Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 16: mobilization

As mentioned above, Yuanzhi above the sky watched the huge waves rolling on the sea, and the boat bearing the brunt was always in danger of capsizing. He could only give up chasing the tide of one of the three major cadres of the Ocean Team, and turned and rushed towards Dawu. ship.

However, as the distance between the two keeps getting closer, King Genji is not in a hurry. The speedboat in the huge waves seems dangerous, but with the cooperation of these children, it hardly poses a threat, just because of the ship's control technology. , The dilemma is that it has been on the periphery and cannot make progress.

Moreover, as the super-giant roaring whale king's autonomous consciousness faded, the mania and tidal movements gradually stopped, and the huge waves were gradually reduced. After a while, they would be able to move freely.

But now that he had already appeared, Yuanji couldn't fly up again, deceiving himself as if he hadn't appeared. Simply patted the Tyrannosaurus on the neck, slowly descended, stretched out his hand to take a pokeball from his waist, zoomed in and pressed the release button, a white light shot into the surging sea.

Soon a magical scene appeared. The sea area centered on the white light quickly calmed down, and the blood color in it was quickly dissipating. The Musashi people who were actively responding to the huge wave attack saw the huge wave subside and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but He didn't relax completely either, still patrolling the surroundings vigilantly, to prevent any undetected danger from approaching in the previous chaotic situation.

The vigilance of Musashi quickly paid off, but it was not the enemy but the sight of Genji Uranus riding on the Tyrannosaur.

Mikri and Dawu, as the proud sons of the heavens in the Fengyuan area, naturally knew the source of the highest combat power in the Fengyuan area at the current stage, the ruler of the heavens. After the shock, they immediately saluted and praised: "The source of the heavenly ruler."

And the Musashi trio followed Dago and the others to salute Genji.

King Genji smiled and nodded, jumped from the Tyrannosaurus to the boat, and took back the Tyrannosaurus that had been flying for a day. As for the one in the sea, let him have fun for a while.

Then he looked at the Musashi and made sure that they were not in danger, but after a certainty, the amiable complexion was quickly pulled down, and he said in a low tone: "Why are you here when you can leave before, not reconciled? I still feel that I am not reconciled. With good strength, I have the idea that I can enter the world at will?"

Shocked by Genji's rather threatening expression, Dawu and the others bowed their heads, wriggled their mouths, and did not chew. After all, Yuanzhi, Zifuqi Hibiscus, and Liuli Daoguan Master Adam are friends for many years, and both Dawu and Mikri will call Yuanzhi an uncle.

Although Musashi, Rika, and Melissa have nothing to do with Genji, and they are not in his turn, Genji is an elder, and being a child is the most correct choice.

"Well, since they are all here, it is not appropriate to go back like this. Go with me to see and see, maybe it will be helpful to you in the future. By the way, that, have you all seen it?"

Genji pointed to the blue island-like object on the sea.

After the wind and waves calmed down, the scenery on the sea was unobstructed, and the Musashi people looked in the direction pointed by Genji, their mouths opened wide, and their shock was undoubtedly revealed.

" that...what? An island? A blue island...?" Melissa couldn't think of the true identity of the blue unknown object in the distance, so she could only go up to something close. Guess, the only appropriate possibility is the island in the sea.

Even if Dawu and the others had general guesses in their hearts, they were totally unsure of the true identity of the blue unknown creature that was more than a hundred meters tall in their eyes. Withdrawing his shocked eyes, he looked at Genji and waited for him to reveal the final answer.

Even Musashi, who has seen the world (a huge stinging jellyfish, a huge ghost, a huge Hudi, and a **** Ding) in his memory, saw this super huge roaring whale king in reality, his eyes were stunned. An unbelievable look.

"That is the Roaring Whale King, don’t rush to deny it, let alone you don’t believe it, even after I confirmed it at a high altitude, I still can’t believe that this huge monster is the Roaring Whale King. The origin of this Roaring Whale King, you must be sure. Already know it."

"This is really... an experiment by the Ocean Team?"

"Yes, it is their experiment. Although the matter is a foregone conclusion, the tragedy cannot be changed after catching up, but if they can destroy the results of their experiment, and then catch the culprit, it can be regarded as a way to make up for it."

"That said, but Genji Tianwang, that thing, relying on our strength, can it really be wiped out?"

Musashi, who was confident that he could destroy the ocean team's conspiracy before, kept beating the drums in his heart after seeing the super huge Roaring Whale King.

Really fighting, the attacks of a few of them are basically just to get around the itch.

And I couldn't help but vomit: Shouldn't it be the most correct choice to leave decisively now? We have to destroy this behemoth, for fear that it will not be sent to death?

"Your name is Musashi, right? First of all, you have to make it clear that it is not you, but me. Your task is to protect your own safety. As for the big guy, don’t look at his huge body, but it’s actually the same thing. Suddenly, it’s not bad for this roaring whale king to move freely, but when the time comes, I can't guarantee that I can control it, so you just need to watch it once.

And... Forget it, let's go. It's too dangerous to continue on the boat. Now that the abandoned boats are all on the flying Pokémon, come with me. "


Genji released the tyrannosaurus and jumped up, Dawu rides the giant golden monster, Mikri has Menus, Melissa sits in the arms of the night demon ghost, Lijia rides the tropical dragon, and a few people rise into the air one after another. Going to Musashi is ashamed. There is no one in Musashi's seven Pokémon that can fly freely. The mini-dragon with flying potential has not yet evolved and it will not help.

But when it comes to flying, Musashi can actually solve it by himself, and that is super power.

"I remember, Musashi, you don't seem to have a Pokémon of the flying element." Li Jia asked with a smirk as if thinking of something.

"You know you still ask!" Musashi said grimly.

"Come on, sir, I will let the tropical dragon carry you for a ride." Li Jia took advantage of the fire and robbed, but she still actively gave up half of her body to facilitate Musashi's ride.

"Heh, I can fly by myself, and tropical dragons won't listen to you." After Musashi finished speaking, as if to prove his ability, his eyes lit up slightly and his body floated slowly, but at a certain speed. Slow, used to cross the distance between the speedboat and the roaring whale king, I'm afraid it's too weak.

I also know that Li Jia was actually joking, so after flying up, she flew towards the tropical dragon.

"The relationship between Musashi and Rika is really good." Dago said to Mikolli and Melissa with a smile. As for Musashi's super powers, it is not surprising because he has seen them before.

"I heard from Musashi that they hit it off right after they met, and the relationship between the mothers of both sides is also very good, it is a relationship of pro-to-to-prosperity." Melissa explained.

"That's it."

"Superpowers, I didn't expect Miss Musashi that you are still a super power user, but you and Ms. Li Jia ride the tropical dragon with a heavy burden for the tropical dragon. Miss Musashi should just sit on my Tyrannosaurus. You will go after you wait. Watch the battle on the tropical dragon." Yuanzhi suggested.

"Really, thank you Genji Tianwang."

. . . . . .

The closer you are to the Roaring Whale King, the more Musashi can feel the oppressive feeling brought by this super huge Roaring Whale King, even if the Roaring Whale King floats very quietly on the sea, like a real island.

"Isn't this the King Genji, what a rare visitor, I thought you would come here directly to stop me, but waited and waited, and all under my hand said you were scared, I don't believe it, I didn't expect you to be really scared, and you would bring a helper when you go out , But just looking for this group of small beans, is it to give you courage, do you cheer?"

Shio’s ridiculous voice reached Musashi’s ears through the This kind of remark is not harmful to Genji, but it is full of destruction to the young people of Dawu. Humiliated, I can’t wait to rush to fight the tide for three hundred rounds to prove my strength.

"Dawu, you guys, calm down, stay here honestly, Musashi, go to Rika." Genji snorted lightly, and pulled the young men with blood.

"Superpowers, interesting." When Shio saw Musashi's behavior, his eyes moved, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Genji lowered his height and watched the tide condescendingly and said sarcastically: "When did the ocean team's strong man speak so well? Is it because I was afraid of being beaten, so I changed his mouth?"

Shio was slightly changed by Genji's sarcasm, but he quickly returned to his previous look and changed the subject: "Heh, Genji, aren't you curious about how this thing came from?"

"What about curiosity?"

"Let your subordinates fight against my subordinates. If you win, I will say and send all the research data. If you lose, you can leave it obediently. By the way, the battle between them is life or death."

"You have to agree and you have to agree, otherwise I will let them all be buried in the sea!" After Chao said, a cruel smile appeared on his ferocious face, and all the members of the ocean team on the ship released their own flying Pokémon and prepared to wait. hair. In addition, the King Whale, who had been motionless, was slowly turning his angle, staring at Genji with his emotionless eyes. As long as he disagrees, a storm-like attack would fall on their heads.

Even if Genji could leave smoothly, those little guys would certainly not be spared.

There will be a chapter later.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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