Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 71: Sakagi

(Change first and then change, it's best to watch again tomorrow morning.)


Sakagi respectfully addressed the woman sitting in the shadows.

"Come on, come and sit down first."

The woman sitting in the gloom slowly turned around and said to Banmu with a smile.

"Yes" Banmu responded.

Pulling away the seat in front of him, with a respectful look, he half-sit on the chair.

"It's our mother and son here, don't be so restrained."

Boss Bangi shook his head and said.

"It's mother."

Even if Mr. Sakaki let Sakaki relax, Sakaki didn't dare to really relax, because the woman in front of him who needed to call her mother was so cruel and vicious in her mind.

"Do you know what I am looking for you to do."

Boss Sakaki asked with a smile regardless of his son's careful thoughts.

"My son has a little guesswork in his mind."

Sakagi said directly without going around with his mother.

"Let's talk about it."

Boss Bangi put his cheeks in his hands, his tone just right showed a hint of interest in the content of Bangi's next answer.

"It should be about the League and Chaomeng."

Although Sakagi said questions, his tone was affirmative.

"carry on."

Mr. Sakaki's lips lightly confided the words.

"With the success of Chaomeng's creation and his growing strength. The league is more and more eager to get this artificial beast with infinite possibilities, and it is more and more worrying about our Rockets. But our Rockets For them, it is just that the disease of scabies can be eliminated at hand, so they want to show their generosity, so while achieving the super dream, they will implement a comfort policy for us, give us some benefits, and let us take the initiative to give up Ownership of Chaomeng."

"The reason why my mother is looking for her son is to benefit the Rockets from the league."

"Hahahaha. As expected of the son I have always been proud of. I came to you today for this."

"The demise of the light red ninzong and the position of the light red gymnasium owner have been vacant for a long time. So the alliance intends to let our Rockets send a person to be the owner of the light red gymnasium. Become the highest battle in the light red market. Force. I decided to send you there, what do you think."

"Yes, it's all arranged by my mother."

Sakagi replied noncommittal, after all, he knew that his thoughts were not important.

"During the period of being the master of the gymnasium in Light Red City. I hope you don't forget the great goal of our Rockets."

"First, establish a secret base for our Rockets in Light Red City, gather the underground dark forces in Light Red City, and put them under the name of our Rockets."

Sakagi nodded.

"Second. Expand the influence of our Rockets. Collect all the stray orphans of Qian Hong in the name of charity, and visit the decent forces in Light Chong City, and invite them to give the Rockets some explicit help."

third. During his tenure as the administrator of Qianhong Daoguan. A talented civilian trainer. Let him be a part of our Rockets.

fourth. Please re-create Hongrenzhong.

I heard that Sakaki said that he would re-establish Aaka Shinchu. Banmu's heart is in a wink. Did my mother find out something.

No need to think about it. Regarding the ninja named Aju under your hand, almost all his experiences were contributed by me. Including him being abandoned by the light red Ninzong. Become a wandering ninja. And finally be subdued by you. Become your right arm.

And now all you have to do is. He was planted as the overlord of the New Light Red Ninja Sect. Go to command all the ninjas in the Kanto region. Train them to be the secret eyes and ears of our Rockets. Collect intelligence for us.

Boss Itaki didn't care about his son's increasingly ugly expression at this time. Said self-consciously.

Banmu who heard the news. He looked ugly at his mother. He bowed his head and said yes.

Then he remained silent, waiting for Boss Dharma. The next round of speeches.

Well, there is no need to pull a face. Aji. I don't know my existence at all, or that I don't know at all. he. The experience is my one-handed contribution. So you don’t have to worry about it revealing your secrets

Then take this. Voucher given by the alliance. Go to Light Red City to be your master of the gymnasium.

Even with the explanation from Ban Mu's boss, Ban Mu still had a cold face. Get up coldly and coldly. Take the voucher on the table. Without looking back, he left the office of Mr. Sakagi.

Watching his son leave. Boss Itaki couldn't help shook his head.

Hey. Sure enough, he was still too young to hide things in his heart. However, you think. Just this little trick is trying to hide your mother from me. It's still a bit too tender. But I look forward to your growth. At the moment as high as I am. The moment that drove me away from the head of the Rockets.

After finishing talking, Boss Banmu turned his eyes to the picture on the table. There is Miyamoto standing beside him. And Kosakagi's. Group photo of the three. Reached out and touched the photo.

I couldn't help sighing again.

Miyamoto, Miyamoto. If you see this picture, you will definitely laugh at me. Can't you two talk well? Intrigue all day long. Just for this illusory right. And your ambition. Hope you will not regret it.

I answered your question at that time and I said I don't regret it. Even now I can say something to you, I will not regret it.

Because as the leader of the Rockets. It must be lonely. There can be no trace of concern in my heart. Because he has concerns, it means he has weaknesses. And all I have to do is. Cut off all his concerns and wipe out all his weaknesses. Become the perfect heir to the Rockets and push the Rockets to new heights.

Even if I will. I don’t hesitate to kill my life

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to cover the photo. Then deal with the files at hand.

And the other side. After Sakaki left the office of Mr. Sakaki's office, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and then a gentle smile appeared on his face again.

Aju, who was waiting at the door, got into the car. Drive away from the Rockets’ secret base. Ready to leave for the light red city.

Sakaki, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at Aju while driving and asked, "How long have you been with me, Aju."

Aju looked up at Sakagi in the rearview mirror and replied, "My lord, it's been eight years."

"It's been eight years, time flies so fast. Regarding the light red Ninjutsu, do you still hate them."

"Hate, but they have long since become history, so it doesn't matter whether you hate or not. Even if I hate any more, I can't get revenge on them."

"Hahahaha, now there is a chance for you to take revenge. Do you want it."

Aju who concentrates on driving. Hear Sakagi's question. Incredibly, he raised his head and looked at Banmu again.

This man who vowed to be loyal to him forever. Suddenly, he couldn't speak for a while. I don't know how to answer.

"This... didn't they already..."

"What do you think, people cannot come back from the dead, and of course it is impossible to gather their deceased souls again to let you vent your anger."

"Speaking of which, your achievements with ninjas are no worse than most people in the Ninja Sect."

"Well, although I left Ninzong early, with your cultivation, I have already surpassed most of the people in Ninzong."

Aju said confidently.

"Compared to the previous generation of Sect Master Ninja, how much difference is there between you and him?"

"As far as strength is concerned, I am not much worse than the original Sect Master, but at the level of ninjutsu, there is still a certain distance."

"It's okay if you have achieved the strength. I want you to re-establish the Light Red Ninja Sect. What do you think?"

"It's all arranged by the adults."

Aju said excitedly.

"Hahaha, well, after you arrive in Qianhong City, you take this voucher to negotiate with the person in charge of the Qianhong City Alliance about the site selection of Qianhong Daoguan. The location is the Ninzong site."

"Where is not only the Light Red Daoguan, but also the new beginning of Light Red Ninja Sect."


. . . . . . .

Under the leadership of Aju, Musashi met Sakaki, the owner of the Asakusa Gymnasium.

The two sat opposite each other. Under Audrey’s teaching, Musashi’s sitting posture perfectly matched the grace of the ancient noble daughter. The energy burst from his small body made Sakaki look sideways. It is worthy of Audrey’s personal teaching. Noble lady.

However, what exuded in his bones was the wildness that only Miyamoto had.

Of course, because of the posture shown by Musashi, people who didn't know thought she was a noble lady.

However, the current Musashi is indeed called a noble daughter. After all, the goddess of the Empress Yuhong, this thousand-year-old Yuhong family, the oldest family in Kanto, is enough to say that Musashi’s current identity is enough to depress the grandeur. Some people's bodies.

Speaking of it, the two words Banmu are the surnames, the full name is Banmu of the earth, representing the achievements of the Banmu family on the ground-based Pokémon in Guandu Continent, and this surname has also been spread for hundreds of in the Kanto Continent. Years, but ultimately declined and the beginning of the alliance.

But the family heritage is almost complete


Benmu faced. Sitting in the gloom. The woman said respectfully.

Come, sit down and talk.

The woman sitting in the gloom slowly turned around. Said to Banmu with a smile.

"Yes" Banmu responded.

Pull the seat in front of you. With a respectful look, he half-sit on the office chair.

Here is our mother and son. Don't be so restrained.

Is the mother.

Know that I am looking for you. What do you want to do?

There is a little guess in the son's mind.

Let's listen to it.

It should be about the Alliance and Chaomeng.

carry on.

With the success of Chaomeng's creation and his growing strength. The league is getting more and more worried, let's the Rockets. And they are inevitable for Chaomeng.

If you don't fight with swords, you will get the ownership of Chaomeng. They will certainly appease our Rockets. Give us considerable benefits.

The mother should be looking for her son for this.

Hahahaha. Worthy of being my son. I came to you today for this.

The negative in the light red forbearance. as well as. The position of the master of Jianhong Daoguan has been vacant for a long time. So the league intends to let us the Rockets send a person. Served as the curator of the Light Red Gymnasium. Become the highest combat power in the light red city. I decided to send you to see how you like it.

Is the mother.

In the light red city. During this period as the master of the gym. I hope you don't forget our Rockets. Great goal.

First, set up a secret base for our Rockets in Light Red City. Collect the light red city underground forces and put it under the name of our Rockets.

second. Expand the influence of our Rockets. Gathering Light Red is all the wandering orphans and decent forces visiting Light Red City. Give us some help to the Rockets.

third. During his tenure as the administrator of Qianhong Daoguan. A talented civilian trainer. Let him be a part of our Rockets.

fourth. Please re-create Hongrenzhong.

I heard that Sakaki said that he would re-establish Aaka Shinchu. Banmu's heart is in a wink. Did my mother find out something.

No need to think about it. Regarding the ninja named Aju under your hand, almost all his experiences were contributed by me. Including him being abandoned by the light red Ninzong. Become a wandering ninja. And finally be subdued by you. Become your right arm.

And now all you have to do is. He was planted as the overlord of the New Light Red Ninja Sect. Go to command all the ninjas in the Kanto region. Train them to be the secret eyes and ears of our Rockets. Collect intelligence for us.

Boss Itaki didn't care about his son's increasingly ugly expression at this time. Said self-consciously.

Banmu who heard the news. He looked ugly at his mother. He bowed his head and said yes.

Then he remained silent, waiting for Boss Dharma. The next round of speeches.

Well, there is no need to pull a face. Aji. I don't know my existence at all, or that I don't know at all. he. The experience is my one-handed contribution. So you don’t have to worry about it revealing your secrets

Then take this. Voucher given by the alliance. Go to Light Red City to be your master of the gymnasium.

Even with the explanation from Ban Mu's boss, Ban Mu still had a cold face. Get up coldly and coldly. Take the voucher on the table. Without looking back, he left the office of Mr. Sakagi.

Watching his son leave. Boss Itaki couldn't help shook his head.

Hey. Sure enough, he was still too young to hide things in his heart. However, you think. Just this little trick is trying to hide your mother from me. It's still a bit too tender. But I look forward to your growth. At the moment as high as I am. The moment that drove me away from the head of the Rockets.

After finishing talking, Boss Banmu turned his eyes to the picture on the table. There is Miyamoto standing beside him. And Kosakagi's. Group photo of the three. Reached out and touched the photo.

I couldn't help sighing again.

Miyamoto, Miyamoto. If you see this picture, you will definitely laugh at me. Can't you two talk well? Intrigue all day long. Just for this illusory right. And your I hope you will not regret it.

I answered your question at that time and I said I don't regret it. Even now I can say something to you, I will not regret it.

Because as the leader of the Rockets. It must be lonely. There can be no trace of concern in my heart. Because he has concerns, it means he has weaknesses. And all I have to do is. Cut off all his concerns and wipe out all his weaknesses. Become the perfect heir to the Rockets and push the Rockets to new heights.

Even if I will. I don’t hesitate to kill my life

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to cover the photo. Then deal with the files at hand.

And the other side. After Sakaki left the office of Mr. Sakaki's office, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and then a gentle smile appeared on his face again.

Aju, who was waiting at the door, got into the car. Drive away from the Rockets’ secret base. Ready to leave for the light red city.

Sakaki, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at Aju while driving and asked, "How long have you been with me, Aju."


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