Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 43: Summer Camp (5) (2 in 1

Subtitle: Goodbye Miyamoto

"What kind of Pokémon is that?" Xiaohao looked at the pink Pokémon that looked like a kitten, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Although Xiaohao's knowledge of Pokémon is not as good as that of Dr. Oki's grandson, Xiaomao, he is still one of the best among his peers.

Just say that there are hundreds of kinds of Pokémon that are common in the Kanto area. He has almost recognized it in Dr. Sakuragi's commentary, and there are few Pokémon that he doesn't know.

And this performance in Dead Leaf City is also known as a genius child with a far-reaching reputation, but now there is a Pokémon beyond his recognition. How does this not surprise him, it also produces a trace of it. An inexplicable feeling of anger.

Because the existence of this strange Pokémon directly negated the image he had always maintained.


Dreaming looked around in a weird manner, but didn't find any trace of Musashi.

It shouldn't be. Logically speaking, the error will not deviate too much through hair positioning.

Just when the dream was wondering, Miyamoto, who was far away in the world's initial tree, showed a successful smile, and the shining light all over his body became unprecedentedly strong, slowly injecting into the dream substitute.

In the originally quiet cave, the TV that could remotely monitor Musashi was turned on at some unknown time. It was Musashi, Dr. Ogi, and Koharu that they were discussing on the screen.

And it was the appearance of Xiaochun that made Miyamoto make a decision that has been unable to make, and that is to return the original energy that has been used to sustain life to Dream.

If you can, then at the last moment, as a pure human mother, see Musashi again and make a decent goodbye. All Musashi has always wanted to see himself with his own eyes.

Speaking of Miyamoto's identity, it has always been an unsolved mystery, as well as Musashi's biological father.

Miyamoto, in fact, a life form that was born from a mistake, maybe everyone is still at a loss.

Because the cause of this was a mistaken attempt by Dr. Fuji, and it was the only time that an unforgivable mistake was made to Dream.

Perhaps Dr. Fuji was born out of kindness and wanted to create a partner with the same roots for dreams, or let dreams give birth to a family and a child, so that dreams are not alone.

It may also be to satisfy Dr. Fuji's indescribable ambition.

But no matter what the purpose is, Dr. Fuji's actions have deeply hurt the dreamy heart, and it has also caused irreparable damage to the dream photo.

In that experiment, the original source of dreams was irreparably contaminated. The dream of escaping back to the first tree of the world, enduring the pain in my heart, and to ensure the purity of one's origin, had no choice but to remove that part of the contaminated origin with the help of the first tree of the world.

For a long period of time, Dream was in a state of sluggish strength, and could not leave the initial tree of the world.

It is well known that dreams are called Pokémon with infinite possibilities and are the source of all Pokémon genes.

If the origin of dreams is polluted, then dreams will no longer be "dreams".

And because of the special nature of dreams, only one can exist at the same time. This is an iron law set by the creation **** after the world of elves is completely perfected. All dreams that have become other species are also in this iron law. Gradually lost myself, became the source of a specific ethnic group, until the end of life.

The dream that has been contaminated with its origin will also completely change its form under the influence of the pollutants, and lose the ability to maintain the tree of the beginning of the world.

However, it takes a very long time for the initial tree of the world to regenerate a dream. In this time difference, the initial tree of the world does not have a dream as a regulation and maintenance, so it will definitely self-destruct in the self-adjustment and want to nurture. There is no way to talk about a new dream.

And the Guandu continent without the suppression of the tree of the beginning of the world, is likely to separate from a closely connected state and become two continents, or the collapse of the bottom, but no matter what kind of situation it will cause the living beings to be disgraced, this is What dreams do not want to see.

Therefore, before the first tree of the world breeds the next dream, the dream must ensure its own purity and purity.

The original part of the contaminated source was to be sealed to avoid unimaginable changes, but the result was that the part of the contaminated source was dreamily and stubbornly molded into a little girl with a human appearance.

And this little girl is Miyamoto. At that time, Miyamoto's biggest role may be to remind Dreams that they can no longer believe in humans. Of course, there is also a part of it, to relieve the loneliness of dreams.

But as time passed day by day, the dream couldn't be sustained because of the damage to its origin, and the heart of the tree that sank into the world's initial tree fell into a long sleep.

And the young Miyamoto, who was unattended, entered the human world by chance. Because of the extremely confusing human appearance, he quickly blended into it and learned to grow.

Get acquainted with Sakagi, Audrey, Ginkgo and others, become friends, and finally come of age.

Among them, Miyamoto and Sakagi have the same ambitions and founded the prototype of the Rockets. Audrey went home and inherited the family business and became a generation of great gods. Yingu avenged the master and destroyed the light red Ninja.

This is the origin of Miyamoto, and now talking about the birth of Musashi, compared to Miyamoto, it is actually more mythical and legendary.

During Miyamoto's mission, Miyamoto became pregnant, but this is different from the life that ordinary people understand that the union of the sexes can conceive.

Miyamoto's conception is like a fairy tale. The medium of this myth is an Abo monster king, an Abo monster king full of spirituality.

After seeing Miyamoto, the Abo strange snake king directly violently killed all the Rocket members except Miyamoto with petrification skills, cleanly.

Then, under Miyamoto's horrified eyes, he launched an elf egg, and left a message for Miyamoto. The abrupt self ended up in front of Miyamoto's eyes, as if he had completed a certain mission, because Miyamoto thought so.

Miyamoto, who thought the matter was over, returned to the Rockets headquarters with the remains and mission items of his subordinates. But on the second day, Miyamoto found out that he was pregnant, and the life form constructed by Dream's original wish can be said to be insightful and aware of all the changes in himself.

This life form turned out to be a life conceived by combining most of the pollutants in his body with a certain mysterious substance.

But this result made Miyamoto both horrified and pleasantly surprised. What was horrified was that she knew that her identity was a life form separated from dreams, used to seal and purify pollutants, and could not give birth to children like normal life.

Moreover, this child is still a product of the combination of pollutants and mysterious substances, which is even more inconceivable and incomprehensible than Miyamoto himself.

God knows what she will be born into in the future.

And the surprise is also this. She is about to become a mother, and she seems to be able to fulfill her mission, to get rid of the pollutants entangled in the source and return to purity, thus returning to the body.

In October, she was pregnant and gave birth. During this period, Miyamoto almost disappeared in front of his friend Sakagi in order to conceal the anomaly on his body. In order to make Itaki feel suspicious, all the tasks were completed perfectly, but even so, A seed of suspicion was planted in Ban Mu's heart.

After giving birth to Musashi in secret, Miyamoto returned to his normal mission, until Itaki gave Miyamoto the mission to find dreams...

By the way, by the way, Miyamoto never thought that he could give birth to a human child who looked "extraordinarily normal".

As for abortion, it is even more impossible, because when she has such an idea, the pollutants that have condensed into the fetus will spread uncontrollably and reintegrate with her origin. This is undoubtedly a warning to her. Don't touch the bad thoughts that shouldn't be.

Another point is that Miyamoto's strong curiosity derived from dreams drove her to see what kind of thing she resurrected.

The last point may be only 15 years old? The motherhood germinated in Miyamoto's body maintains Miyamoto's instinct to protect new life.

Everyone knows the subsequent plot. Miyamoto accepted the task of finding dreams under the suspicion of Itaki.

No one knows where the dream is better than Miyamoto, after entering the scope of the world's initial tree.

Because the source of dreams in Miyamoto's body has been restored to purity, the dreams that were sleeping in the heart of the world's initial tree wake up with mutual stimulation.

As soon as Miyamoto wakes up, the power of the source in Miyamoto's body is like an open floodgate, and then there is also the memory of Miyamoto during this time, all returning to Miyamoto.

It was this part of the memory that let Dream know that Miyamoto was already an independent living entity, and immediately prevented the return of that part of the source, retaining Miyamoto's existence, but it also restricted Miyamoto's freedom.

Because only one dream is allowed in the world, even if Miyamoto is only a small part of the origin of the dream.

Originally, dreams slept in the tree of the beginning of the world, which isolated the connection between dreams and the world. In addition, there were pollutants that destroyed the purity of the original wish, so Miyamoto was able to walk in the world without incident.

But now Miyamoto stepped into the world's initial tree again, and Dream was awakened. According to the script, Miyamoto was supposed to return to Dream, but Dream refused, and gave a reason that Miyamoto is gone, who Play with her, so Miyamoto is bound in the tree of the beginning of the world and can't leave again.

So the story of Musashi's search for mother.

But now Miyamoto has to take the initiative to return the source of maintaining his own existence to Dream Talk, because Miyamoto's mission has already been completed. During the period of being forced to stay, Miyamoto felt more and more that she was unable to do what she wanted, which was also the source of her sleepiness.

Miyamoto knew that it was Musashi who hurt her the most by doing this, but her mission was to nurture Musashi. After so many years, she did not get into the responsibility of being a mother at all. After entrusting Musashi to others, she passively disappeared.

Even if Miyamoto wants to make up for it, this wrong, intricate relationship ends at this moment. If you are lucky enough, let yourself see Musashi for the last time, touch Musashi’s head, hug Musashi, and kiss. A daughter of one's own name.

"Goodbye... Musashi."

Finally, the image of Miyamoto disappeared in the cave, leaving behind a dream double with only fixed procedures and a slowly closing flower of time, proving that Miyamoto once existed.

The dream far away in Zhenxin Town didn't know that because of his departure, Miyamoto disappeared in relief, otherwise, he would definitely stop it. At least he would have to wait until Musashi met her again.

But now there is no otherwise, no if.

Dream is playing hide-and-seek games with Xiaochun at this time, constantly turning into other Pokémon, hiding it and waiting for Xiaochun to distinguish, because Xiaochun is very special, even more special than the one who doesn't want to think of it.

So Dream wants to use the way of play to observe Xiaochun, so as to determine whether she wants to re-select a human spokesperson.

As for Xiaohao? Who is he, Mengxiang said that he could not tolerate any other child besides Xiaochun in his eyes.

When Miyamoto disappeared, Musashi seemed to hear a farewell in his ears. This farewell is constantly erasing the memory of someone in Musashi's heart, but if Musashi is just Musashi, this situation will only be silent. , Hard to detect.

But Musashi was no longer just Musashi when he was five years old, so this inexplicable mechanism was killed by Musashi when it appeared.

Musashi only felt that there was an unresolvable sadness in his heart, but he couldn't think of what it was related to, or he didn't dare to think in certain directions at all, so he looked at the surveillance screen with a little dismay.

At the same time, the erasure of Miyamoto's memory is still going on in other places, constantly erasing any memory related to Miyamoto.

In addition to Audrey, who has supernatural power, interrupted the process, the sentimental made a final farewell to Miyamoto, and was silently sad for Musashi, because Musashi would never see Miyamoto again, even The memory of Miyamoto has also Audrey took out her mobile phone, looked at Musashi’s phone number in the mobile phone, but couldn’t press the dial button for a long time, and Odley saw it next to Audrey. A deep sense of surprise flashed in Audrey's appearance, because Audrey had always been vigorous and resolute, and never procrastinated. Such a tangled scene is really hard to see.

Can't help asking: "Miss, what's the matter with you?"

Miss, it has always been Odley's name that belonged exclusively to Audrey, and only when Audrey felt that Audrey needed to make a heart-to-heart.

Audrey was interrupted by Okuko’s questioning. She looked at the characters on the phone, sighed silently, shook her head, did not explain anything, just told her to clean up, she was going out Trip to the far door.

"Yes!" Although Audrey was puzzled by Audrey's sudden arrangement, Audrey knew that now is not the time to ask, just do his own thing, and Audrey will explain it later.

Another thing that hasn't been erased is the dream of Miyamoto's disappearance. The dream that perceives this point directly abandons the observation of Xiaochun and disappears in the forest, and rushes back with all his strength.

Except for the three of them, the others no longer have any memories of Miyamoto.

It's just that the relationship with Musashi is still there. Although because of the lack of memory, after seeing Musashi, an inexplicable feeling of strangeness will inevitably arise in my heart, but in general it is innocuous.

The four-thousand-word chapter makes up for not being updated in the previous two days.

The plot about Miyamoto has finally come to an end, this mysterious legendary woman, her life background, I don’t know if you are satisfied with it~ haha

Daily routine, ask for it.

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