Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 79: Dinner and transaction (2)

"It's nice to meet you, two beautiful ladies, please allow me to formally introduce myself again, Sol Osiris Odin.

It is more appropriate to call me the mayor of Lilang Town, a marquis who is not worthy of the name.

But I don't like these two titles. I prefer that others call me the Marquis of the Sea, or Captain Sol, or, like Mrs. Brown, simply call me Sir Sol.

Because only on the boat can I experience the glory blessed by my ancestors. "When Sir Saul introduced himself, his voice swelled and frustrated with the expression of emotion, like an opera actor or a bard.

At the beginning of the introduction, Sir Thor's voice gradually became low, as if he was carrying a load of tens of thousands of catties, and he was breathless.

But when he introduced his ship, the look in Sir Thor's eyes began to bloom, and his tone could not help but become high, full of fighting spirit and passion.

"Because only here, on the sacred Saint-Teanu, on this boundless sea, I am the worthy marquis. Not the unauthorised mayor who lives in that small town, one for An incompetent puppet that stabilizes people's hearts."

After the jazz said, all the guests in the meeting hall gave thunderous applause for every routine self-introduction of Jazz with their hands that had been vacated a long time ago.

"Papa, bang."

A brief self-introduction was abruptly transformed by Sir Thor into a lively performance that made Musashi's eyes shine brightly, and I couldn't help but secretly admire the marquis's role in language.

Then I couldn’t help but think of a rumor about the marquis. It is said that every time the marquis introduces himself, he will make subtle changes on the basis of the previous ones. Sometimes it is the tone and emotion, sometimes it is the complex foreshadowing, and sometimes it is about the content. Rendering.

But the effect of each change seemed surprisingly good. The audience who listened to it for the first time was emotional and excited, just like Yoshimi by Musashi.

People who have heard about it repeatedly will not be bored, and they will look for the differences with the previous ones with great interest. Every time they find a place, a bright smile will appear on the face, just like Mrs. Brown’s performance from beginning to end. general.

Hey, wait, what's the expectation on Mrs. Brown's face?

Could there be any dramatic changes?

"Marquis, how do you feel about the effect of your performance this time, how many points are you going to score?"

Musashi looked for a good person, thinking that this might be the final link that Mrs. Brown was looking forward to.

After all, no matter what kind of performance, after watching the first time, it will show a little carelessness to the second time, and even all the similar performances afterwards.

Just like Mrs. Brown, the level of familiarity with this performance is only below the Marquis, because every time I set sail there will be such a link, and I have to be present every time as a promoter, so in desperation, I can only Take this last bit of fun as your only expectation to support yourself and persevere.

But not every time such a good person appears, so in order not to let her own fun be absent, Mrs. Brown will secretly hire a melon-eater to help her complete this great moment.

"Well, the effect is not ideal, because my performance failed to attract this beautiful lady into the emotional world that I had compiled, which made me feel a little frustrated." The Marquis Sol looked at Musashi. Said in a slightly sad and frustrated tone.

Then the voice turned to self-rating in a playful way: "If you score, you can barely score 11 points, of course, on the premise of a perfect score of 10."

"Hahaha~" Everyone present couldn't help laughing. What attracted them not only from the luxury cruise ship, but also the humorous Marquis.

Of course, the humor of the Marquis is more manifested in the presence of these high-ranking officials. After all, it is much easier to make a few people like it than to make the majority like it, isn’t it? And, why should he surrender his status as a noble person? Cater to those civilians born with mud legs.

"Presumably everyone is here for a very clear purpose. It is definitely not to listen to my jokes here. Of course, there must be people who don’t know the specific process of the dinner we are hosting tonight. Haha, don’t be angry. Anyone who comes to a dinner party will inevitably experience a bump into the wall.

In fact, "hit the wall" this time is an unfamiliar term to many people present, because everyone was born with a golden spoon in it, and came to this world to enjoy happiness, so why bother to torture yourself? Right.

But in this world we live in this world, apart from enjoying, there is also adaptation and adapting to this changing world. After all, no one knows when the word "family descent" falls on ourselves, just like my "self-introduction". This is not just a show to entertain everyone, but also my own experience, so please keep it in your heart and strive to preserve your superiority, and please work hard to develop your superiority. Now let us be our superiority. Cheers, and congratulations on the official start of our dinner tonight. "


It wasn't until the moment when everyone raised their glasses that Musashi was moved by Marquis Sol's remarks and toasted to celebrate this moment together.

Although until now, Musashi is still a little confused about what the banquet tonight is like.

After the celebration ceremony, most people returned to the way they started, eating and drinking, chatting, as if they were preparing something, waiting for something, and as if there was nothing, everything was the same as before, which made Musashi more and more. I couldn't figure it out, but Musashi knew that as long as I wait patiently, everything will come to light, so I pulled up Jigme, who had a lot of questions to ask, and went to eat and drink.

Looking at the two patience girls, Mrs. Brown looked at the Marquis Sol with a smile on her face and said, "Look at ~ People won't eat yours, no way."

"No recruit. I lose this time. I really don't know how this empress brought up such an excellent daughter. I have the opportunity to visit in person and ask for advice on parenting."

"I think you'd better forget it. It's a childcare book. It's better to find your son who doesn't go home all day. It's the most important thing. After all, you also know the present day, really. Change and change." Mrs. Brown's eyes were covered with a layer of blue light for some time, but they quickly converged, and there was a trace of fatigue in her eyes.

"Are you okay, didn't I tell you, did you let the thing about looking for that stinky boy go first? Why did it suddenly start again."

"Suddenly the inspiration came out, and I foreseeed it along the way, and then there was a clue. This clue is a favor you owe me, how can it not be too much."

" I have room to refuse?" Marquis Sol asked unwillingly.

"No." Mrs. Brown replied very simply.

"..., Okay, just say it." I can only admit my fate, what else can I do.

"Here, your clue lies with Musashi. Remember that you owe me a favor." Mrs. Brown left without looking at the increasingly ugly expression of Marquis Sol.

He glanced hard at Mrs. Brown, squeezed out the words "Fun Jia" with his squeezed mouth, and then sighed. There was nothing he could do with this resolute miraculous lady, and he turned to look in the direction of Musashi. He sighed again, because this little girl was also difficult to deal with. Judging from the performance just now, I am afraid that some blood will come out if I want to give a clue to her own child.

"Hey." Stepped to catch up.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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