Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 52: Doll arrives

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The successive changes made Orange Leaf's six tails a little overwhelmed. In the end, he couldn't make a surprise attack, and was locked by supernatural power and lost his fighting ability.

"Sure enough, this Yamato orange leaf still hasn't grown much."

In the battle, this kind of successive changes is most avoided. If it has reached the level of flexibility, then Musashi has nothing to say.

But Yamato Orange Leaf still stayed at the normal level. Such a chaotic and random command had no other effect besides speeding up his defeat.

If you encounter this kind of thing, you must also take it as a warning, otherwise the failure will be small, and the death will be big.

After all, the Rockets' knife is still hanging on the head.

The fourth and fifth challengers used Big Needle Bee and Yongjila respectively.

The Big Needle Bee is not difficult to solve, that is, Yongjira is too slippery, and teleportation is an unsolvable skill for the current six tails.

Fortunately, the level is limited to 30, and with the spirit of Yongjila, he can’t use teleportation many times.

And the six tails with meditation thoughts are not much lower in total mental power than Yongjila. Although they used supernatural powers twice, they were still in a good state.

Through the continuous interference of flame vortex and flash of electric light, a wave of Yunjira's mental energy was successfully consumed, and finally, with the help of a surprising blow, Yunjira ended up.

Yangna was relieved to see that Jigme successfully defeated Yongjila. Although Liuwei was exhausted, as long as Liuwei was still on the field, he had room to operate and helped Jigme win 10 victories.

"Ji Mei has won five consecutive victories. Will the victory come to her? We will wait and see, please have the next challenger~!"

"Yucai! How cruel are you really?" Jigme smashed when he saw Yang Cai play.

"Oh, Jigme, let you scare me, let you play tricks on me. Although my floating bubble can only use the sun form, I won't make you feel better! Floating bubble, sun form, sunny day!"

"Huh?" Jimei was dumbfounded, isn't Yangcai's floating bubble can switch between four forms freely? Why do you say that you can only use the sun form? Isn't this adding state to me?

Could it be~!

"Hey, Yangcai, don't be proud, I won't lose, Liuwei sleeps!"

what? ! ! !

One of the audience at the scene was dumbfounded, so what about these two? ? One uses the sunny day plus state, the other uses sleep to recover, what's wrong in this world?

"Sleep? Do you look down on me? Floating bubbles use jet flames!"

"I didn't take you to my heart at all, Liuwei, dream talk!"

This is just like talking. I thought that these two people were writing a play for the purpose of fighting a fake match.

"Dream talk, when did your six-tailed learn? Why don't I know, **** it!"

I saw that the six tails in his sleep used sparks, which did no harm to the floating bubbles, and the floating bubbles were also unharmed...

"It's full of unexpected dreams. I hope Liuwei can use more powerful skills next time."

The host was also a little helpless. The fierce battle became like this. He was also very helpless. He could only remind the two of the battle to be almost done.

After all, everyone is a human being. It doesn't matter if you act once or twice. It would be inappropriate to delay the time.

After hearing the referee's hint, Yoshimi and Yangna estimated that Liuwei had almost recovered.

Coupled with the moisturizing of the jet of flames and the buff of the flame bonus on sunny days, the six tails can recover quickly.

So Jigme once again gave the command of dream talk, and a powerful but extremely weak magical power locked the floating bubble.

The floating bubble was overwhelmed and lost his fighting ability.

The performance was about to end, Yang Cai put down a ruthless remark and then left the show in anguish.

The spectators who were watching were all stunned. Six tails woke up in a timely manner, standing in front of Jigme waiting for a new opponent.

The seventh challenger used a strong chicken. Under Musashi Novelty, he paid special attention to the girl's name, and she was called Nan Saho.

Possessing a strong chicken as a Pokémon is definitely not from Guandu. It is most likely from Fengyuan’s trainers, and a small number of them are students from the Geely Egg Nursing College.

"Yicai, do you know this girl who uses strong chicken?"

"I don't know, Jigme doesn't seem to know her because of her reaction, so it shouldn't be from our school."


"what's happenin?"

"No, it means that trainers who use strong chickens are relatively rare. Let's see if it's our school."

"Well, the battle has begun."

"Strong chicken, splash sand."

"Six tails used electric light to dodge."

"Use an electric light to catch up!" Nan Shasui immediately commanded with a slight movement in her eyes.

Two orange figures on the field chase me, and sometimes a collision occurs, and the two sides are temporarily in a stalemate, but for Liuwei, this stalemate is very unfavorable.

Jigme also knows what his opponent thinks. He wants to lose six tails' stamina and spend the least amount of strength to win. Jigme just wants to say, "You are too beautiful."

"A surprise!"

While you were chasing me, Liuwei suddenly turned around and the evil energy energy suddenly staggered the strong chicken.

Although the effect on Lizhuang chicken is not obvious, but it is a good solution to this unfavorable situation.

"I have been seen, but you can't escape, the energy-charged flame attack!"

Nan Sasui said that she was in control, and she did have the capital to say such things.

"Musashi, do you know the source of her self-confidence?" Yang Na frowned and somewhat disliked Nan Saho's tone.

"It should be the acceleration characteristic of the Lizhuang chicken. When the Lizhuang chicken uses a flash of light, the speed of the Lizhuang chicken is gradually equal to that of the six tails.

You know, innately strong chickens can't catch up with the six-tailed speed, but they have caught up with the six-tailed in the previous confrontation. So it should be the acceleration feature, coupled with the effect of the energy storage flame attack, the speed of the strong chicken can be increased by another level, Jigme is in trouble. "

"Take a tooth for a tooth!"


Nan Sha Sui exclaimed in surprise.

"I can't catch your strong chicken, then I will wait for you to come by yourself."

Among the damage of the stored energy flame attack, only the final impact can damage the six tails. As long as you grasp the gap between the two touches, no matter how fast you are, you can't escape!

Although the injury was exchanged for injury, the six tails actually suffered even more. After all, the impact caused by acceleration was not so easy to withstand.

The Lizhuang chicken is also not lightly injured. When the acceleration is to a certain extent, she is also very fragile, and even the slightest pain will be magnified a lot.

"Good opportunity! Supernatural power!"

Jigme shouted.

Although the physical injury was relatively serious, her mental strength was still quite sufficient, and she instantly caught the panting strong chicken, and it turned out to be her.

This battle was fierce and the level was high. The audience clapped their hands and cheered Jigme and the others at the moment when the six tails won.

"It feels so good, isn't it Liuwei~"

Jigme felt everyone's cheers and murmured, regardless of whether Liuwei could hear it or not.


Six-tailed heart screamed, feeling the cheers, the heart was surging, the energy of the flame in the body was constantly accumulating in the tail There was a strange feeling of breaking out of the body.

It's like touching the stone of fire...

There is nothing to say in the next battle. The eighth and ninth challengers used Bibi Niao and Hao Li.

Although the six tails were inconvenient to move, the use of the flame vortex and the ghost fire still seized Bibi Niao's flaws, and the magical power gave the final blow.

Haoli directly used his supernatural power, without a trace of muddle-headedness.

The tenth place is Yuzi. It is impossible to fight against each other. He healed the pain of Liuwei during the acting and left the field calmly.

"The plot has twists and turns. Let us congratulate Shirota Yoshimi for winning the first ten consecutive victories in this ring."

"Papa Papa"

"Pick a doll you like on the doll stand."

Jigme watched for a long time and chose a samurai who was riding a white horse and holding a bow and arrow.

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