Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 34: Poisonous Gall and Demon Pill

   The day before Abo Snake's operation, Musashi did his best to complete the important task in the gym, and his physique increased a little.

   And this improvement in physique nearly doubled Musashi's endurance and endurance, so Musashi temporarily interrupted his running training, once again found Oishikawa, and asked him about rock climbing.

   When he was in Songzao Village (the village where Musashi lived when he was a child), Musashi had a few rock climbing experiences, and for this, he also gained a climbing skill.

   But Musashi knows that these are the wild roads he has figured out. Many movements may be irregular, and some professional skills are also not understood, so he still needs to ask Oishikawa for advice.

After re-understanding and practicing several times, Musashi easily mastered these things. As a result, his climbing skill proficiency increased a lot, but there were no attribute tasks. There were only a few routine daily tasks, which added a little experience. .

A little disappointed, but Musashi quickly let go, because she can feel all aspects of the body's functions, which are stimulated during climbing, and the new physical strength is also adapted to the high-intensity exercise. .

   Then I was found by Yin Gu to watch Joey Qingxue personally perform surgery on Abo Snake.

   Let’s continue to talk about Abo Snake. Since the successful operation, the gallbladder upgraded to the venom storage officer has truly become a poisonous gall bladder.

   The crystallized bile continuously aggregates in the venom and flames, and finally forms a spherical but sharp-angled crystal. The venom has also become more fierce as it contends with the gallbladder again and again.

However, Musashi found that slowly the venom and bile were no longer in conflict, but began to live in peace, as if the two recognized each other after a fight. They did not retreat due to some reasons. At this moment, Musashi truly understood that the same clan is the same. The charm of the source.

Musashi told Qingxue and Yingu of this discovery. After Qingxue knew about it, he rushed over and did a very detailed inspection. Finally, he came to the conclusion that the gallbladder perfectly became the venom storage officer of Abai snake, and it was originally The function of assisting digestion is not degraded, but stronger. The combination of the two will continuously drive the body to adapt to toxins and optimize the whole body, which means that the process of Abai snake on animal gu will be greatly accelerated.

   In the next two days, the accelerating growth of Abo's snake gu pattern verified this conclusion of Joey Qingxue.

The    purple-red gu pattern completed the interaction at the end of February, and it was perfectly filled in the yellow pattern of Aber Snake. The light of evolution could no longer be restrained, and it broke out at this moment.

Abaishe quickly curled up himself, and the Qi-gathering mental concentration method he had not practiced for a long time, at this moment, the blessings and the heart were running extremely fast, and the continuously condensed spiritual power was continuously condensed and compressed under the light of evolution. The soul of the entity has long been dragged into the spiritual power in the Qi-Gathering Spirit Concentration Method.

   When the light of evolution reached its peak, the soul of Abo snake controlled its mental power and rushed into the gallbladder wrapped in flames, or poisonous gall.

   The crystallized bile was quietly shattered and blended into the virulent poison. The spiritual force stirred the mixture, and slowly formed a core under the burning of the flame, and in the core, the soul body of Abai snake closed his eyes and fell asleep.

With the emergence of the core, the venom mixed with bile crystals began to be absorbed by the core, and the flesh and blood slowly broke away from the restraint of the body and pulled in one by one, followed by the gu patterns, scales, snake bones on the body, and finally Green scales on the center of the eyebrow.

In the end, at the center of the light of evolution, only a purple bead was left in the place where the snake originally existed. It was covered with a weird purple-red pattern. At the top of the pattern, a little green stuck to it, but it was green in the competition. As if giving up resistance, the final lines were imbued with purple-red.

And the light of evolution that had already fallen is surprisingly strong again, and the beads are slowly expanding in the light of evolution, one after another, crystal-clear bones appear from scratch to form a giant white snake, and the shrinking core falls on the chest cavity. Among them, a blood flower was born on the spine to hold the core and turned into a fleshy heart.

   "Boom, boom, boom."

The powerful beating sound bursts with endless energy, nourishing countless blood vessels along the arteries and veins of the heart, covering the entire skeleton. The rest of the organs are slowly formed in each blood vessel node, including the gallbladder, which was originally used as the core. The poison gland in the lower jaw disappeared.

   Finally, muscles, epidermis, scales, and patterns have all grown, and the light of evolution is finally exhausted at this moment.

   A big purple snake with a head of four meters appeared in front of Musashi and the others.

   The slender purple body was curled up, the **** cortex at the tip of the tail disappeared, replaced by the pointed purple snake tail. The strong tail muscles allow Aboguai to easily learn various skills that require tail force.

   This change Musashi is a bit lost, there is nothing to play with, the original patina~

   Following the tail of the snake, the gradually thick body of the snake showed her strong twisting force. Musashi believed that even a very thick gas bottle could be easily squeezed into an iron block.

   The thick abdomen also provides stronger cardiorespiratory function for Abogua, and some voice skills can also be easily understood.

   The snake neck on the abdomen is the most distinctive external feature of Aboguai's body. The pattern resembles a vicious face and is also called spectacles.

   Three-pointed eyebrows, with three flame flying patterns at the tip.

Two eye-like patterns are located on both sides of the open neck epidermis. The black eye sockets are strengthened by the pattern of the eye, and the corners of the eyes and the purple eye shadow are The red white of the eyes and the yellow pupils are also in the Gu Under the depiction of Wen, there are more purple bloodshot eyes and purple-red pupils.

   As the skin opens and closes, the pupils will also become larger and smaller.

   represents the black mouth pattern with red sharp teeth arranged in it, making it more like a big mouth of a blood basin that is eaten by someone.

In contrast with the wide neck, the snake head is much more'petite'. The sharp fangs are not just four, but a row of sharp fangs on the basis of the four fangs. The bite ability and lethality Greatly enhanced, all kinds of occlusal skills are finally no longer an extravagant hope.

  'S triangular eyes are closed tightly, obviously not fully awake, it is worth noting that the green scales on the center of the eyebrows still exist, but there are a few more purple-red gu patterns.

   "Quah, cha~~!" Abokai suddenly opened his eyes and let out a long roar. As the voice subsided, Abokai lowered his head and looked at his master, Musashi.

   "Just right~" You look so small, Musashi.

   "Because you have evolved, strange Abo. Congratulations, all the hardships come."

   "Just right~" hee hee~

   After Aboguai finished speaking, he gathered the skin of his neck, and the pattern disappeared in the skin recirculation, leaving only some gu patterns around Aboguai's neck.

After doing this, Abokai was still not satisfied. In Musashi’s surprised expression, the four-meter-long body kept shrinking, degenerating until it became a one-meter-long little snake, and crawled along Musashi’s body to Musashi’s shoulders. The radicals and tails were exchanged slightly, and it became a purple scarf. The snake's head was buried on Musashi's neck and shoulders, and the chain-bead-shaped snake tail was hanging down, just like before.

   "I'm still so lazy after I have evolved, but that's okay." Musashi said with a smile while playing with Abokai's tail skillfully.

   "Just right~~"

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