Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 71: Cultivate independent thinking skills

   Smelly Smelly Flower first mentioned an advantage, the ability to dodge. Shortcomings, negligence.

   Musashi nodded, not commenting, and recorded it in his portable notebook.

   Then Ji Lidan also said one of his own advantages, and was surprised. Shortcomings, easy to be guarded against.

   Musashi nodded his head in approval, still not commenting, and recorded it in the notebook.

Ibrahimovic was the last to step forward, hesitating, I don’t know how to explain it, Ibrahimovic is only three months old since she was born, and her knowledge, knowledge and knowledge are all transmitted to her by Musashi and the lucky egg. She has no ideas of her own, or she has ideas but is very weak.

   I was able to encourage Auspicious Egg before and resist Musashi's temptation. That was the result of Musashi's intentional or unintentional indoctrination. It was really embarrassing for her to sum up her own advantages and disadvantages by herself.

   But this is also one of Musashi's goals, which is to cultivate Ibrahimovic's ability to think independently.

   But Musashi also knew that it made Ibrahimovic think about it out of thin air. It was too difficult for her, so she guided a little: "Don't think about those big and empty aspects, first think about the advantages you have."

   "Buy?" Advantage?


   "Yes, advantage, what did you think of?"

   "Bu...I?" Me, younger?

"Very good, being petite is also an advantage and advantage. Small size means that you can hide in a smaller place. Small body also means flexibility, so being small is indeed your advantage. The disadvantages, you can think about your own Disadvantage. Just compare the two of them where you have shortcomings."

   "Boy~!" Experience.

   "Well, yes, although it is very broad, it is indeed your shortcoming."

   Musashi made an evaluation on Ibrahimovic's two points and recorded them in his notebook.

"Okay, I have recorded your strengths and weaknesses. A new round will begin. Remember your strengths and weaknesses, enlarge your strengths, and avoid weaknesses, but don't let more weaknesses be exposed. Prepare~Run!! "

A new round began again. At the beginning, they consciously wanted to enlarge their advantages, so the action of the smelly flower began to become exaggerated, and the auspicious egg became hesitant when the skill was released, Ibrahimovic Nothing has changed since then.

Indeed, she played her own strengths or her true colors. With the help of her petite size and the occlusion of rocks and other objects, she really made her lead a lot. As for the shortcomings and lack of experience, this can't be done in a short while. solved.

   After the smelly flowers realized that they had put down their bigger mistakes, they simply stopped considering their advantages and disadvantages, and rushed forward according to their original rhythm.

   So Ibrahimovic was miserable and quickly slipped from first to third, but after all, they failed to escape the mud ball of the big demon lord Oyan snake and retreated again.

   At this time, Yoshimi and Haruna finally caught up.

"Huh~! Musashi, you are running so fast, I almost thought that Yangna and I had gone the wrong way, and I couldn't see you at all along the way. If it weren't for the strange force, you were in front, just in front, me and Yangcai is planning to go home."

   Yoshimi supported her knees and finally straightened her breath.

   "Haha, I'm sorry, I don't know when I ran, I only know that I will follow Mr. Morikawa through the road after another, and finally here, you see, there are trees all around, and the place where we are staying is a clearing."

   Musashi said and pointed to the main body of Tsukimiyama, which is not far away, but dying far away, towering cloud-like peaks, and lush trees, but the peak seems to have been erased, which is a bit regrettable.

   This shortcoming should have been smashed by a meteorite, isn't Kiraqi sleeping there?

   "Tomorrow, the place we are going to should be there."

   "Where?" Yoshimi looked at the place where Musashi's finger was, and she was puzzled.

   "Isn't it the tip of the mountain?" Yang Cai had a bad guess.

   "Probably." Musashi was actually not sure, after all, it was a bit far from the top of the mountain.

   "By the way, Musashi, what is this for?"

   Yoshimi looked at the runway and asked.

   "This is used to train them, mainly to exercise dodgeability and flexibility."

   "Can I see how you use it?"

   "Of course, but wait a minute."


   "Smelly smelly flower, auspicious egg, Ibrahimovic, come here."

   "This is the second time you have failed. Okay, let's continue to summarize the advantages and disadvantages."

   "What is this for?" Ji asked curiously.

  "Cultivate their ability to think independently, which helps them find their own problems and correct them.

   It would be unreasonable to rely on trainers to correct their mistakes. It should be because with the increase in the number of Pokémon, we cannot be as meticulous as we are now.

   So we can only cultivate their abilities in some aspects as soon as possible, and we only need to correct them when necessary. "

   "Is that so..." Jigme looked at Liuwei thoughtfully.

   Yangna finally knew that Musashi's success was not relying on Ginkgo and the others, and she couldn't help but admire Musashi. This sister, who was two years younger than her, was far ahead of her and Yoshimi.

   Smelly Smelly Flower finally knows why Musashi wants to sum up these things, and he pays more attention to this change.

   "Ha na..." Advantages: Speed, Disadvantages: cranky thinking.

   "I found it, you must take a warning."

   "lucky." Advantages: precise, disadvantages: negligence

   "Doctors, any carelessness will cause irreversible harm to the patient, so think carefully. This sentence is what my master said to me, so let us encourage together."

   "Buy~" Advantages: Features, Disadvantages: Not useful.


   "Slippy, but with regard to your characteristics, it will only be triggered when you encounter a crisis and perceive danger. However, you can familiarize yourself with this feeling before then, and then slowly explore it in the future."

   "Smelly smelly flowers, flying leaves and swords, sword dance."

   "Ha Na!"

  Smelly smelly flower grows a slender leaf on one hand, just like the leaf on the head when walking on grass, and then raises his hand to do the sword dance.

Sword dance focuses on a dance character. In the dance, a layer of sharp attributes is applied to the sword to increase the attack power. Why does Smelly Flower have this starting position? The main reason is that Smelly Flower does not have a good grasp of this skill. High reason.

  Because sword dance is difficult to practice, the element of sword dance is not added to the shaking dance, and blindly adding seemingly miraculous but unrelated skills can only be counterproductive.

   In addition, Smelly Flower's melee ability is really weak, so I gradually neglected the practice of sword dance, but the routine practice every day will not be forgotten.

   And Feiye Kuaidao, to be honest, since evolving into a smelly flower, this skill has hardly been used.

   First, it takes too much effort to form a leaf, and second, it costs too much to throw it out and not worth it.

The reason why I didn’t leave it was to see if I could comprehend the magic leaf, but it seems that some people talk about dreams, so it becomes what it is now. When practicing sword dance, a leaf is condensed as a sword Dance Unskilled means unskilled, melee weak means weak, it all depends on who is compared.

If it is to clean up Ibrahimovic, then in Ibrahimovic’s perception, the smelly flower is a sword master at this time, and the blade in his hand has also become a real sword, and with the blessing of the sword dance, it has become more and more sharp. stand up.

   When the momentum condensed to the peak, Smelly Flower's eyes that could never be opened quickly locked on Ibrahimovic, stepped hard with her short legs, and lased towards Ibrahimovic.

   "Boy!!!" It's dying, dying! ! !

   Suddenly, his body seemed to have turned on a certain switch, and Ibrahimovic fled out and shrank behind the biggest rock snake.

   It took a long time to poke out half of my head


   "Boy?" Am I not dead?

   "Ha na~!" What do you mean? Remember that feeling?

   "Bu...I~~" Remember...~~

   "Ha na~!" Let's continue!


   "Okay, okay, let's start the third round." Musashi quickly stopped the two and signaled that they could drive.

   Yoshimi and Yangna finally saw the real use of this runway, and after the third round, they also asked to participate, and Yangna was also eager to try.

"In this case, we play the confrontation mode, Yangna, your floating doll is used as a changeable weather, and you can change the weather environment of the runway at will according to his own ideas, and your Marilu and Jigme’s six-tailed fire horse are a group. Fight against my stinky flowers, auspicious eggs, and Ibrahimovic.

   first reach the opponent's side and win. "

"it is good!"



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