Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 18: incite defection

The Ocean team lost three games in a row. Although it is harmless to Chao, after all, it is very easy for the rapid quasi-king level subordinates to cultivate with the current ability of the Ocean team, but the result of such a rapid result is that the strength is generally weaker than the orthodox-born. Trainers are not comparable.

In order to smooth out such a gap, on this basis, the selection mode of life-and-death battle was promoted.

For example, you can quickly become 20 quasi-kings at one time and kill others in a chaos, and the remaining 10 will fight against these 10 people. The first three will be paid, and the remaining seven will go back to the next chaos and compete again. opportunity. Through the test of blood and death, these fast-acting quasi-kings basically succeeded.

Of course, this ratio is definitely much smaller than the actual results, but as long as there is a return, for the evil forces such as the Ocean Team that can cross a continent, it is blood profit, and there will be success at all times when recruiting people and casting the net. Hundreds of people joined the Ocean Team, and Pokémon existed as tools, and the strength of the quasi-kingdom level was filled out by appropriate transformation.

With future technology as the support, the number of middle and lower-level members has never been a problem, and can be added at any time.

But saying one thousand words and ten thousand, losing three games in a row made Chao's face a bit unbearable.

But if you lose, you lose. After all, his goal is not the proud son of the emperor with a strong identity and background, but Musashi who can use superpowers.

Superpower, what a wonderful word, if Musashi can be captured, then whether it is ability transplantation or mass production of cannon fodder that can use superpowers, it will become a reality.

After all, cannon fodder with special abilities is a miraculous effect in some cases, but those with super powers that can serve as the parent are really rare in Thailand.

In the world of elves, the existence of superpowers is not a secret. In ancient times, humans and gods coexisted, so a large number of powerful superpowers emerged. However, after the separation of humans and gods, the number and quality of superpowers began to decline sharply. . In modern times, although superpowers are only a small group for the world's population base, there are still a lot of people who really want to collect them.

However, it is not useful to clone or transplant it as a parent. It is not a very appropriate metaphor to describe it. It is like the Mudun cell of Senjumazhu in Naruto can make people rush, and the cell of Yamato Few people peeped.

It's just because I discovered that Yamato uses Mu Dun, it's not as convenient as practicing Ninjutsu by myself.

The same is true for ordinary people with superpowers. Their superpowers are very weak, even if they are collected as experimental materials and transplanted to other people, plus intergenerational genetics, rejection reactions and other messy reactions, even if they succeed. It won't make any difference.

This is also the reason why Shio eagerly wanted to capture Musashi after seeing Musashi. Because of Musashi’s young age, his superpowers have been developed very well and complete, and they can be used as experimental materials with a little processing. Success, then inheriting one-tenth of Musashi's original superpowers is not difficult, enough to be used as a surprise soldier to contribute to the dominance of the ocean team.

Having said that, Musashi was not idle when Dawu and the others were playing against each other, silently playing Laiyaqin in the rear to impose BUFF on them, or else the three of them had never seen blood, and the actual combat ability was not How could the rich guys all win? Know that their opponents are all guys who broke out of the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​fire. What they are best at is fighting. Now they all lost to these noble sons and noble ladies. It's really unreasonable, so they all I was thrown into the sea by the tide to feed the megalodon shark.

As for this little action of Musashi, Shio had doubts or doubts, but he had never been in contact with such a situation, so he could only let it go for the time being and did not go into it.

Musashi imposing BUFF for Dawu and others is only one of the purposes, and another purpose is to explore this super huge roaring whale king under his feet.

The way of probing: First, scan the system to understand the situation.

Secondly, use telepathy to try to communicate with the Whale King to confirm whether it is feasible.

Third, on the premise of self-awareness, use soothing skills to ease the connection between the two.

Finally instigated rebellion.

Take these four steps as the basic sequence, insert other means flexibly in the middle, and adapt to changes.

The first is the system scan, and the simple data is listed in front of Musashi.

Pokémon: Howler Whale King (Forced Genetic Modification)

Floating Whale Pokémon, land and water group.

Properties: water, height 145 meters long, weight 320 tons

Level: lv67, gender: ♂

Features: a sense of oppression (the original feature is water curtain)

Status: on the verge of collapse, dying.

Skill: Water spray

Evaluation: Although the incompatible man-made product has been wiped out of the mind, the endless anger still retains a trace of self, and it does not collapse and perish after using an attack, but the control of the body does not belong to the roaring whale king with only a trace of self. It's just a big meat mountain with a breath of life.

"It’s good to still have self, but it’s already controlled by anger, but it’s okay to have the experience of unraveling the Fan. Once you regenerate and regenerate, the cause of anger is nothing more than the harm of the ethnic group and self-reform. Revenge is very good The breakthrough point. Just do it."

After making up his mind, Musashi used the telepathy to communicate with the Whale King while brushing the BUFF for Dawu and others.

The mental vision of the King Whale is in two colors of blood and gray, and the edge of the spiritual world is constantly collapsing, which represents the countdown to the survival of the King Whale.

Without further ado, Musashi used the sound of the piano to appease the King Whale twice, adding a layer of protection to his telepathy, and then plunged into the spiritual world of King Whale to find the last trace of obsession.

The process of searching is very simple. I easily found the obsession with the closed-eyed Houjing in the middle and lower levels of Houjingwang’s spiritual world. The size of this obsession is similar to that of Little York, but it is similar to him. For a body almost the size of an island, it is small and pitiful.

As for how to awaken this obsession, simply "revenge" is enough.

After calling out these two words, the mental vision of the King Whale shook fiercely, and the collapse of the edge of his mind also stopped in the shock.

Endless anger bursts out of small obsessions, but this is not a good phenomenon. Any burst of anger is to further consume the volume of obsessions. If it is not stopped, the spiritual world of the Whale King will not collapse. , His obsession will be extinguished first.

Conscious soothing skills are like no money, constantly circulating on the obsessional body of the Whale King, reducing the burst of anger.

"who are you?"

"The person who helps you get free is also the person who helps you get revenge."


"Yes, revenge." Musashi repeated.


A huge roar erupted from the petite obsession weight Fortunately, the means Musashi exerted on it were superb, otherwise this obsession would be destroyed again.

"If you want revenge, just be quiet."

The magical voice pierced the obsession of the roar whale king, making it slowly calm down, and then a few more meditations mixed with mental power fell on the idea of ​​the roar whale king, stabilizing this obsession at the same time. Strengthen this obsession. .

"Roar! What should I do?!!!"

"So... so... I will make sure that you will be the real killer at that time."

"Okay, I listen to you, and I will follow your plan then."

Musashi nodded and completed the instigation. It is not safe. The state of the Whale King is a candle with blue smoke. It needs to be rekindled. This fire is Musashi's healing technique. Of course, he wants to It is impossible to save its life, but it is still possible to delay the time when its life ends and to help it return to light.

The last thing is to conceal the state of the Howler Whale King, so that the people who control the Howler Whale King think that the state of the Howler Whale King is still there and will collapse soon.

After completing all this, it was Musashi's turn.

Musashi put away Lai Yaqin, calmly walked to the temporary opponent site, waiting for his opponent to play.

"Lishui, my most proud work, the battle with that red-haired girl must win, or you know it will end."


The woman in the ocean team costume responded blankly, walked out from behind Chao, supported the pole with one hand, jumped off the splint, appeared in front of Musashi, and the battle was about to begin.

Winter Solstice Ankang

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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