Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Monthly exam

   "Musashi~! Haruna~!"

  "Put" Musashi put down the pen in his hand and turned his head to look at Yoshimi.

   "Said" Yang Na put down the book in her hand, and also looked at Jigme.

   "It's going to take a monthly exam."

   "We know what's wrong."

   Musashi asked knowingly.

   "This is not... Two adults, the little girl's wealth and life are in the hands of your second elder, please save the little girl, this is an offering, please accept it."

   Jigme took out a few packs of strange flavored beans in both hands and offered them respectfully.

   "Master Yangcai, what do you think?" Musashi pointed to the packs of strange flavored beans, and asked Yangcai, who pretended to be serious.

   "Shao~" Yang Cai replied sternly.

   "This is all the savings of the little girl, I beg you for your favor."

   Ji said in a beautiful voice.

   "Come here, bang out~!" Musashi looked at Yang Nai's expression and immediately said loudly.

   "Sir, sir, **** little girl, I misestimated the surplus in the family, doubled! Are you still satisfied?" Jigme suddenly cried, and tremblingly took out a few more packets, looking heartbroken.


   "Thank you for the two adults~" Jigme finished speaking, and quickly put the Weidoudou on the table of Musashi and Yangna, fearing that the two would go back.

   "Okay, what do you don't understand?" Musashi asked vaguely when he opened one.

   "Medical Encyclopedia, what is the main point of this book? What should I recite? I just passed the passing line" Ji Mei said, holding a 16-open book.

   "The key point? It's all the key point. If you want to pass, I say you remember."


   Musashi walked to Jigme and pointed to the names of the herbal medicinal materials on the catalog. From time to time, he said that this is related to the cultivation of fire-type Pokémon, and this has nothing to do with it. This has the effect of stimulating spiritual power, this Balabala.

   Every time Musashi talked about a medicinal material related to her Pokémon cultivation, Jigme's eyes lighted up, and she was excited.

   said that there was no interest in her Pokémon medicinal materials.

   Musashi is holding on to the point to guarantee that Jigme, who is holding the Buddha's foot, will pass. Although it is only the first time to participate in the monthly exam, the content learned this month will be reviewed every night in a dream to deepen the impression. So some of the content that will be tested can be roughly guessed.

   After talking about the test sites this month, I stopped and asked Jigme to take out the next book.

The next book is about medical equipment. This is Yangcai’s strong point. Yangcai took the position of Musashi and pointed to several medical equipment in the book and said: "This monthly exam will have a very large opening rate to test these contents, especially It's this machine, your little fire horse has personally experienced it, so come on."

Jigme nodded, and took out the next book. Just like this, Musashi and Haruna took turns and listed all the knowledge points for Jigmeiro. They are all likely to be tested and fully invested in the content. It is really not far-fetched. The attached meeting is related to the fire department, so Jigme should be interested in this content.

   And it’s only two days before the monthly exam.

   Two days later, the first day's written test, the next day's practical operation, and the last day the elves fight. The results of each monthly test are linked to the placement of the next semester, so the whole school has to work hard, even if it is temporary.

   If more than two courses fail in the first class that month, then they will automatically leave the first class and return to the original class, or leave the first class and enter the second and third class.

   Regarding the written test in the monthly exam, Musashi didn't worry much. After all, everything he learned in class was in his mind. Even if he didn't come into contact with it, he knew it in advance through self-study, so he didn't worry at all.

  It was a little difficult to get excellent in the practice of the next day. The content of the assessment was wizard massage, confirmation and treatment of illnesses, and wound stitching.

   somewhat difficult.

On the third day of the elves battle, Musashi expressed fearlessness. Both his own Pokémon have reached the threshold of elite level. The ordinary opponents don’t care about them at all, and even some of the famous opponents in the class, if they meet Musashi didn't dare to take it lightly.

   Time passed in a hurry, and when Jigme wished to use it as three days, it was like a flaming horse without leaving a trace.

   "I'm going to die, I'm going to die. I haven't read it at all..."

   Jigme could not help but wailed as he sorted out his pen and paper admission ticket.

   "Did you recite those?" Musashi asked worriedly.

   "I have memorized all the key points you said, but I don't worry, I have memorized a little more, but I still have no idea." Jigme said weakly.

   "Since there is no bottom in my heart, are you going to the battle club and the battle pyramid every day next month?"

"go with!"

   "It's no help. Forget it, haven't you learned how to think of meditation? Why don't you review these things in your dreams."

   "Forget it, I feel sleepy as soon as I read a book, do you want me to sleep in my dream?"

   "Forget it, what class are you in?"

   "Class 2, how about you."

   "Class 4, what class are you in Yangna?"

   "Class 1."

   "Hey, it's a little too random to be random. Why did I go to Class 4!" Musashi said with an unease.

   "It's not all random, it's mainly divided by ranking, but because you are an airborne student, the school does not have your grade ranking, so you are directly assigned to class 4."

   "... Okay, next time I will take the exam, I will definitely be in the first class." Musashi could only accept this explanation.

  . . . . .

   looked left and right after finding his place. The place is quite spacious, even if someone wants to cheat, there is absolutely no way.

   Two tests in the morning and two in the afternoon. These test papers are generally difficult for Musashi, and they can be completed in two or three strokes. However, they are not in a hurry to hand in the papers. Instead, they started to observe the invigilator.

The invigilator is a male teacher in his 30s, wearing boxy black-rimmed There is a habit of putting his hands in the pockets of a white coat, but today he I was wearing a normal suit and did not have these two pockets, so I failed several times.

   She shook her head every time and whispered to herself, but it won't be long before she will commit one. Maybe this is a kind of occupational disease.

In addition to the invigilator teacher, there are also two invigilation Pokémon. Musashi found that these two elves have sharp eyes, one is a fast boxer, the other is a sentinel, but I don’t know if it is the treasure of this male teacher. Dreamable.

  In Musashi's cranky thoughts, the end bell rang, and Kuai Khan Lang and Sentinels collected the test papers and handed them to the male teacher. After collecting them, they affixed a seal to the file bag and left.

When the teacher went out, the students in Class 4 immediately moved around. Several people who knew each other would gather to discuss the previous test questions or compare the answers, but no one knew Musashi, and Musashi was also happy and did not take the initiative. Join these discussions.

In this way, on the first day of the monthly test, Musashi ended in a relaxed response. After returning to the dormitory, Yoshimi looked at Musashi and Haruna with an unbelievable expression, and asked: "Are you gods? That's accurate. Do you know what, I'm all ah, my god."

"Isn't this a good thing, but don't be lucky. If you don't listen to lectures in class and don't work hard after class, Musashi and I found out that we won't help you even if there are more snacks." Haruna warned. Tao.

   "Yes, I promise to keep the crooked brain meridian." Jigme promised immediately.

   "Okay, let's go to dinner, come on tomorrow."

   Musashi suggested after putting things away.

   "Come on!" × 2

   "Haha" The three couldn't help laughing.

   "Go away~"

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