Musashi of the Elves

: Festival (a rare one in ten thousand years, free)

The data of the fifth volume is basically discarded. In the mood of still system flow, this thing is sorted out, but many Pokémon have not appeared on the scene. I have a general impression. The next volume is theirs. There will be more chances to play, and... Well, let's leave it to the next volume.

Name: Miyamoto Musashi

Gender: Female

Age: 11 years old

Race: Terran (all attributes +1, influence of snake girl bloodline, charm +1), Triss snake girl

Bloodline: Human bloodline (72%)

A small amount of snake girl blood (28%)

Representation of Awakening: Snake Eye (Broken Golden)

Ability: ①Infrared vision

②Dark vision

③The Eye of Reality

Snake scales (pink purple with gold wire)

Ability: ① Armor +1

②Charm +1

③ Constant body temperature


Snake species affinity (snake favorability +5)

Fast learning (skill level +1)

Profession level: Bard (lv4)

Deputy Occupation: Physician

Secondary occupational skills: 10 for medical treatment, 10 for dispensing

HP: 40/40 (recovery +1/half day)


Strength: 11, Agility: 13, Constitution: 12, Intelligence: 16, Charisma: 16, Perception: 15

Attribute points: 1

Blessings: Sri Rabbi’s blessing (perception +1), Xie Mi’s blessing (dexterity +1)

Skills: Knowledge 15, Etiquette 10, Language (Japanese·Proficient, Chinese·Proficient, Snake Language·Proficient), Dance·Kagura Dance 8, Musical Instrument·Lila·Master, Flower Path 6, Chess Path 5, Tea Ceremony 6, Gathering 7, Discern 10, Bluff 10, Negotiation 10, Act 13, Focus 10, Intimidate 8, Climb 9, Balance 9, Survive 12, Kendo·Kunai 9, Throw·Shuriken 7, Listen 9, Hand Kung Fu 9 , Spell Recognition 6, Disguise 9, Valuation 6, Craft 6, Observation of Words and Sex 8, Document Interpretation 10, Collect Information 10

General skill points: 0

Inheritance of Blood: Triss Snake Girl

Spell-like abilities:

Soothing (Take Pokémon to calm down through special techniques)

Soul Seal (Seal Bloodline Ability)

Shenyin (hide one's own breath)

Snake Contract (Soul Contract)

Meditation: "Dream" Dacheng

Derivative spells: illusion, thought power, telepathy

(Illusion. Level lv5: It can interfere with the real environment within a certain range to produce an illusion. The more realistic the illusion, the greater the consumption of mental power.)

Thought power: Interfering with reality in a small area, shifting thoughts, etc.

Special abilities of the bard:

Chanting, anecdotal knowledge, curse breaking song, ecstasy song, inspire courage +1, boost skills

Zero-level tricks: phantom sound, magic tricks, reading magic, repair, open door, summon instruments.

First-level spells: proficient in language, heal minor injuries (affected by the secondary occupation, the healing effect is increased by one level), detect secret doors

Secondary Spell: Transfiguration


Kanto region: rise to fame

City area: small and famous

The world: obscurity

Faction: Absolutely neutral

Pokémon genre: Gu, balance

Equipment: Blue Sky Feather (Accessories): Wisdom +1, medium space backpack

System backpack: "Encyclopedia of Toxin Cultivation", "Gu", "Dream", "Jinghu" slightly.

Pokémon: Abo Monster (Naga)

Snake elf, land/dragon group

Attributes: poison, body length 6.5 meters, weight 105.0kg

Grade: lv5635.30%, gender: ♀

Features: Intimidation (Controlling lv999.99%, intimidating opponents, making them retreat and reducing attack power.

Derivative ability: Queen's majesty (the princess) (level: princess, princess, queen, empress, empress)

Effect ①: People with weak willpower will be slow to act because of concerns. Those with strong willpower will make the king feel offended and increase his attack by one level.

Effect ②: Command the group of snakes: When the intimidation feature is activated, it can attract snake-shaped Pokémon within a certain range and command them to fight together 0/10. )

Feature: Molting (Controlling lv999.99%, removing the skin on the body and curing the abnormal state.)

Animal Gu: Back to Origin

Meditation: "Naga" great success

(Effect: ①Water control: increase the power of water attribute skills. ②Fruit: increase the power of grass attribute skills.)

(Affected by the contents of the heavenly book, the original "Dream" was improved to be more suitable for the use of the naga, "Naga". The dream space derived from the original naga is reserved, but it cannot be further expanded.)

Extension ability: telepathy

Energy Core: Demon Pill Dacheng

Effect: ① Immortal body: There is almost no weakness in the whole body. Even if most of the body is crushed, it can recover quickly, but it will fall into a period of weakness for a period of time. If the energy reserve is sufficient, it can directly skip the period of weakness.

②Wishful size: able to freely control the size of the body, as well as the degraded evolutionary form

③Bloodline strengthening: The construction of the core makes Aboguai a complete recast, and the race value is increased by 100.

Age: 7 years old.

Character: Lazy

Carrying objects: Serpentine Crown (a modified version of the King’s Proof, exclusive item for Naga. Enhance the intimidating effect.)

Race value: HP: 70, attack, 125, defense: 79, special attack: 95, special defense: 89, speed: 90. Total: 548

Eye skills: big snake stares

Body and tail skills: tie tight, curl up, stand-in, charge up, shadow clone, beating, poison, poison tail, dragon tail

Mouth voice skills: ear-piercing, dream talk, biting (fang of thunder, tooth of poison, tooth of ice, tooth of fire), swallowing, squirting, ultimate absorption.

Jet skills: black mist, poisonous, poisonous needle, acid bomb, gastric juice, awakening power·fire, seed bomb

Mental skills: sleep, hold body method

Development skills:

Medusa's Eye: Combine the big snake stare and hold the body, and cooperate with its own threatening characteristics to restrict the opponent's movement.

Wan Snake: Combine the trait molting and shadow avatar skills based on the substitute, and combine the virtual and the reality to attack its deficiency.

Poisonous dragon strike: The combination of dragon tail and poisonous tail strengthens the forced exchange of dragon tail and the erosion of poisonous poison, and realizes the loss of combat function in the wizard ball.

Death Makeup: Animal Face Pattern·Speed ​​Pattern

Multiple forms: able to release multiple attribute skills at the same time

Pokémon: Overlord Flower (Fan)

Flower Pokémon, plant grouping

Attributes: grass, poison, height 2.1 meters, weight 33.9kg

Grade: lv5748.65%, gender: ♂

Features: Chlorophyll (controlling max, under the sun or moonlight, the speed ability becomes twice the original.)

Second characteristic: Spores (control degree lv963.55%, when attacked, there is a certain chance that the opponent will fall into a poisoned, paralyzed or sleep state)

Grass Gu: Gui Yuan

Meditation: The Great Success of "Four Seasons"

(Effect: Four seasons cycle, energy balance, endless life.)

(Improved from the meditation "Dream", borrowed from the heavenly book and balance flow, as well as the natural artistic conception I have understood, and integrated the new meditation.

Balance flow: return to yuan

Tai Chi Domain: All natural energy within the domain is controlled by the heart.

Age: 8 years old.

Character: Perseverance

Carrying objects: Miracle Seed

Race value: HP: 75, attack, 80, defense: 85, special attack: 110, special defense: 90, speed: 50. Total: 490

Moon’s Blessing: Increases the attribute points by 50 points under the moonlight, and activates the chlorophyll characteristics.

Race value: HP: 83, attack, 88, defense: 93, special attack: 118, special defense: 98, speed: 120. Total: 600

Melee contact skills: ultimate absorption, power absorption, fist absorption, stand-in, rooting, holding

Dance skills: shaking dance, petal dance, sword dance, moon dance

Mental skills: sleeping

Aroma powder skills: sweet aroma, aroma treatment, pollen

Natural energy skills: growth, photosynthesis, moonlight, morning light, sunny day, awakening power·ground, power of the moon, sharp blades of flying leaves, colorful falling, sun beam, grass field, power of nature, power of secrets, knotting grass , Energy Ball, Poisonous, Dissolving Liquid, Sludge Bomb, Venom Blast, Sludge Wave

Sound skills: dream talk, lucky spell

Seed skills: parasitic seeds, seed bombs

Development skills:

Sun and Moon: Based on a sunny day, freely switch between moonlight and morning light.

Flower Burial: With petal dance and colorful falling leaves as the core, combined with the shadow clone, the sweet fragrance is hidden, and it attacks the opponent inadvertently.

Peach Blossom Miasma: With sweet aroma, pollen clusters as the mainstay, and aromatic treatment, the enemies who enter it will be lost inadvertently, and chronic poisoning will eventually be defeated.

Stand-in seed: Create a seed containing all of its own information material, which can be used as a replacement for the body.

Sun Moon Strike·Two Swords School: Swordsmanship genre based on sword dance and flying blade knives, add fire poison, and defeat opponents in quick attacks.

Four Seasons Sword Array: The calyx rapier of four attributes is used in the Tai Chi field to integrate the trapped, kill, and magical arrays.

Pokémon: Moon Elf (Sleeping Moon)

Moonlight Pokémon, four-legged beast type group

Attributes: average, 1.4 meters in height, 40 kg in weight

Level: lv500.30%, gender: ♀

Features: Synchronization (control degree lv810.40%, can synchronize own abnormal state to opponent.)

Special ability: Dim and stealth

Meditation: "Moonlight" (Dacheng)

(Effect: Improve the power of the fairy attribute and evil attribute skills, and immune to abnormal conditions under the moonlight.)

(Improved from the meditation "Dream", combined with the book of heaven, and the new meditation of the understanding of the moonlight)

Animal Gu: "Gu" (Dacheng)

Age: 4 years old.

Character: Bold

What to bring: the soothing bell

Race value: HP: 95, attack: 65, defense: 110, special attack: 60, special defense: 130, speed: 65. Total: 525

Charm skills: crying, wagging tail, acting like a baby, fake crying, charming, round pupil, sleep talk, harsh sound

Melee skills: sacrificing collision, flashing light, biting, holding on, stand-in, malicious pursuit

Long-range energy skills: sand splashing, high-speed stars, poisonous, refreshing, yawn, baton, moonlight, wave of evil, strange light, flash

Mental skills: sleep, defensive swap

Development skills:

Acting like a baby: Bring all the cuteness together and confuse the enemy with the help of the young and cute appearance.

Stepping on Shadow: Combination of characteristic synchronization and malicious pursuit of skills to form a special skill. When oneself is affected by an abnormal state, it will not only impose the abnormal state on the opponent, but also launch a malicious pursuit to attack the opponent.

Stand-in bomb: Because I am afraid of pain, and there is no one-shot trick to determine the outcome, I thought of letting the stand-in collide with the body, boom!

Pokémon: Big Steel Serpent (Titan)

Rock snake Pokémon, mineral group

Attributes: rock, 14.3 meters in length on the ground, 880.0 kg in weight

Grade: lv5144.22%, gender: ♂

Feature 1: Hard head (controlling lv940.2%, using skills that can cause counter-effects, will not hurt yourself.)

Feature 2: Strong (control degree lv970.44%, will not be directly hit by the opponent's fatal blow at full strength.)

Meditation: "Earth" (Dacheng)

(Effect: Improve control of the earth.)

(Improved from the meditation "Dream", combined with the heavenly book and the understanding of the earth, the new meditation idea is integrated)

Animal Gu: "Gu" (中成)

Age: 3 years old.

Character: Introverted

Carrying items: Big Steel Serpent Evolution Stone

Race value: HP: 75, attack, 85, defense: 200, special attack: 55, special defense: 65, speed: 50. Total: 530

Energy Manipulation Skills: Toxic, Quicksand Hell, Earth Power, Digging, Earthquake, Shot Down, Rock Fall, Rock Polishing, Rock Blockade, Sandstorm, Invisible Rock, Dragon Breath, Dragon Wave, Lightweight Body, Sharp Rock Attack, Avatar, shadow avatar

Melee skills: Crash, tie up, anger, beating, iron head, iron tail, gyro ball, dragon tail, frozen tooth, flame tooth, lightning tooth

Sound skills: dream talk, harsh sound

Spiritual skills: curse, sleep

Secret Technique: Rock Steelmaking (Return to Yuan).

Explanation: During the period of the Big Rock Snake, it actively began to condense the steel attribute energy, slowly replacing the rock energy.

Effect: ① Speed ​​up the growth rate of the big rock snake. ②The body becomes extremely fragile when using the secret technique.

Pokémon: Ivy Snake (Jun)

Grass snake Pokémon, four-legged beast type group

Attributes: grass, height 1.4 meters, weight 26.6kg

Level: lv4820.30%, gender: ♀

Feature: Singing against the tune (control degree lv810.40%, the change of ability will be reversed, the original increase will become a decrease, and the decrease will become an increase.)

Meditation: "Dream" (中成)

Animal Gu: "Gu" (Dacheng)

Age: 4 years old.

Personality: timid (danger perception: able to confirm the general strength of the opponent, and perceive whether there is danger around.)

Carrying objects: Miracle Seed

Race value: HP: 60, attack, 60, defense: 75, special attack: 60, special defense: 75, speed: 83. Total: 413

Blade skills: magic leaf, grass mixer, flying leaf storm

Natural energy skills: growth, ultimate absorption, toxic, sweet aroma, sleep talk, gastric juice

Melee skills: impact, squeeze, beating, vine whip, coiling, blade, dragon tail, sword dance

Eye skills: big snake stare, charm

Seed skills: parasitic seeds

Mental skills: sleeping, meditation

Development skills:

Leaf stand-in: Create a stand-in among the complicated leaves to attract the attention of opponents, hide yourself, and wait for the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

Juhe. Swallow-shaped: Mainly based on sword dance and swallow return, the blade of the blade is shaped, and it attacks twice at high speed.

Pokémon: Little Fortune Egg (Karen)

House wine Pokémon, humanoid group

Attributes: average, height 0.3 meters, weight 14.6kg

Grade: lv4220.30%, gender: ♀

Feature: Tianen (control lv710.40%, easy to obtain additional effects of moves.)

Age: 2 years old.

Personality: Serious (no ability value correction)

Meditation: "Mirror Lake" (中成)

Animal Gu: Xiaocheng

Carrying objects: Round Stone (Smelting)

⒈The magical stone that is as round and smooth as a pearl has a magical effect after several generations of auspicious eggs.

Effect: Speed ​​up the growth of Xiaofudan.

⒉Kilaqi, in order to thank the little blessed egg for giving him a hint of inspiration, so he added a fragment of the moonstone core to the perfect circle stone, so he gained new abilities.

① Mysterious guardian, passively inspire the mysterious guardian to protect the safety of Xiaofudan.

②The secret key of the Moon Garden: As long as you are within a certain range of the Moon Garden, you can instantly return to the Moon Garden through the Round Stone.

③Ning Shen: Improve the efficiency of Only for Xiaofudan·Kalian.

Skills: slap, act like a baby, imitate, sing in turn, make a new look, angel kiss, sing, mysterious guard, mental strength, stand-in, poison, charming, healing ringtone, help, treasure

Genetic skills: finger waving, aromatherapy.

Pokémon: Mini Dragon (Feather)

Dragon Pokémon, Snake Group

Attributes: Dragon, height 1.8 meters, weight 3.3 kg

Level: lv4920.30%, gender: ♂

Features: Mysterious scales (control lv710.40%, when falling into an abnormal transition, defense power is increased by 1.5 times.)

Feature: Molting (control lv819.40%, there is a certain chance to eliminate the abnormal state of itself.)

Age: 6 years old.

Character: candid

Hobbies: I like beautiful female Pokémon, fighting

Meditation: "North Wind" (中成)

(Effect: Improve resistance to ice attributes, but also slow down the speed of physical development.)

(Combining the meditation idea "Dream", the heavenly book, and the meditation idea of ​​the inheritance of Shuijun.)

Carry: Dragon's Fang

Race value: HP: 41, attack, 64, defense: 45, special attack: 50, special defense: 50, speed, 50, total: 300

Energy skills: electromagnetic wave, tornado, dragon's fury, freezing wind, mysterious guard

Melee skills: tight binding, beating, high-speed movement, dragon dance, dragon tail, reverse scale, water flow tail

Eye skills: stare

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