Mr. Fu Chased His Wife and Overturned Again

Chapter 267 Lu Feng begs for mercy


He Zhiyi nodded, remembering something sullen, "Mom, I'm going to break up with Fang Yao."

Chen Xin also lowered her face. She usually looks kind, but she is not so easy to bully. Fang Yao treats her like that, she can't accept her anymore.

"Okay, Mom won't stop you this time."

The relationship between the Fang family and the He family is not bad, and they also cooperate in work. For Fang Yao and He Zhiyi, the two families are happy to see it happen. She also treats Fang Yao as her future daughter-in-law. If it weren't for yesterday, she would not have seen her clearly. true face.

"In the early evening, you are so amazing. I thought you were very good at medicine, but you can actually bring Sister Zihan back to life. It's really amazing."

The three of them walked in the hospital corridor, and Li Meili held Lu Wanchu's arm affectionately, expressing her admiration for her.

Chen Ya was one step behind the two, watching her daughter become more cheerful day by day, the smile on her face never faded.

She also thought that Lu Wanchu was good at medical skills at best, but she didn't expect it to be so good, beyond her expectations.


Many people around looked over, Lu Wanchu smiled lightly, and Li Meili immediately stuck out her tongue playfully, covered her mouth, and acted like you knew me.

Lu Wanchu laughed and shook her head. She likes to stay with Li Meili, not only because Li Meili is kind, but perhaps more because Li Meili can make her less withdrawn than she used to be.

The three of them walked towards the elevator, and there was a pleading voice in their ears.

The familiar voice made Lu Wanchu stop and turn her head to look over.

In a T-shaped corridor of the hospital, a middle-aged woman knelt on the ground crying, grabbed the corner of a young man's clothes, and prayed loudly to let them let her son go.

It was Lu Feng, and beside Lu Feng, there was also Lin Sen with a face of despair and despair. He kept pulling Lu Feng, as if he was trying to persuade him.

There are people around watching from a distance, pointing from time to time.

Lu Wanchu squinted his eyes, but he didn't see him overnight, why did Lu Feng become like this?

After just one night, Lu Feng had aged quite a bit, his eyes were full of dark circles, his complexion was pale and bloodless, his hair was messy, and the bruises on his face that had not yet dissipated increased again and spread all over his face. Beaten up.

The young man she was holding kicked away Lu Feng. Lu Feng persevered and grabbed the young man, "Please let my son go, he can't go to jail."

"He won't go to jail?! He killed my wife, and I will never let him go."

The man looked at Lu Feng resentfully, wishing to tear Lu Feng to pieces immediately.

Lin Sen stepped forward and knelt down, "It's our fault, you can make up for it as much as you want. I only have this son, please let him go, he knows he's wrong."

Lin Huabo has been arrested at the police station because of a hit-and-run accident. Looking back at the Lin Huabo he saw at the police station, Lin Sen felt uncomfortable. It was he and his wife who spoiled their son, which made him look like this.

"He hit my wife with his car and wanted to run away. If someone hadn't caught him and sent my wife to the hospital, maybe my wife would have died and she was still being rescued inside, but you asked me to let him go. It's just ridiculous."

The young man gave Lu Feng another kick, and Lin Sen another in frustration.

Lin Sen and Lu Feng fell to the ground, ignoring the gazes of the people around them, and got up from the ground.

Lin Sen wanted to support Lu Feng, but was thrown away by Lu Feng, and looked at him fiercely, "You are too useless, please hurry up and beg him, beg him to let my son go."

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