Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 80: Coordinator and performer, light red gorgeous contest

The gorgeous competition venue in Light Red City is set up near the hunting zone. The terrain is vast, and because it is close to the hunting zone, the traffic is also convenient. The main body of the building is a semi-open spherical flower bud with three-petal revolving green calyx. There are three entrances and exits, and the design material is very bold. The collision of steel and glass shows the femininity and beauty of flowers.

Entering the gorgeous competition venue, a large number of Ukiyo-e paintings based on female artist paintings were painted on the walls inside, showing the daily life of ancient women and the most beautiful moments of oiran in the past. Of course, in addition to the characters, there are also the unique landscapes and landscapes of Light Red City, the circulation of the seasons and other themes.

The theme of Ukiyo-e also reflects some of the current situation of coordinating trainers, that is, the ratio of women is far greater than that of men, reaching a level of three to one. However, the highest ratio of men to women is still nurturing trainers. Out of ten people, eight are Girls, two of them are boys. If you count the performers who will be introduced to the Kanto region, there is no problem of proportion. All members are female trainers, unless the Kanto region makes localized improvements to this profession and adds a counterpart to the queen. The prince who is waiting, at that time, there will be a large number of male trainers joining the ranks of performers.

In fact, in terms of the appellation level, the trainers have been divided into newcomer trainers, ordinary trainers, advanced trainers, elite trainers, quasi-Tianwang trainers, Tianwang trainers, and master (champion) trainers after decades of development. Home, and other titles.

The appellation level of cultivators is very simple and rude. It is represented by numbers 1-9, which are also divided. 1-3 are junior cultivators, 4-6 are intermediate cultivators, 7-9 are senior cultivators, and more than 9. It is the master of nurturing.

Sommeliers in the Hezhong area, as a branch of the nurturing family, use the English letters f, e, d, c, b, a, and s to divide them, with f being the lowest and s being the highest.

Dr. Pokémon also has a corresponding hierarchical system. The first junior researcher is then promoted to senior researcher through publication of papers or qualifications, and then a major discovery or achievement in a certain aspect of Pokémon Only when breakthroughs are made will the doctorate be awarded. The highest level of the doctorate is the regional doctor. Receiving this title is equivalent to becoming a person standing at the top of the mainland's cultural world.

With the comparison of these titles, on the side of the coordinator, there are two official titles, one is the coordinator and the other is the top coordinator. The division of strength is extremely vague, and this also reflects the strength of the coordinator. The good and the bad are uneven. Often a coordinator who has collected five ribbon badges can not beat a trainer who has not collected even eight badges in the battle. You must know that the former has already received the admission ticket to the league-level gorgeous celebration. The coordinator, the latter trainer who didn't even touch the side of the league game.

It is for this reason that the proportion of males in the coordinator group is far less than that of females.

In fact, the Coordinator Association is actively looking for a solution to this problem. Now it has proposed several solutions. The most recognized one is to divide the group of coordinators by the level of ribbon badges and the number of ribbon badges. .

With 1-3 ordinary ribbon badges at the township level, it is called the primary coordinator.

With 1-3 city-level p1 ribbon badges, he is called the Intermediate Coordinator.

With 1-3 large city-level p3 ribbon badges, it is called the senior coordinator.

In addition, the latest regulations of the Coordinator Association indicate that only those who have obtained the title of senior coordinator and have collected five ribbon badges can participate in the annual gorgeous large-scale celebration held by the alliance.

Finally, regarding the acquisition of the title of top coordinator, only the coordinator who has won three consecutive gorgeous large-scale celebration championships can be awarded this title. Greatly increased the gold content of the top coordinator, and indirectly stimulated the struggle of the coordinator group.

Of course, there is a good side, but naturally there is also a bad side. That is the change of career incidents in the coordinator group. Before the original rules were changed, a large number of coordinators believed that even if they did not take the road of trainer, there would still be The day in the early days.

But now that the rules are changed, the day of his career is far away, and it is inevitable to change careers after losing his fighting spirit.

Although the change of career incident has a certain impact on the coordinator group, it also indirectly eliminates a part of the indiscriminate individuals, which is still helpful to the development of the coordinator's career.

Of course, Queen Carlos Yashio also saw the recent major events in the coordinator group. As a performer who is a female compatriot of the coordinator, she naturally has troubles in this regard, but because the difficulty of obtaining the princess key is too high, she has not performed for the time being. Come out, if the number of performers expands rapidly, then this drawback will naturally appear.

Therefore, Queen Carlos, who is at the top of the pyramid of performers, naturally has to make reasonable planning and adjustments to the development of the entire industry. The phone will soon be connected to the Performers Association on another continent, which is enough to change the existing performers. The system's video conference is about to start.

"You are all aware of the several major events that have occurred in the Coordinator Association recently." Yashio saw that all the top executives of the Performers Association were present, and there was no nonsense to say concisely.

"Queen Yashio, we are all very aware of the recent incidents of the Coordinator Association. In these same incidents, we discovered the shortcomings of our performer's glamorous profession, and we also made several temporary plans." The director took the lead to speak.

A smile appeared on Yashio's solemn face and nodded, and said, "What are the plans? Let's listen."

Yashio, who has been in charge of the top performer title for several years, has almost been present in the Performers Association. She also knows that such a situation will not have any disadvantages in the early stage of the development of the industry. If it continues for a long time, it will inevitably become one. There is no vitality in the stagnant water.

That’s why I used the expansion of the performer industry, Yuanyouguandu, Fengyuan, and Shenao, in order to reduce my own sense of existence, and then to a certain extent divide the Queen’s influence on the Performers Association. Although my rights and interests have been infringed, But it is of great help to the development of the entire industry, and this negative side has emerged.

"The first plan is to increase the upper limit of the number of performers participating in the Triple Crown Satellites to obtain the Princess Key. Changing from three to five will extend the holding time of the Masters Advanced Tournament and improve the performance of the performers. "

"Yeah, there's more." Baxi nodded without commenting on it to continue.

"The second plan, the number of princess keys is inconvenient, and the game mode is increased."

"For example?"

"Performers who have collected three princess keys can obtain the title of princess and the queen reserve competition. The princess who has won the three-time champion will immediately obtain the title of queen reserve and challenge the previous queen, that is, you, the winner. Winning the title of queen, the loser will take off the crown and fall to the altar."

When the director said this, he carefully glanced at Yashio, and found that Yashio's expression had not changed, and he was still indifferent.

"Anything else?" Baxi nodded and asked after hearing the cruel game mechanics, without showing any emotion.

"With the development of science and technology, online platforms can also be used as the direction of performers' strategy. Through the Internet, you can publish yourself and Pokémon’s interactions to increase the personal visibility of performers, so as to select more popular performers."

"The second plan is here for the time being." The director gave a concluding remark.

The director’s speech ended, which gave Yashio, who was constantly listening, some ideas, so he said, “I can add one thing. The queen can be re-elected for two terms at most, the shortest is six years, and the longest cannot exceed ten years. It is unreasonable for some eyes to look at the ever-evolving world, so the Queen’s term of office cannot be too long."

And this is the fact that Yashio heard the directors say that she would use the Internet to increase her influence. She hadn't considered this at all. This was indeed her dereliction of duty, but it was not too late to find out now.

"But the new queen has not been able to appear, and the previous queen is facing retirement, what to do, there is always no vacancy."

"It's very easy to solve. Several queen reserve players will compete between performers and trainers. The one with the highest points will be promoted to the queen, and the loser will lose the title of the queen reserve and start again. As for the more detailed regulations, you slowly Just add it."

The suggestions made by Yashio were more cruel than the suggestions discussed by their board of directors, but they had changed the shortcomings of the current performers' lack of strength.

Several council members looked at each other, and it was not difficult to see Yashio's preference for this proposal.

"Yes!" The number of directors nodded, recording the points Yashio had added before.

After struggling with the writing, the directors soon raised their heads, looking at Yaxi and waiting for her next instructions.

Seeing that this group of directors had returned to their previous state, Baxi couldn't help shaking his head mentally. He returned to the pre-liberation period as soon as he held a meeting.

"In addition to this second suggestion, there should be other suggestions, so let's take them out together."

"The third suggestion is to add a male title corresponding to the queen, tentatively designated as the prince, and increase the top power of the performers."

"Well, go ahead."

"Queen, there is one last one." A director suddenly spoke.

Except for this director's sudden utterance, other directors looked at this young man one after another. Aren't there just three suggestions? Why did he add one more?

"Say." Baxi nodded.

"Well, this suggestion came to my mind temporarily, and that is to keep the title of the former queen."

Hearing these words, Yashio couldn't help but look carefully at the youngest young man in the council group, and uttered the three words "why."

"The title of queen represents the highest fighting power of performers in the entire Carlos area. At the same time, you are also the highest fighting power in the Carlos area so far. Retaining the title of queen is also an incentive for latecomers."

"This matter will be discussed after I go back, including the establishment of the title of the prince."


The main meeting was held here. The next few directors reported to Yashio some of their promising new performers. Among them was Karuni, the future champion of the King of Carlos in the Carlos area, but the current Karuni is just It's just a fledgling performer.

Because of the beautiful face and posture, as well as the outstanding Pokémon cultivation skills and the demonstrated talent of the trainer, they spontaneously attracted the attention of many people.

"Kaluni? Continue to observe, and don't let the alliance contact Karuni too much, wait until I go back." After seeing Karuni, Yashio was immediately ready to meet Carlos because he saw Karuni. In an instant, Yaxi knew that the girl's future achievements were definitely extraordinary. Anyway, things about Guandu couldn't be rushed for a while, so let's take Musashi as a disciple.

The right to speak, as long as the Carlos area is still the birthplace of performers, the right to speak is naturally in the Carlos area. As long as the strength of the Carlos Performers Association is higher than that of other regions, the right to speak also holds the main voice here. That's enough.

After figuring it out, Yashio disguised as the old man before and took a taxi to the airport in Light Red City.

. . . . . .

"Next, let us invite Musashi players with warm applause." Liliana's passionate host voice spread throughout the light red gorgeous contest stage.

"Oh!!!" The audience cheered very much. After two gorgeous contests, Musashi also gained a bit of popularity among the coordinator group.

"Jun, parasitic seed."

Several brown and plump seeds spit out from the mouth of the vine, and the finished glyph fell on the center of the stage. The roots were quickly drawn out and intertwined and overlapped as if they wanted to outline a pattern, but Musashi did not wait for the pattern to form and continued to command "growth."

The rich natural energy is infused into the parasitic seeds that are still rooting under the concentration of the vines and snakes. With the energy supplement, the roots stop expanding, and the green shoots open the hard seed coat, and then quickly As it grows, the trunks of each other close together and gradually become a big tree with dense green shades, and countless flower buds begin to emerge.


Hearing Musashi's command Fujifuji Snake pulled out the rattan whip, and the Fujifuji snake rose into the air. The palm-shaped blades at the tail combined with sharp blades began to drastically trim the somewhat messy tree.

"The last grass mixer!"

The leaves and branches scattered all over the place lifted off as the storm swept into the sky, dropping countless bright green light spots. After the big trees absorbed the light spots, the buds bloomed, yellow, red, purple, blooming like a brocade, embellished by Trim into a heart-shaped canopy.


Hearing Musashi's command, the rattan snake pulled out the rattan whip, and the rattan snake rose into the air. The palm-shaped blades at the tail combined with sharp blades began to drastically trim the somewhat messy tree.

"The last grass mixer!"

The leaves and branches scattered all over the place lifted off as the storm swept into the sky, dropping countless bright green light spots. After the big trees absorbed the light spots, the buds bloomed, yellow, red, purple, blooming like a brocade, embellished by Trim into a heart-shaped canopy.


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