The Ling's salary is high, but...the risk is also high.

They come to work here for money.

But now... they just want to leave, leaving like crazy.

Giving it to Master Wu is also dead, and being kicked into the pool to drown is also dead.

They couldn't help but worry about their upcoming destiny.

After a few more minutes, the maid in the swimming pool finally sank to the bottom of the pool, and she had no interest.

"Whoever dares to resist my orders in the future will end with her!" Ling Yichen said coldly, staring at a few shivering maids, "Now go and serve Master Wu immediately."

When Master Wu heard the words, he was so happy as if he had won a lottery prize.

He sat on a recliner with his big belly, and immediately untied his clothes, "Come on, beauties! Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

The picture is so beautiful that it makes people dare not look at it.

It's so spicy that people's eyes almost fall out.

The nausea made Ling Yichen turn his head, "Master Wu, you have fun, I still have to take a step beforehand."

Ling Yixin immediately stood up when he heard the words, "Master Wu has fun."

There are only a few beautiful maids in Master Wu's eyes, so how come there are others?

Without looking at the brothers, he waved directly, "Let's go, let's go!"

He laughed extremely wretchedly, his face full of oily face.

"No! Don't come here!"

"Master Wu, please, let me be a cow or a horse..."

Master Wu’s disgusting laugh echoed in the air, "Hehe--"


Fan's Blood Doctor Valley Manor.

In a very quiet small courtyard, a gray-haired old man stood in the courtyard, pinched his fingers and sighed heavily.

Fan Lian stood behind him, eyes full of tension, "Elder Wen, how is it? What is the fate of President Bo this time?"

Without success to help Ruan Su, he returned to the Blood Doctor Valley.

Fan Lian was guilty of guilt, so immediately after returning, he came to find Elder Fan Wen, the fortune-teller of the family, and asked him to count Bo Xingzhi's divination to see if Bo Xingzhi could survive this time.

"He has no worries in his life, Master, you don't have to worry about it." Fan Wen retracted his finger, but his brows were filled with melancholy.

After Fan Lian heard his calculation, he slowly let out a sigh of relief. "It's okay...Hey, why do you look bad, Elder Wen? Have you figured out something?"

Fan Wen looked at the gloomy sky above his head, his face was pale, "My irresistible friend, the Dao Ren... died."

Fan Lian was taken aback.

The speeches of these masters are always so elegant and mysterious.

So perish means death?

He swallowed his saliva and comforted him awkwardly, learning from Fan Wen's tone, "Life and death are up to fate, wealth and wealth are in the sky. Since Senior Niu deserves this, better be sorry."

"Niu Dao Ren had such a catastrophe. He didn't hide from it. There is nothing he can do." Fan Wen shook his head, "I just don't know if he has found a descendant of the Mai Sect...We people, we are looking at the secrets, we depend on each other for good and evil. !"

He thought of his death, but failed to meet him.

My heart is full of regrets.

But what about regrets?

"Forget it, Master, you can go back, President Bo has no worries about life. You don't have to worry too much." Fan Wen patted Fan Lian's shoulder again, "I'm going to retreat for seven days. Tell them, don't bother me. ."

Fan Lian nodded quickly, "Okay, okay."

He also understood in his heart that the so-called retreat was probably because Fan Wen wanted to chant scriptures to his friends, and did not want outsiders to disturb his quietness.



M Country Ye Family Manor.

Ruan Su is completely different from the other ladies in the collateral line, living in the main house with Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye.

Not only her, but also Ye Tan and Jun Moli.

The couple are getting older, but the research has not stopped.

Ye's family has set up a yard as a laboratory for the couple. All the equipment in the laboratory is complete, almost the most advanced.

After eating, the couple went to the laboratory. They were doing a newest experiment recently. If it succeeds, it will make a huge contribution to the entire country and even the entire mankind.

Ruan Su didn't go anywhere, she was eagerly learning the secrets passed to her by Niu Dao people in her own room.

She has a good memory, so she keeps all the spells including the methods of use in her heart.

Although she possessed the abilities of a cow Taoist, she did not use it proficiently.

She desperately needs practical experience now.

Ruan Su interviewed and drew a few simple blessing formations in his room.

Adding the kind of Ye Jiafulu, this kind of formation can gather blessings and make Ye Jiafu feel profound.

She tried another formation to increase her luck. After she tried a few good formations, she practiced a few more ways to break the formation.

The most important thing in the formation is the formation eye.

However, the general formation of small formations is easy to find, but the difficult formations of large formations are extremely difficult to find.

Ye family is a glorious family for a hundred years, and she has also learned some Feng Shui.

Therefore, she asked Ye Yanli about the map of Yejia Manor.

Ye Yanli was very strange, "What do you want the map for?"

Ruan Su smiled, "The house is so big, what should I do if I get lost? So I am familiar with the terrain."

"That said, if you don't understand or understand, I can show you around and walk around our house." Ye Yanli laughed, smiling very softly. "This is your own home. You don't have to be restrained. You can ask for anything. Uncle will satisfy you."

Since returning from picking up Ruan Su, he seems to be dreaming every day.

How could this kind of niece, who is almost like a fairy, be the child of their family!

He wakes up with a smile when he dreams.

Of course, I want to hold it in the palm of my hand for fear of falling, and hold it in my mouth for fear of melting.

This directly caused him to always look at Ruan Su with a smile like an old father.

Not only him, but also Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye, as well as Ye Tan and his wife.

I can’t wait for twenty-four hours to wear clothes for Ruan Su, even chopsticks for Ruan Su, and feed her food to her mouth.

It's a pity... the children are too independent to give them a chance.

Now the child finally has a request, let alone the map at home, he can't wait to stuff all the maps of the world into Ruan Su's hands.

Ruan Su had no idea what Ye Yanli's uncle was thinking, so she took the map and went straight back to the room.

After careful observation, she found that the Ye family deserves to be a century-old family, and the head of the Patriarch a hundred years ago might have found a very good Feng Shui.

The layout of Yejia Manor, as well as all the ponds and pavilions in it, are exquisite, and everything that is exquisite is thriving.

But... Since Feng Shui is so good, why did the Ye Family suffer such a catastrophe before?

Ruan Su frowned slightly.

Could it be that the Ye family had many eyes and mixed thoughts, and most of them had impure thoughts.

She wondered if some courtyards were divided into collaterals, and the collaterals moved the civil construction according to their own preferences, which destroyed the Feng Shui.

It seems that I have to take a good stroll around Ye's house.

She is busy studying in the room to improve her abilities.

Before she knew it, it was already evening, and when the servant came and asked her to go downstairs to eat, she suddenly realized that it was almost dark.

Only Mrs. Ye and the others ate in the main house.

There are no other idle people waiting, so the atmosphere of the meal is very harmonious and harmonious.

"We are such a big manor, will some places be remodeled?" Ruan Suzhuang said casually, "Uncle, let's walk around the manor after dinner, familiarize yourself with your home."

"That's definitely okay. Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety-nine. Your grandfather and I will also accompany you for a walk." Mrs. Ye said with great interest.

Ye Yanli also smiled, "Yeah! Xiao Su, after you came, you haven't visited our house well yet!"

So, about twenty minutes later, Mrs. Ye, Mrs. Ye, and the four of Ruan Su and Ye Mili started walking in the manor.

The manor occupies a vast area. They headed west from the main house and unknowingly came to Xiaozhu in the heart of the lake.

The one who lives here is Ye Lingzhi. Ye Lingzhi just sits in the yard to make some spices. She usually likes to make fragrance and is a perfumer.

Serving in a perfume company under the Ye family, she is extremely talented in this regard, and a "secret" perfume made is very popular.

At this moment, a lot of fresh petals were placed in front of her, slowly grinding them under her skillful hands.

Lifting her eyes inadvertently, she saw a family of four at the door. She was shocked suddenly and quickly stopped what she was doing.

"Grandpa and grandma, uncle? Why are you here without saying a word?"

"We were all right after dinner, so we took a walk and just walked to Xiaozhu in the middle of the lake." Ye Yanli looked at Ye Lingzhi and smiled.

Ruan Su looked at the yard. There was a small table in the middle of the yard. On the small table were some tools for making incense.

She walked to the small table and looked at the bright petals.

The fragrance of the flowers floated in the air faintly, but... I don't know why the red inside the utensil was as red as blood.

Vaguely Ruan Su still smelled a trace of blood?

She has always been very sensitive to the smell of blood. After all, she was born as a boxing champion. When she was in the ring, she had smelled too much blood.

Seeing her looking at her latest semi-finished product, Ye Lingzhi's eyes flashed with panic, and she immediately walked over and ordered the servant to put everything away.

"Go in and sit for a while."

"In the past, your Huxin Xiaozhu was not called Huxin, what is it called? I remember..." Ye Yanli thought for a while, but couldn't remember it.

"Yueyuan." Ruan Su replied. She had just looked at the map today, and her memory was still fresh.

Sure enough... This small building in the middle of the lake has been rehabilitated and rebuilt.

She recalled the coordinates on the map and found that Xiaozhu in the center of the lake was originally far away from the pond, but now it is very close to the pond, just to go out.

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