was dressed and went, so he didn't pay attention to the name, so he asked again.


Abra brushed her hair and corrected softly.

Xia Jingxing wanted to let go, but found that the other party was holding his hand and would not let go.

This gave him a chill, and he dodged Peter Thiel and Chris Hughes. He didn't expect to meet another one, and he still grabbed his hand.

"Daren, you hurt me!"

Abra was in pain, let go of her hand, and said with some mourning while rubbing.

Xia Jingxing felt that his whole body was about to split apart.

Standing behind, Zhang Chenguang couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing when he witnessed this scene.

While Gao Lili and Shen Xinyi were watching this good show, their stomachs hurt from laughing.

Fearing that Xia Jingxing would get angry and drive away the talents he recruited, Gao Lili hurried over and put his arms around Abra's shoulders.

"Let me introduce you, this is our new sister. She was previously the director of an emerging talent management company in Hollywood."


Xia Jingxing didn't bother to ask Gao Lili if her hands hurt, and the word subconsciously popped out of her mouth.

"Yes, I think I am a girl. I have felt that way since I was a child, and everyone has always felt that way."

Abra stroked his hair, with a smile on his face, and said such words, for him, there was no discomfort, everything was so natural.

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