Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 75: Banquet invitation

Seeing Mrs. Brown’s awkward expression, the slightest unhappiness in Musashi’s heart also disappeared. After all, the other party didn’t really intend to eavesdrop on their conversations, and everyone was on the cruise ship, and they couldn’t talk under the public. It's a secret. Although Musashi and the others specially selected a place with few people and good scenery for this purpose, it was unfortunately heard by others.

"Hello, Mrs. Brown, my name is Musashi from Kanto, and she is my partner, and her name is Naga, which is an Abercrombie." Musashi skipped the previous topic and turned to me to introduce.

"Exactly." Hello.

"Hello, very beautiful Abo, and she is also a very attractive girl. I can see that she has been nurtured by you very well. Is it a coordinator or a performer?" Mrs. Jasmine Brown followed the ladder that Musashi handed over. Naturally, I took the stubborn words and raised my own questions appropriately. While continuing the topic, I was also considering how to ease the relationship between the two. After all, the identity and background of people who can hang around at this level are not too simple.

"The coordinator is also a performer." Musashi said with some pride.

"Will it be too hard to practice two professions at the same time?" Mrs. Brown asked curiously.

"Fortunately, with the development of the Kanto region in the past few years, in addition to the gorgeous contest that was set up at the beginning, now there is also a three-hall satellite contest specially set up for performers, and I feel that these two professions are very similar, so I registered. I was lucky. I got the relevant professional certification." Musashi was a little embarrassed about his achievements. He didn't have the sharpness before, and started Xiaojiabiyu.

"By the way, Mrs. Brown is rumored that there is a wonderful and great woman living on the Saint-Teanu. She is also named Brown. Isn't it you?"

"Um, not really, but I have some connections with her. She is my mother. I just take over her job and be a reassuring decoration." Mrs. Brown's expression became stiff when she heard Musashi's question. There seems to be something unspeakable, besides, there is also some pride of being a child, but there is also a sense of embarrassment that others have spoken about. In short, the change of expression at that moment is very complicated, like a big dyeing vat.

"And my mother is actually an ordinary woman who knows more about the safety of voyages than ordinary people. It shouldn't be such a high praise from everyone." The young Mrs. Brown explained truthfully.

"Haha, regarding these, you and your mother, Mrs. Brown, should not be arrogant, because the people you rescued are real, and they also thank you sincerely. Besides, it's also an important thing to make people feel at ease. Very amazing ability, you and your mother can both deserve the words "magical and great." Musashi praised unpretentiously.

"Haha, I feel relieved to hear you say that." The lady covered her mouth and smiled, her eyebrows were full of lightness, as if she was really relieved by Musashi's words.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled. Just listen to what the nobleman said, don't take it too seriously, otherwise you will suffer.

"Tonight, there will be a noble dinner on board. Are you interested in taking a look? I heard that many young talents boarded this flight to the Gallel region for this year’s Champions League. I think you are very interested in this year’s Champions League. It’s also a must to get on board this ship. Get to know it first, or make plans in advance, right, Musashi.” Finally, Mrs. Brown looked at Musashi meaningfully, as if Musashi had guessed Mrs. Brown’s identity. Similarly, Mrs. Brown naturally remembered the background information that Musashi hadn't stated clearly.

"The elders are invited, Musashi dare not follow the invitation. Please also ask your wife to inform the time and place. By then, Musashi will arrive on time with his companions."

"Well, there will be someone who will lead you there at the time and place of the dinner. Don't worry. By the way, it may be a little uneasy recently. If you can contribute, please help. Your benefits are indispensable." Mrs. Brown As soon as he finished speaking, it seemed that his energy was a little lacking. He looked at the big sun above his head, as if he was looking at class enemies, sighed "enemy", waved to Musashi, and returned to his room. He didn't plan to come out for the time being.

No matter left or right, the scenery on the sea naturally cannot attract Musashi. I flipped through the cruise map and decided to go around from top to bottom. Naturally, the Naga hanging on Musashi has no objection, and he agrees very much, because there will be all along the way. There are a lot of delicious food waiting for her.

In the sea in June and July, the unobstructed scorching sun shed endless light and heat, scorching the deck of the Saint-Teanu. After the cruise was running smoothly, some sailors seemed to have nothing to do. For the energetic them It’s very important to vent that excess energy. Some people will choose to go to casinos and bars to enjoy what they think is a little gambling or to have a few drinks, bragging with friends, talking about nasty jokes, Or talk about some well-known things, and laugh freely amidst the revelation. Some people choose to sit quietly in a corner and watch the life on the boat.

However, the choices of these sailors are only a very small part. The real big head is still in the Pokémon battle. There are three battle venues on the cruise ship. They are two ordinary venues and a water system venue. Most of the Pokémon carried by most trainers are mainly based on the Pokémon on the land. There are relatively few flying and water-capable ones. Therefore, idle sailors often occupy the water system and accept the exchanges. Trainers’ challenges, or their internal battle matches, of course, these battles are all bets, and the betting side of the cruise ship will also take a part of the cost of using the venue. After all, maintaining the battle venue is still quite expensive. Not to mention the maintenance of the battlefield of the sea cruise ship, and there will be more maintenance fees.

"Wrist strength, split tiles!"

"Ibrahimovic, high-speed stars."

What Musashi stopped to watch at this time was a battle on the water system field. Although none of the Pokémon in the battle was from the water system, the two Pokémon stood on the floating board and played with ease. Obviously, they are all experienced. Veteran.

Moreover, Musashi observed through this time that the two trainers who commanded the battle also did not exert their full strength. They were still in the stage of testing each other. They were happy and praised their luck.

Thirty or forty golden stars sprayed out of Ibrahimovic's mouth, hitting the wrists that stood in the palm of his hands.

An inexplicable look flashed in the wrist-powered red eyes, and the hands were waved one after another, as if swinging two scimitars, cutting off all the sharp stars that struck, and the fragments were laid on the feet of the wrist, making a "ding" sound. Then the "bang" dissipated on the floating board.

"It's seeing through, good eyesight, swordsmanship." Musashi gave a secret applause. He looked at the trainer of wrist strength. He was a young man in a sailor suit. It can be seen from his clothes that his position does not seem to be high. One kind. But the clothes are neat and well-dressed, and look at the appearance, handsome and handsome. Either pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, or delegating the son to experience life, neither side is an easy identity.

Looking at the young girls who use Ibrahimovic, they are quite satisfactory and unremarkable, but they are surprisingly in line with the training and combat methods of the general Pokémon. It can be seen that they are also family disciples with some identities.

However, from the cheers around, most of them are not cheering for the girl who is about to lose, but cheering for the young This is interesting.

"Yuquan, that's it, hit this little girl! Exhale for our sailors!"

"Wrist strength, good! Hit Ibrahimovic."


Musashi couldn't help but look at this girl who can provoke such anger and resentment again. She has a black double ponytail, an ordinary but beautiful face, a good figure, wearing a light-colored dress, and a soft weave that matches the clothes. Cap, white stockings and soft-soled cloth shoes, fresh and quiet.

But commanding Ibrahimovic is very bold and bold. If it weren't limited by the venue, the winning or losing of this battle is really open to question.

Yes, this girl lost. After losing, she simply and neatly took down the results of the previous victory, and walked away without any drag. The victor who stretched out his hand to have a chat with him was left in a daze, but amidst the cheers of his colleagues, he could only let go of his hands in embarrassment and barely deal with these ecstatic colleagues.

"How about a fight with me." Seeing that no one was on the court, Musashi walked to the command position lightly, smiling to the young sailor.

The young sailor named Yuquan pushed his colleague away, tidied his clothes, and said with a hearty smile, "I can't ask for it."

Musashi glanced up and down a lot, and said, "Use your strongest Pokémon, and fight me." After finishing speaking, he ignored the opponent's suddenly discolored face, and let out Fan, quietly waiting for the opponent to release the opponent.

Yuquan looked at Musashi Fu and then at Overlord Flower, his expression gradually became serious, and he stopped the sailor who was still clamoring about what Musashi was. He retracted his wrist, took off a new wizard ball and threw it, a red figure stood after the white light dissipated. Above the floating board.


Daily routine, ask for it.

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