Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 83: Less successful performances and summer vacation

   After three days of preparation, all members of the Bard Club have assembled in the Great Hall Lounge.

The group wears traditional Doric Greek costumes. To describe it, they are wearing printed sheets measuring 4-5 meters in length and 1.2-1.5 meters in width. The waist is tied with a tie, and the soft cloth is folded irregularly on the body. The wavy shape is fixed on the chest or shoulders with a pin to form a special beauty of invisible shape.

   These knowledge and costumes are all provided by the costume guide Daoji Temple.

The classical architectural drawings on the background board were made by the students of the painting club. The main body of the background board is a teaching building in the Plato Academy. Of course, this is certainly not a real scene, but a fantasy product imagined by the people in the painting club. Behind the building is the illusory clock tower and hills.

   In front of the red velvet curtain, the host took the stage and followed the performance of the previous show, expressing her views on the show with humorous commentary.

After   , his expression changed solemnly and presided over: "Next, we have invited all members of the Bard Club to present a wonderful performance to our respectable teachers.

   Everyone welcomes applause. "

   In the applause, the curtain gradually rises, a poison rose with a smelly flower, and Pylas first goes out, bowing slightly to the teachers and students off the court.

   I saw the poison rose shaking the red and blue roses in the middle of the stage, and the gorgeous waltz was slightly moved on the toes. During the dance, the grassy field gradually covered the whole stage.

After   , the smelly flower took the dance steps of the poison rose, and the gorgeous petal dance swayed endless petals dotted on the grass field.

   In the end, the yellow mushroom spores randomly scattered when Pallas played, and the bright moon slowly rose in the next round of the three Pokémon dancing together, and gradually brightened into the sun under the light, which also indicated that the plot would begin now.

   "The choreography is quite good, I don't know how the show is." A school leader said to Joey Qingxue next to him.

   "After reading the introduction, it should be pretty good." Qingxue replied in a low voice.

A teacher (Musashi) took two students (Yu Shinoda and Yuko Saito. Yuko Saito is also a member of the bard society, but she is a lower grade student. Although she is one year older than Musashi, she is still called Musashikaku. Sister...) went out first. They stepped on the grass in the garden, talking and laughing, but when discussing a certain topic, the teacher's expression changed from playful to serious. They reached out and pointed to the grass, and a few pieces grew on the ground. A huge mushroom immediately invited them to sit.

   This approach caused the audience in the audience to clap their hands. Because it was very innovative and mysterious, it suddenly raised the teacher's style.

   These mushrooms were made from mushroom spores that were scattered here before by Pallas, but with the addition of the stinky flower growth skills and the huge increase in the grass field, this mushroom stool can be grown for people to rest.

   What they want to talk about is whether the teacher should teach indifferent or be used to elite education.

   During the heated discussion, the two were in a stalemate. At this time, a musician appeared beside them. His actor was Shangzhi.

   expressed his views in the aria. He insisted on elite education, because he was born as a little nobleman. He received this education since he was a child and has grown to the present height, becoming the exclusive musician of Plato Academy.

   With this help, Shinoda Yu, who is also a nobleman, looks like a noble white swan, raising his head high, his eyes filled with the joy of victory.

However, a gardener who heard the sound put forward different opinions. (The gardener's actor is Hezi Wubu) because the family conditions were not favorable since he was a child, and he accepted the teaching method with no kind of teaching, no. Has it also grown to where it is now?

   Saito Yuko heard this, swept away the loss on his face, and the whole person was overflowing, but he was not too excited. After all, he was still evenly matched.

   Then there appeared the guards: Oishikawa and the cook: Hayakawa Hidemi, they also put forward their own points, but although they initially accepted the teachings. But in the subsequent learning, it is an elite teaching method.

   This made Yu Shinoda and Tamoko Saito a little confused and couldn't help turning their eyes to Musashi, who played the teacher.

   Teacher Xiaoxiao put forward a third point: teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

   "Well, the theme is sublimated, but the plot arrangement is still too straightforward, and the performance method is quite immature, but considering that it is the first time to perform, on the whole it is not bad."

   "It's really rare to have a compliment from you."

   As a noble musician, because of family conditions, he can enjoy a better education, while the gardener should be a commoner and can only get general education, but it should be because her efforts have grown to the same status as the musician.

  The guards and the cooks, who are also of civilian origin, have also obtained the opportunity of elite education through the hard work of the day after tomorrow.

   Then the teacher explained the topic of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. After everyone understood, the curtain slowly fell and the performance ended.

   The applause sounded again.

   "I'm tired!!" The Musashi girls returned to the backstage and couldn't help crying.

  Because they are all performing on stage for the first time, tension and anxiety continue to surround them, for fear that they will forget their lines and laugh.

   But fortunately, none of these things happened, because the show was a temporary decision, and the script lines and various details were not the best, and although the intention was sublimated, it still seemed a bit far-fetched.

   And Musashi didn't have the chance to sing at all during the whole show, but the coordination of the smelly flowers was very good, and it was a reward.

   The whole teacher appreciation banquet is over, and the seniors will leave the campus to go their separate ways.

   Some prospects are bright, some roads are already set, and some are waiting for home arrangements, but some students look confused, and finally travel in groups at the invitation of friends to find their own destination.

   So far, the Bard Club has lost one member, and at the same time, the Geely Egg Nursing College has also lost a group of students who can be independent.

After    came back, Musashi learned the lesson of this time and stopped focusing on the major festivals and college evenings on campus.

  Because there are too many regulations in this, I can't play what I want to sing freely.

   also gradually understood why the bard can no longer be employed in the order camp, because order represents rules and restraints.

   The creation of a bard cannot be confined to rules. It is a kind of casual, a kind of sing that can be sung when you think of it, and a profession of expressing your own emotions.

   It is through the infectious power of self-emotion that can mobilize the emotions of the surrounding viewers, and then burst out a very strong is the bard.

   Having figured this out, Lai Yaqin, who had almost no chance to play, returned to Musashi again and carried it next to him.

   As long as there is free time, Laiyaqin will appear in Musashi's hands and play it regardless of location.

   was a small tune with a simple tune at the beginning, but it was well-known and accepted by the audience, so Musashi was not driven out.

   After getting used to Musashi’s sudden performance, the audience occasionally suggested some pieces for Musashi to play. Musashi would gladly accept this, and if he really didn’t know how to play, he could only give an apologetic smile.

   Throughout this July, Musashi has been honing his skills on bards in this way. Although he did not show the results on the data, the tangible gains made Musashi very satisfied.

   As for the occupational information, Musashi is still not sure to complete it. There is no problem with the performance, but there are still some obstacles to creation. There are shortcomings in the attribute point, and Musashi does not insist on this aspect.

   At the end of the term, Musashi ushered in a long-lost vacation, which was a two-month summer vacation.

  Because of Musashi's excellent grades, there is basically no summer homework, which means that Musashi can play safely for two months without worrying about learning the above things.

After returning home to be a good boy for a few days, Musashi bid farewell to his parents, stepmother, and Rika and went back to school. However, this time he came back not to study, but to find the long-separated Abokai through the leader of Lada. Big Rock Snake.

   "I don't know how they are now." Musashi followed the leader of Radha and strolled in the dark cave.


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