Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 13: Dr. Soraki of Wakaba Town

"Haha, dare not be, dare not be."

With regard to Musashi's question, the corners of Dr. Soramu's mouth were almost cracked to the root of his ears.

Isn't that right? As the youngest regional doctor, Dr. Omu brought out the star doctor alone. This ability background alone is enough to disregard ninety-nine percent of the people in this world.

"Hey, wait, Musashi, how did you know that I had taken office as a doctor?"

Dr. Soramu suppressed his smile, then asked with hindsight, a little wary in his eyes.

This stems from his political sensitivity. After all, he is about to become a regional doctor in the city capital area. This is a key point for the alliance to deliver fresh blood. If there are some discrepancies and unclear people, then his entire life will be ruined.

Therefore, he still pays special attention to some things. This is also his mentor, Dr. Damu, who has repeatedly urged him to pay more attention to people and things around him, lest he is sold, and he is still counting money for others.

Speaking of it, Dr. Soraki received a letter of appointment not long ago to go to the city to serve as a regional doctor. Therefore, the location of the institute will inevitably be similar to that of the teacher, Dr. Oki.

You see, Dr. Damu chose to live in Zhenxin Town, a pure white town that represents the departure.

Dr. Soraki put the research institute in Wakaba Town, where the wind blows from the beginning, a feeling of emulation and admiration.

Not only in terms of the establishment of the research institute, the two masters and apprentices are in the same line, and even the contents of the research have the meaning of mutual inheritance.

Because Dr. Oki was a graduate student in his early years, his research topics were mainly based on the attributes of Pokémon and biodiversity, and he put forward a series of forward-looking theoretical arguments that stood at the forefront of the times.

However, by chance, I saw a group photo of himself with his Pokémon when he became a champion. Holding the championship trophy, the dragon and the bird and other Pokémon hugged him by his side. And somewhere in the memory, the proud woman in a gorgeous dress.

But now she's an old woman with a bad mouth.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared unconsciously at the corner of his mouth.

Condensing his thoughts, recalling the moment when he was a trainer and worked hard with the Pokémon he cultivated, and finally became the first champion in the league.

At this moment, there was too much content that could be researched and digged in my mind. Among the many research projects, I finally delineated a topic as the main research direction in the future, that is, "The relationship between Pokémon and humans."

As Dr. Oki’s most outstanding student, Dr. Soraki, he did not have much ambition. He just wanted to choose one of his favorite topics among the topics that Dr. Oki had studied before, and dig deeper, research, and develop. .

And combined with Dr. Soramu himself, he has made a lot of achievements in the ranks of nurturers, so it is natural that he and his mentor proposed the subject that he would study in the future, "Pokémon Cultivation and Pokémon Eggs."

Because of his research topic, he is respected by another person in time and space as the patriarch of the egg hatching, the first person of egg breeds, and the spiritual leader of the dead people...

In fact, there are certain political factors in Dr. Soramu's ability to serve as a regional doctor in the urban area.

Because of the merger of the two alliances of the city of Kanto, it was originally planned to let Dr. Oki serve as the regional doctors of the two regions, so as to screen out enough good trainers to contribute to the future of the alliance.

However, Dr. Oki refused this opportunity to raise his prestige to a unique height because of his lack of skills. Instead, he recommended his student, Dr. Soraki.

However, this decision is seen by most people as a model for supporting younger generations, but in the eyes of some political speculators, it is a kind of overwhelming, just to indirectly achieve the purpose of controlling the new forces in the two regions.

For these statements, Dr. Oki's consistent attitude is to ignore them with a slight smile, because there is no need to bother them.

Although for a long, long period of time in the future, there will be Dr. Oki indirectly where there is Dr. Kongki, and this phenomenon indirectly confirms the claims of those who are interested.

However, Dr. Soraki’s slow independence and autonomy, as well as various aspects of maturity, have also broken those unfavorable remarks, and it can be seen from this that Dr. Oki is really helping his students, and he is firmly established as a regional doctor A position move.

It seems to be a bit far away.

"I heard from Dr. Oki. At the beginning, he praised your achievements in Pokémon cultivation, saying that it has surpassed him now."

Of course, Musashi can't say that he has memories of another world and knows many things in the future. Although because of his little butterfly, he has changed the familiar future beyond recognition, but some things still follow his own trajectory all the way forward.

So there is the above casual nonsense.

"Really, does the teacher really say that! Hahaha, dare not to bear it, dare not to bear it, in the cultivation of Pokémon, the teacher has always been my leader, my vane, otherwise there will be no present Achievement."

"No, I still have to work harder. I can't be complacent because of a little fell into the reputation of a teacher."

Soramu said that he would take out his notes and start studying and thinking.

"Dr. Soramu, wait a minute, after we have built a camp, you can start researching these things."

Musashi quickly grabbed the anxious Dr. Soraki and said.

"Oh, I'm a little impatient. Have you chosen the location of the camp?" Dr. Soramu put away his notebook, scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and said with some embarrassment.

"Not yet, Nana is inspecting the surrounding environment to see if there is a suitable place." Kojiro replied interfaceally.

"Nana?" Dr. Soramu repeated strangely.

"Nana is a different-colored shuttlecock. Because of her cute cry, I named her Nana."

Kojiro explained with embarrassment.

"It's a cute name. By the way, you said your shuttlecock is a different color. When she comes back, can you let me take a closer look?" Dr. Soramu asked eagerly, but he soon recovered. Come, because such a statement is very impolite, and immediately followed by: "Ah, I didn't mean that, I mean, can you give her to me to study it, isn't it right, is it..."

"It's okay, Dr. Soraki, I understand what you mean, but because Nana is more shy and shy, I don't know if she will be willing, can I wait for her to come back to make a decision?" Kojiro said.

"No problem, no problem, I took the liberty, I'm sorry." Dr. Soramu said with some impressiveness.

"No no."

"Ha na!"

At this time, an eager scream of Shuttlecock came from mid-air.

Kojiro quickly turned his head to look, his eyes were dazzling!

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