Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 13: Go the other way, the giant roaring whale king

Seeing that the yacht, which is twice as large as the speedboat he was riding in, was like a flat boat in a huge wave under the attack of the giant sharks, there was a risk of tipping at any time, and the members of the Ocean Team showed mocking smiles. Then laugh out loud, like appreciating a funny comedy.

Most of the bottom members of the Ocean Team come from the bottom class of society, gangsters, thieves, robbers, ambitious but unwilling civilians, etc. They are naturally hostile to upper class people.

Because they believe that the injustice of fate prevents them from enjoying the treatment of the noble son, even if they lose their fortunes, they cannot become a wild trainer with the original Pokémon, so that the underground dark forces have become their first choice.

Only after harsh and even cruel selection can they become peripheral members, but peripheral members have no human rights at all and are just cannon fodder in cannon fodder. You need to go through layers of selection before you can become a member of the bottom layer that is slightly better than the peripheral members. Then there are the team leader, the squadron leader, the squad leader, the reserve cadres, the cadres, and the three major cadres. Hereditary, even if no one can hereditary, he will appoint a person with the closest idea and strong enough means to become the new leader and lead everyone to continue to struggle for the idea.

However, if the top-level figures die bizarrely without telling the funeral, then this organization will gradually disintegrate and fall apart during the internal struggle. If someone emerges from the internal struggle and becomes the strongest person, then he will become the new leader. Lead the remaining people to realize his ideals and ambitions.

Take the Ocean Team as an example. If this step is reached, then the Ocean Team will no longer be the Ocean Team.

But is the yacht really as dangerous as the members of the ocean team saw?

The answer is no. In fact, the entire yacht is very safe from the beginning without any attack.

As for the reason, Musashi’s superpowers, illusions, have the ability to create real illusions, and Melissa, as a genius trainer who specializes in ghosts, has not grasped some illusions, and the surrounding scenery is endless and monotonous. The sea scene requires very few refinement elements. Combining various factors, the illusion that originally only had a radius of 50 meters, with the addition of six ghost-type Pokémons, quickly expanded into a super-large illusion with a radius of one kilometer, which was reconciled by Musashi , The six scattered around, the members of the Ocean Team broke in without realizing that they had fallen into an illusion.

Although the six gigantic sharks in the sea have the blessing of evil attributes to resist the illusion that is biased towards the spiritual nature, the level of suppression in it was finally confused and rushed directly out of the sea, losing the protection of the sea.

In the freezing wind of the Musashi mini-dragon, the arm hammer of the giant golden monster, and the enchanting voice of Mikri Menus, the only two water elves in Lijia's hand that are not grass attributes lose their fighting ability and become The salted fish that can't move.

Then the yacht leaned against the speedboat in silence, completing the connection, and the powerful super powers in the giant gold monster instantly activated all the people on the speedboat. So far, Musashi ended the illusion, and the whole process was full of surprises.

"Since the person has been arrested, what shall we do next?" Although Dawu had some thoughts in his heart, he felt that it would be better to listen to other people's ideas before making a decision.

"It's better to ask them about the purpose of coming here," Musashi suggested.

"Hehe, die this heart, we won't say it!" The battle was turned over in an instant, leaving the ocean team captain at a loss, but the humanity to be a captain was not bad. He yelled and spoke harshly, but his attitude was as tough as everyone expected.

"I didn't want you to take the initiative to speak." Musashi glanced at the nasty young man, and said to Melissa, "I'll leave it to you."

"No problem, hypnotism!"

Five ghost-type Pokémon of various shapes appeared directly in front of these five people's eyes, either blood red, or dark, or cold, or evil eyes exuding a strong hypnotic effect. Thinking hypnosis.


"Daiwu, Mikri, Lijia, Melissa, we each ask one question. Finally, integrating the information should be able to restore the purpose of the Ocean Team this time."

"Just ask him, isn't it all right?" Li Jia said, pointing to the captain who was clearly dressed differently from the other four.

"Li Jia, to survive in these underground forces, everyone has his own set of survival methods and sources of intelligence. Although he is the team leader, he may not know the most intelligence, so everyone asks and says Something secret can be unearthed."

"Then what are the three of us doing?" Na Qi pointed to herself, Du Juan and Xiao Jiro said, after all, from the beginning, there was no sense of existence that made her very uncomfortable.

"If possible, help us organize the information and record, collect the pokeballs from them, search for the objects on the boat, and retrieve the giant tooth sharks at sea." Dawu thought for a while and said.

"Let's take notes in the future. I am better at this." Du Juan said with a hand up.

"Then I will search for the things on the speedboat." Naqi didn't want to touch anything close to these young men.

"Then I will take away these people's pokeballs." Upon seeing this, Kojiro took the rest of the task.

Michelle secretly gave Dawu a thumbs up, and this reaction was quick.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up on the ship. The only valuable thing is the walkie-talkie and some unknown potions and firearms.

The pokeball found 17 of them, four of the team leader, three of each of the three members, and one member unexpectedly found four of them. The fourth hidden position is relatively hidden, obviously an idea. Bottom member.

In this regard, Musashi naturally paid attention to this person by one level to the same level as the team leader.

As expected by Musashi, there was a lot of useful information.

After integrating all the information, the following content was obtained.

First of all, there is a cadre-level ocean team upper-level on the big ship, and then added a little detail, is one of the three major cadres "Tide", strength: the king of heaven, the main force megatusks. Supplement: Suspected of being able to super-evolve. Supplement: smelly mud, ultrasonic larva, cat boss. Supplement: Cat Boss is the original Pokémon.

The composition of the members, in addition to the cadres who go out, there is a large captain, an accompanying doctor, five small captains, and 20 bottom cannon fodder.

The purpose of coming here: to do an experiment, supplement ①: a huge experiment. Supplement ②: It is said that it is a technology acquired from the future, and it is being studied whether it is feasible. Supplement ③: This experiment will be applied to the roaring whale king to create a huge roaring whale king, which will be made into a sea fortress.

Intelligence ① Headquarters of the Ocean Team: An island in the east of Jingshui City. Lava team headquarters: Somewhere on the bumpy trail in Chimney Mountain.

Intelligence ②There are rumored ruins of Gulardo and Gaoka on an island near Wudou Town.


Looking at the paper full of records in Dujuan's hand, Dawu and the others looked at Musashi in different eyes, basically none of them were what Musashi expected, and some of the information in it would not be expected by ordinary people, let alone ask~ But I am so immortal that I really asked something, and the content of these things is basically no longer within their reach. In an instant, the three people of Musashi rose to a level. The dense fog seen through it makes it difficult for Dawu and others to accept it.

All are the same age, why are you so good!

"I have all the information, what should I do next?" Dawu waved away the distracting thoughts in his heart, and asked only looking at Musashi.

"We took this speedboat and did the opposite, to sabotage their conspiracy."

"How should the Uranus-level cadres be prepared? There is still a super-evolved Uranus-level or a super-evolved megatusk. Its strength in the sea is enough to compare to the peak of the Uranus-level. We only have a dead end when we run into him." Dawu asked.

"Heavenly King class, we also have it, look wherever you look." Musashi pointed to a small black spot somewhere in the sky and said.

This black spot appeared when Musashi and the others tortured these ocean teams, but it kept hovering in the sky without the slightest sign of coming down. I thought it was an enemy, but Musashi observed a smile on the face of Old Man Hachi. There was the word "captain" murmured in the mouth, and then I guessed who it was. Fengyuan's strongest Tianwang dragon is Tianwang Genji, and he is temporarily taking the position of Fengyuan Tianwang champion. He is the escort, and what else is there to worry about? , Mang is it.

Dago saw Musashi's actions, pretended to talk to Mikol, and saw the easily overlooked small black spot in the sky. He knew it in his heart, but he was still a little curious about who this man was. The invincible "tide".

Daily management, begging and begging.

I didn't break my promise, happy.

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