My Age of Investment

One hundred and sixty-eight, blog function

Facebook's technical department, in order to cooperate with the operations department's actions, specially adjusted the upper limit of the number of words on the message board.

The upper limit of speech has been changed from 500 words to 5,000 words.

Shortly after the word limit was changed, a short story about "Facebook and Family Love" began to circulate and reprint in various large and well-known groups.

"My name is Rachel, a junior at the State University of New Jersey. When I was six years old, my father was imprisoned for intentionally wounding people, and my mother divorced and reorganized the family. I have been raised by my grandfather and grandmother...

Because I study abroad all the year round, I see less and less time with my grandfather and grandmother. They are very worried about my life outside.

This Christmas holiday, Facebook is finally open to all people to sign up.

I first helped my grandparents sign up for a Facebook account and taught them how to use it.

I think in the future, I should often upload my life photos, travel photos on Facebook, and my grandparents can browse these photos without worrying about my life, because I have grown up...

Finally, I want to say to those who are selfish: Facebook belongs to everyone, it does not belong to a certain group, everyone has the right to register on Facebook and share their life on it! "

This short story is wonderfully written, describing the bitterness of a little girl who lacked the company of her parents in her childhood, and the love her grandfather and grandmother gave her.

Most of the article is about the little girl’s relationship with her grandfather and grandmother, and only Facebook is mentioned at the end of the article.

The role of Facebook for this little girl is not only to find classmates and make new friends on the platform, but also a platform for the little girl to share her life with her family.

Many college students have seen this widely circulated article, and some people are reflecting: Is it too narrow for such a good social networking site to only be occupied by young people?

Some people also searched for the name of the university and the name of the girl through the information disclosed in the article, and found Rachel's account.

They visited Rachel's personal photo album, and sure enough, there were pictures of her grandparents and grandparents.

A beautiful young girl sat between two old men, all three wearing Santa hats, smiling brightly.

The students also left messages to Rachel, encouraging each other and wishing them an early repayment of their student loans.

Some students also left a message for the girl, asking her to go home more often to see the elderly and accompany the elderly.

More and more people added Rachel as friends and left messages for her, and the girl became an internet star on Facebook.

Under the careful planning of the operation team, several short stories about "family, Christmas, and Facebook" have been released.

These stories are not made up, they all have prototype characters? They are also personal stories written by them themselves.

The Facebook operation team just helped with the reprint? It increased the exposure.

Later, more and more users began to write stories spontaneously and share their stories to various groups.

Correspondingly? Various groups for sharing short stories quickly formed.

Everyone sharing their own stories in the group? Browse other people's stories.

These stories are not necessarily Rachel's inspirational and touching, but also very warm, funny, funny...

Someone started to leave a message in the group to discuss, do you want your family to sign up for Facebook?

A week ago, this question was a decidedly one-sided "don't."

But now there are different voices, some users said? His parents have signed up for Facebook, but it did not have any impact on his use of Facebook.

In particular, Facebook has also intimately launched the security protection function "only visible to some friends".

Instead, he gets emails every now and then? His parents upload new photos? And tag him.

As a result, he visited his parents' Facebook album and saw that it was actually a photo of himself when he was three years old.

It made him feel funny, with little surprises every day.

There is still some resistance to Facebook being open to everyone? But with Facebook doing so much,

The boycott of many people is ebbing.

The number of protesting users outside Facebook has also decreased? Some have figured it out? Some just can't hold on.

Everything is changing for the better!



A week later, in mid-January.

Facebook opened registration to all people, and the student confrontation and boycott activities caused by the movement finally became smaller.

Although there are still sporadic protests, it is not a big problem.

As for the protesters outside the Facebook company, all of them finally dispersed, and the second general also withdrew, and Xia Jingxing did not need bodyguards to escort him all the way to and from get off work.

Because it is almost time to go to school, it is impossible for students to keep spending with Facebook.

This big protest that lasted for half a month still tossed Xia Jingxing hard.

He called the dog, Yang Niu, and Evans in the conference room, held a summary meeting, and formulated a new development strategy at the same time.

"Has the website's daily unique visitors counted?"

The data that Xia Jingxing asked about, in the era of mobile Internet, is daily active users.

This is an important criterion for evaluating whether a website is popular and dynamic.

Kristina smiled and nodded towards Xia Jingxing, "It has been counted. Compared with half a month ago, the data has increased by 10%."

Xia Jingxing finally felt relieved, he withstood the huge pressure and forced to open Facebook, and finally did not make a loss-making business.

The worst plan he made was to maintain the balance without increasing or decreasing.

It seems that there is a little surprise.

"Our total number of registered users now exceeds 12 million, of which one million users are outside the school, a small number are invited by students, and most of the rest are lost from the dating network."

The little dog smiled and said, "And the rate of loss of users on the dating network is still accelerating.

The traffic to their website has dropped by at least 30% compared to more than half a month ago.

Actually it should drop more, it's just that half of their users are in Asia.

Those Asian users have left dating sites, and there are no new social networking sites to choose from.

The users in the United States are different. If you leave the dating network, you can choose Facebook, and you can choose many other social networking sites. "

Xia Jingxing had been so busy for the past two weeks that he didn't pay much attention to this unfortunate opponent of

As a dog, he always pays attention to various competitors, more than he is the CEO.

"So the churn rate for dating sites in the U.S. has reached half?"

The dog nodded, "But the situation of their website has improved now, and it shouldn't drop again.

If the website experience is greatly improved in the later stage, there may be users who will return.

But the premise is that this improvement is fast.

If it takes a few months or half a year to improve completely, users should not go back. "

Xia Jingxing nodded, "For these newly added users, the number of friends they have is relatively small, and the relationship chain on our platform is not stable enough. You have to find a way to make them add more friends and stay on our platform completely."

Kristina nodded and smiled, "This work is already being done, and I recommend friends to them every day."

Xia Jingxing gave an "um", looked at Evans again, and said, "How is the blog function research going? When will it be developed?"

This incident exposed a short board or functional defect.

When users publish personal stories, they also need to go to the message board to send them.

Xia Jingxing was very dissatisfied with this.

After some guidance from the operation team, users have obviously stimulated the demand for the blog function.

Users have needs, and Facebook naturally has to develop a corresponding function.

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