Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 95: Fire poison

"When you are training, Abogua and I will continue to explore the situation at this level. As for the reason, you also know that the environment here is very hot, even if there is danger, I dare not call you out. But in the cave There are no more worries inside, you can move around freely, and the safety of your siblings needs your protection, please."

   "...Ha na."

   Smelly Smelly Flower looked at Musashi and then looked at Oiwa Snake and the others, and nodded hesitantly. It would be nice if the temperature here could be lower.

   "Thank you, Fan."


   Sister, the master’s safety is up to you. Master, you must also pay attention to safety.

   "Just right~" I received~

   "You told me to come, you know. We will be back in two hours."

   Musashi touched the petals of the smelly flower, his tone a little helpless, but his eyes were full of smiles and warmth.

   prepared a clock for Smelly Flower, and after watching the training process of Ibrahimovic and the others, he took Aber Snake out.

   But if you want to go out, you need to overcome another difficulty, and that is to remove the huge rock blocking the cave.

   In terms of strength, the Abo Monster and the Big Rock Snake are almost the same at this time. In addition, the Abo Snake has made a new breakthrough on the coiling, and it is faintly beyond the Big Rock Snake.

Abokai walked to the side of the boulder and observed it. He turned his body into a huge volume and rolled up an upper boulder. Amidst the rumbling, he removed a cave that Musashi could easily pass through. The heat wave swept in through this small cave. , Constantly raising the temperature in the cave.

   "Let’s go out first."

   Musashi crawled out of the cave against the heat wave first, and Abo Snake followed closely, and the cave closed again with his tail hooked.

   Smelly Smelly Flower listened to the sound of the boulder moving, she paused, then turned her body to look at the blocking door built by the boulder, and pondered for a long time.

   "Dingling, dingling."

   The first hour and a half of the clock setting has passed.

   The smelly flower recovered, and let the three little ones who were fighting each other take a rest.

   "How is it, are you having fun?"

   "I'm not happy at all, Dayan Snake didn't know to let me be touched. Look, I have become a sandstone Ibrahimovic."


"Haha, you, how do you want Big Rock Snake to let you? It is already his best effort to not hurt you. And this body of gray, have you forgotten the master's teaching? The only way to avoid it is to go straight to it. How? Those ravines and boulders are ideal environments for you to avoid. Remember to move your little head."

   Ibrahimovic, who was tinged with stinky flowers, said in an angry tone.

  (???????) "Isn't this unexpected at once."

   "Also, you are an elder sister, you were bullied by your younger brother, and you still have a complaint, but Geely Egg has been helping you."

   "I know~"

   "And you, Dayan Snake, the start is too light, and her characteristics have not been stimulated."

   "Brother Fan, I see."

   "Brother Fan, are you still my brother!!"

   "It's not for you to eat less hardship in the future, and listen to me obediently."

   "oh" (〃′o`)

   "Auspicious egg, and you, don't just look at this big rock snake, this time I will stare at Ibrahimovic. If you are spoiled, you will really become a pet."

   Ibrahimovic: (#?Д?)

   "I see, Brother Fan." (*′︶`*)

   "Dayan snake, do me a favor."

   "What do you want me to do?"

   "Help me get this stone house here and leave a door that can be opened."

   Smelly Smelly Flower perceives the temperature arrangement of the entire cave and finds a small leak.

   In order to overcome the influence of high temperature on herself, Smelly Flower decided that since she has this obvious weakness, she would eliminate this weakness.

   Even if it cannot be eliminated, reduce the impact of this weakness on oneself.

   The big rock snake scratched his head with the tip of his tail, and for a while couldn't figure out what the smelly flower was doing.

   Smelly Smelly Flower saw the movement of the big rock snake and knew that this movement must have been learned from the snake.

   "This is to overcome the high temperature's influence on me, and try to use the force of nature to see if the power of the flame can be exerted. I also want to see if the element of the flame can be contained in the poison."

   "Oh." Big Rock Snake couldn't understand it, so I could only do it.

   Use falling rocks to roughly make a shape, and then use mud to fill in the gaps and seal the top and leave the door. The door is a thin stone slab, and it is simple to block and keep warm.

  Geely Eggs can understand, and the admiration for the smelly flowers has increased again.

   Training continued, Smelly Flower looked for a while, and walked into the sauna room. If the outside temperature is 80, then there is 70 in the sauna, but only 40 in the cave.

   The 30-degree temperature difference suddenly caused the slender calyx of the smelly flower to curl up, changing from a local guy into an urban hip-hop.

The high temperature not only dehydrates and curls the calyx of the smelly flower, but also the water-rich spherical petals have a swelling feeling after aeration. The activity of body fluids is greatly enhanced in the high temperature, and the cell wall slightly ruptures during the expansion. In order to repair the cell wall, The sugar in the body is increasing consumption.

   Five minutes later, the unbearable smelly flower fled the sauna, endured the burning pain, carefully closed the stone slab, and breathed a sigh of relief.

   Peel off the skin of the double body which is severely burned and has a lot of cracks, and drain the remaining nutrients. Without the background of the calyx, the smelly flower has the appearance of a three-pointed overlord flower.

Then use aromatherapy to drive away the residual fire poison in the body, moonlight repairs the body and neutralizes the fire, it takes root to absorb nutrients from the rocky soil, restores the body shape, and the slender calyx is re-drawn from the contact part of the petals with the body .

   If you look closely at the calyx, you will find that there is a little orange at the end of the purple lines, but it looks so inconspicuous in the red calyx.

  . . . . . .

   "Abo Snake, don't let him run away, Da Snake stares!"

   Musashi commanded Abokai to attack a lava snail.

   Why attacked this lava snail, because he found the traces of Musashi and the others, and his strength did not reach the quasi-kingdom level, so Musashi brazenly shot, intending to stifle the danger in the bud.

   Hearing Musashi's command, Abo Snake ejected from Musashi's body. His body grew rapidly, his neck pattern opened, and the big snake stared.

   The lava snail was scared and froze in place, unable to move. When the Abo snake fell to the ground, the lava snail recovered and regained its ability to move.

   Like magma, the snail meat is collected into a snail shell with a gap, and it rolls to start.

   But the direction of rolling is not towards Abo She, but in the opposite direction of her.

   The Abbot, who had discovered the intention of this lava snail a long time ago, was faster than him, and appeared on the only way of the lava snail when his tail hit the ground.

   Dragon Tail!

   The high-speed rolling lava snail was shot into the side rock wall by the dragon tail, and the rolling was forced to pause.

   The lava snail came out of the shell, eyes bursting with angry fire,

   Self-regeneration is launched!



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