Gu Niannian was stunned when she heard Helena's question.

Why does Helena ask if someone from her father's side killed her mother?

Could it be that her mother fled from the ancient city of Lang and the country J because someone on her father's side wanted to harm her?

Gu Niannian wanted to ask Helena, but her body couldn't hold it any longer.

She refrained from asking, and said to the worried mother Helena: "I also study medicine. If you believe me, I can help her to recuperate."

Helena's mother naturally didn't believe it, because the foreign girl who was as beautiful as a custom doll in front of her looked too young.

But Helena said: "Qiu's father is a very good doctor."

Therefore, she believed in Gu Niannian.

The daughter said she believed it, and Helena's mother naturally had nothing to say.

Fortunately, Lu Jinyan was thoughtful and reminded Gu Niannian to bring a silver needle before departure.

And when she went out today, Lu Jinyan also helped her with the needle bag, which was just in use at the moment.

Gu Niannian has been studying with Gu Yuan for a long time, especially the one used for silver needles. Even Gu Yuan praised her for being better than blue.

In fact, even without her special energy, just acupuncture and moxibustion, Gu Niannian can also take care of Helena's body.

It just takes a lot of time.

Acupuncture and moxibustion combined with her special energy directly doubled the effect.

Helena's mother was actually a little scared when she saw Gu Niannian take out the silver needle.

However, Helena had heard Gu Qiushuang talk about her father before, so she didn't show any surprise.

Seeing her mother's worried face, Helena said that she was hungry and asked her to bring her some food.

"Don't worry, this is an ancient traditional medicine in country Z." Helena explained to her mother.

Her mother nodded, and since her daughter believed it, she could barely believe it.

When Helena's mother left, Helena said to Gu Niannian, "Then trouble Niannian."

She had a shallow smile on her face, and even though she was thin and out of shape, she could still vaguely see that she was a beautiful girl when she was young.

At the right time of youth, eighteen years were lost.

Gu Niannian walked to the bed again, holding the needle bag in his hand.

"Don't you doubt my identity? What if I lied to you?" Gu Niannian asked.

Helena smiled, probably because Gu Niannian quietly sent her a little energy just now, so she looked better than before.

She said: "Your eyes are exactly the same as your mother's. Your name, your mother once told me. She said that if it is a daughter, it should be named Nian Nian, and if it is a son, it should be named. "

Remember, don't forget...

For the first time, Gu Niannian felt that her mother had deep feelings for the man who might have failed her.

Helena is still saying: "Your mother is my best friend, she was the one who accompanied me in the darkest time of my life. She broke into my world like sunshine and warmed my heart. I really I didn't expect that the time we took her to the train station would be the last time we met..."

Helena looked sad and was obviously hit hard by the news.

Gu Niannian pursed her lips. She still had many questions to ask Helena, but she still decided to give her acupuncture first.

She asked Lu Jinyan to wait outside, and then took off Helena's top.

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