Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 124: Another year (on)

Musashi, who learned that Kojiro had returned, got off Miyazuru's car and walked towards the convergence point unhurriedly, wondering how Kojiro would appear in front of him?

Embarrassed? Or pretend to be normal? Or did you say that you were let go by your parents if nothing happened? The eyes are full of gloat.

The more others grow up, the more mature they are, and when they come to Musashi, the more they grow up, the more naive they become.

Before, she didn't care about how Xiao Jiro spent at home, whether it was good or bad, it had nothing to do with her. But it has been a year since I got along, and it was a friendship that shared the pain and suffering, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with caring about the current situation of this junior Kojiro.

Before I approached, I heard the sound of Rika and Kojiro chatting with each other. Congratulations to Kojiro for achieving the top eight results in the league conference, and what regrets not being able to watch our game, Barabara Yes, it’s full of polite remarks, and the atmosphere sounds a little embarrassing. Let’s talk about the relationship. It’s been a while since I got along with me, but I haven’t seen each other for a year. To be honest, it’s really embarrassing if I don’t have a word to talk. Not a person who can talk, Li Jia, she has a cold look in front of people she doesn't know, and it's her responsibility as a senior sister to take the initiative to find topics.

However, Musashi still thought it would be better for him to show up earlier, because they really didn't have much to talk about.

"Ah, you are here, how did Kojiro live at home."

Musashi coughed slightly and said with a smile. He raised his eyes and looked up and down at Kojiro. There was no feeling of depression in his eyes, and he was neatly cleaned up. It seemed that he had a good time at home.

Perceiving Musashi's scrutinizing eyes, Kojiro blushed. Thinking of the love secrets his parents were talking about in the past few days, the blush on his face spread directly to his ears, his eyes dodge and he did not dare to look at Musashi, and replied in a vague way: "Also...not bad, Musashi...Senior Sister."

Rika looked interesting on the side. It was okay just now. Why was she blushing and speechless when she met Musashi, and she stubbornly, could it be... She glanced at Musashi and Kojiro surreptitiously, trying to observe something. .

Gossip is no big or small, regardless of male and female, and I don't feel interested in just looking at the eight things.

Musashi, who has excellent perception ability, naturally saw Kojiro's dodge look, and Rika's sneaky look. It was very interesting to see Kojiro's expression on Musashi, but when he noticed Rika's sight, Musashi seemed to have done something wrong. He immediately retracted his unbridled gaze, coughed twice, and looked straight.

"Since your parents are not forcing you to learn this and that, why don't you stay for a few more days and come back after the Chinese New Year?"

"This..." It's a bit hard to say, I can't say that they keep talking in their ears so that they can catch you. It's too shameful.

Seeing Kojiro's speech, Rika laughed and said, "I am so anxious to come back...I miss Senior Sister Musashi..." Saying this, Rika paused for a while, and watched Kojiro's reaction carefully. As expected, she didn't expect it.

Then, before Musashi was annoyed, he quickly answered: "With me, I still want to come back soon and listen to my mother's teaching."

Rika’s troubles made Musashi wonder how to deal with it. Be angry. Isn’t this no silver three hundred taels? If you sit down, what do you have with Kojiro? Don’t be angry. But I can’t swallow this breath. I can’t help but be cruel. She gave Li Jia a fierce look, as if she was saying: You wait for me!

Li Jia was not afraid, raised her eyebrows, and replied: I'm waiting.

"Ah, this, this..." Hearing Rika's question, Kojiro looked up at Musashi awkwardly, then immediately lowered his head, and the small brain swiftly moved: "Of course I miss you all, I miss you all."



"It's okay, Kojiro, you just came back. Have you seen your mother-in-law?"

"Not yet, I heard Grandma Ouzi say that the master and some distinguished guests are discussing major issues in the side hall, please peace, I can only wait for a while."

"Discuss important matters? Lijia, do you know what it is?" Musashi looked at Lijia curiously and asked.

"I don't know, but I seem to see Uncle Yingu."

"Master?! Master is here?" Musashi asked with some surprise.

After all, except for the village and his wife, Musashi's closest people belonged to Yingu. Hearing that Yingu was here, Musashi couldn't wait to visit him immediately. But they are discussing major issues, and they will embarrass their mother-in-law if they enter the unruly law rashly.

Looking at the sky outside, Musashi said with an idea: "Li Jia, it's too early to see the sky. Have you prepared lunch?"

"This grandma Ouzi should be ready, so we don't need to worry about it."

"That's it." Musashi was a little unwilling to give up. If he changed his mind, it would be fine if he didn't go in. Anyway, it was almost noon. It is estimated that the meeting will come to an end, so: "Anyway, there is nothing left or right. I guess the meeting is about to talk about it. Let's go directly to the side hall. How about Kojiro just coming back? We still have to pay a visit to her stepmother first."

"That said, since we are back, let's go to the side hall and wait, so that we can also show your sincerity, Junior Brother."

Now that the two senior sisters had arranged everything, Xiao Jiro, who lacked insight, would naturally not object, and followed the two senior sisters towards the side hall.

"Huh? This is a nodule? Isn't it a mysterious guardian." Musashi looked at the side temple shrouded by the mysterious guardian, with a strange look in his eyes, and then he became serious as if thinking of something.

"What's the matter? Suddenly pulling her face." Li Jia asked Ramusashi's hand.

"No, but I didn't expect that the mother-in-law and the master would even use the mysterious guard to protect them. It seems that the matter is bigger than we thought"

"Musashi, would you say that this is what you told me before?"

"should be."

"That thing? Which thing? Sister, what are you talking about?"

Kojiro looked at the solemn expressions of Musashi and Rika, confused, did he miss something important? I don't understand anything.

"Don't ask, I'll talk to you later."

Seeing that Musashi didn't say anything, Kojiro couldn't help but replied dullly with the word "Oh".

At this moment, the monarch snake lying on the roof basking in the sun glanced at the Musashi trio and informed Audley in the house of their arrival. Then nodded, wagging his tail, the mysterious guardian silently cracked a gap for walking, and the voice of the monarch snake passed to the ears of the three Musashi.

"Don't stand stupidly, the master will let you in."

"Oh, thank you Lord Snake teacher."

The three of Musashi thanked the monarch snake and stepped forward quickly, trying not to make any noise. The three of them knelt down on the corridor in front of the door and tapped on the door.

"Come in." Audley's voice came from the room.

Musashi opened the door carefully, then pushed the door to a position where it coincided with the second one. Then the three of them bowed in, and finally Kojiro closed the door. The three of them saluted Audley respectfully first, and then bowed to the other people in the house a junior salute, and then sat behind Audley with impeccable etiquette.

Both Musashi and Rika are already sitting behind Audley, but Kojiro still has one courtesy that he did not do, that is, greetings, three bows respectfully, and only after Audley nodded did they sit behind Audley like Musashi and others. .

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