Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 21: Cradle 0 go

The vast ocean feels boundless, and the same is true for Pokémon.

But for the water-based Pokémon, this is a big bathhouse that cannot be touched. It is a paradise full of dangers, and it is also a natural water-based skill increase place. The stronger the strength, the higher the increase coefficient, otherwise the ribbed turtle will not use the water gun skill to burst out of the skill effect similar to the water cannon.

But it can also be seen from this that the strength of Genji Heavenly King.

After all, the tide at home is not sure that he will win Genji. However, there are also reasons why Dawu and the others are dragging their feet, making Yuanzhi a little shackled, and this roaring whale king who doesn't know what the situation is.

You can only stabilize the situation first and think about countermeasures.

Facing the mighty water gun, Musashi controlled Abokai's body to dodge dexterously, gradually narrowing the distance with the ribbed turtle, and each step was full of dance beauty and seductive charm.

"Charm? It's not charming, but it's a pity that my ribbed turtle is female."

Rizui glanced at Musashi who was indifferent to the battle, and sneered in his heart.

Sure enough, Pokémon, without the command of a trainer, has more than one weak grasp of the situation. The most obvious advantage of the ribbed turtle is the indestructible armor and the powerful attack. The close combat is completely worthwhile.

Although I thought so in my heart, there was no sloppy action.

"Curse, the tail of the water!"

Hearing Lishui's instructions, the ribbed turtle crossed her upper limbs in front of her chest, and a dark iron nail appeared out of thin air and pierced her brain.

Under the action of the mysterious mechanism, the unpleasant speed of the ribbed turtle became slower, but the momentum of the whole body became more and more surging. The half-hanging eyes were sharp and fierce, and the double fins were wrapped in water, like two scimitars, pointing straight towards the approaching. Abo strange.

Musashi controlled Naga's body, and had fully adapted in the process of avoiding the water gun, almost reaching the level of the dream world. Watching the action of the ribbed turtle, he naturally knew his purpose.

Brake statically.

The advantage of the ribbed turtle, Musashi understands that he has unparalleled defense and unstoppable attack, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, his turtle speed. After using the curse, the speed drops to the extreme.

So, chance!

As soon as Musashi stopped, he opened his mouth and spit out endless venomous needles, covering the ribbed turtles in all directions, with no dead ends at all.

Lishui's face changed slightly, and he couldn't tell that he was being tricked by Abo Monster. Although he was extremely confident in the defense of the Rib Turtle, the weakness of the strong defense was also obvious.

Eyes, no armor covering the relatively weak bare skin, as long as it is poisoned, then it is not far from losing.

Rib turtles also know the danger of poisonous needle rain on their heads. They raise their double fins to control the flow of water to extend outward, like an umbrella to intercept the poisonous needles from the sky, stomping heavily, and a torrent of water rises under their feet to lift the ribbed turtle up and obliquely. Rushing diagonally towards Abo Monster, speed has never been a weakness that restricts the ribbed turtle.

Since you are not coming, then I will go over.

Looking directly at the ribbed turtle coming from the raid, Musashi smiled slightly, and while his body twisted, two Abokai appeared on the battlefield. Simple perceptions were completely indistinguishable by the naked eye.

Dragon Strike!

The slender snake tails of the two Aboguai were simultaneously wrapped in venom and evolved into vivid and hideous dragon heads.

Flick, stab!

Although the two poisonous dragon strikes are almost simultaneous attacks, they still have a subtle distinction between front and back under the control of Musashi. The double carried by the molting will collide with the ribbed turtle in the torrent jet state first, consuming the water stream of the pollution lasing. After that, the poisonous dragon strike condensed by the real body was the real ultimate move.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Two unobviously spaced impact sounds were generated one after another. The strong impact directly smashed the liquid water into a thick gaseous fog, but the color of the fog was a bit strange, not normal white but an unknown purple.

When the screen was still for only a second or two, because of the power gap, Abogua was knocked out of the thick fog, shook a somewhat dizzy head, shook his unconscious tail vigorously, and used his skill to straighten the misplaced tail and take a deep breath. A full-bodied green rose from the green grass field, and all fell into Aboguai's mouth. The purple jade-like body was quickly repaired and instantly restored to its original appearance.

At this time, the water mist slowly dissipated under the action of the sea breeze, and the sea turtle with purple bubbles on its scorched back was kneeling weakly, and then lost the ability to fight and fell to the ground.

Meow meow meow?

Lishui stared blankly at the ribbed turtle that had lost the ability to fight, and couldn't react for a while. What happened in these short seconds? Why does the ribbed turtle directly lose the ability to fight, while the opponent's Abo monster is still alive as if there is nothing wrong with a snake?

Moreover, it is very poisonous.

Lishui only noticed that the thick and tough whale skin in front of him where he had been raged by the poisonous needles had been worn out, and there were signs of getting worse. The area where the ribbed turtle fell to the ground has also been corroded to show a scorched black color.

Lishui was shocked, his face gradually ugly, staring at Musashi firmly, and took out the pokeball to take back the venomously tortured rib turtle. Fingertips swept across his waist, and the last elf ball was enlarged in the palm of his hand, and it was squeezed tightly. The pale knuckles showed Lishui's mood at this time.

Life or death, in her opinion, these two options should be one, that is, oneself wins and opponents lose.

But now, the confident and proud Lishui was a little panicked.

The moisture in the palm of the palm condensed fine drops of water on the cold poke ball, but they were quickly absorbed by the Pokémon in the poke ball. The slightly swaying poke ball awakened the water and couldn’t help but focus on Above the poke ball, looking at the figure inside, calmed down and said silently, victory will ultimately belong to us!

"Come Lily!!"

Perceiving a new opponent on the field, Musashi regained his gaze, feeling that everything in the body of the Howling Whale King is progressing smoothly, and his heart is also relieved.

Naga has gathered the only trace of wisdom left by the roaring whale king, and singing the soul song in snake language, carefully collecting the fragments of the roaring whale king's fragmented, slowly dissipating soul fragments, the more souls gather, the memory of the roaring whale king preserved And the more complete the strength.

Imitating the style of the virtual pill, the naga takes the wisdom of the roaring whale king as the core, the soul fragments as the skeleton, the water system as the adhesive, and the flesh and blood energy as the clothing. They are gathered and mixed again, and the shape is not beautiful and regular. Sphere.

In fact, this is the best effort of Naga. After all, all of this comes from the roaring whale king. Even if the roaring whale king is already dying, there is basically no resistance, but it involves the soul, the origin of the water attribute, and There is unfamiliar flesh and blood energy, and being able to gather it is the result of her persistent training of the new secret method during this period of time.

"Don't worry about sending the virtual pill of Roar Whale King to the substitute, and polish it again with your pill fire. You don't want to be round and flawless, but the most basic circle is still needed, and the closer these kinds of energies are gathered, the closer they are to Roar. The subsequent recovery of the Whale King will be easier."

Musashi, who was always paying attention to the progress of the Naga, gave telepathic instructions to him.

Naga, who wanted to cut corners, smiled, and was about to reply and found that Musashi had been disconnected. The pill fire rose and wrapped the Whale King's virtual pill, and quietly suspended in the head of the Whale King, and it was inexhaustible here. Energy is fuelwood, and slowly exercise this crude virtual pill.

Sorry, a new chapter has not been updated until today.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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