Mr. Dior

Chapter 78: . The golden wife of the downcast president (9)

Biquge, the latest chapter of Mr. Dior will be updated as soon as possible!

Two pictures, one sentence, are more convincing than the long story of the anonymous resignee. Zhang Chenzhen ’s fans and fans were excited and forwarded frantically.

[Ahhhhh, the younger master also came to show affection, but the dog food is a bit expensive! 】

[Say my dogs and dads eat soft rice to widen your dog's eyes, you do n’t understand the romance of the rich! Don't understand! 】

The chicken soup noodles returned, holding the "Zhang Chenxun Success Study" which they did not know who wrote it, as if it was not them who shouted a few days ago that the world had no grassroots life.

[My son, my dad, Q, is a top student. He won the game design competition in the world during college. He started from the top and became a top man. He is also a handsome man. What is Jack Subensu doing? Not convinced to come to war! 】

Praising the idol is not enough, and then dig out the article that slandered Zhang Chenzhang, and analyzed various loopholes in the technology. I didn't understand the financial industry, and I analyzed it blindly and criticized the article for nothing.

Follow-up processing was handed over to the Shiji Legal Department. The financial company that didn't manage its employees well, and the one who caused the rumors, had to wait for a lawsuit.

This matter was basically resolved, but Zhang Chenzheng was not very happy and even a little angry.

When Jiao Qi was picked up from work at night, he asked him directly: "What do you give me so much money for?"

Jiao Qi brought Guangzong in the back seat. Today is Friday. The two are going to return to the villa. Zhang Chenzhang brought Guangzong long after work. He rubbed the dog and asked, "What money?"

"Do you know how much it is for a 5% stake in Plantain? You are insulting my personality!" He was forced to sell himself to save Lao Gao and Shi Yan. Now he managed to turn over, trying to start with Master Jiao with equal status, but this man gave him money again.

"Ah?" This is how to insult the personality, Jiao Qi is helpless, "You figure out that the 5% equity of Shi Yan is worth more than 5% of Basho."

"As long as you give it, it is priceless."

Jiao Qi suddenly blushed, and this unwarned love affair almost flashed the young master's waist: "What the **** are you ... suddenly saying this ..."

"This is the basic literacy of the service industry." Zhang Chenzhang called out "The Seventy-two Sentences to Please the Master" downloaded by Louis XIV for Xiaojiao's wife.


"But the previous sentence is serious, you are insulting me. I don't want this equity, just ordering a 8,000 luxury package will make me happy."

"No, you sleep with the dog tonight!"

The bad-tempered young master was annoyed and ordered the little toys to not sleep in the master bedroom at night. After dinner, Zhang Chenzhang, who could not enter the bedroom, wrote a diary in the villa's large study room sadly.


Friday, the villa.

21:00, Lao Gao has been redeemed, and the young master gave me shares. But I ca n’t ask for this money, how can I do it? He doesn't understand, I don't understand my heart. Ah, why is this fascinating little prince so fascinating?


Jiao Qi stumbled into the middle of the night, feeling the bedroom door opened slightly, and suddenly woke up. Without Zhang Dazheng beside him, his sleep was very light, and he mumbled to sit up and quickly turned on the headlights. I saw Zhang Chenzhang with a dog in his armpit, squeezing in.

"You just sneak back to sleep, what do you do with the dog?" Jiao Qi breathed a sigh of relief and lay back again.

"You let me sleep with the dog, but I didn't say where to sleep." Zhang Chen rightly put the dog on the sofa and climbed into bed himself.

Jiao Qi was too lazy to control him, dimmed the light to his side, and a warm body was affixed to his back after a while.

"Let's end this relationship." Zhang Chen whispered, holding Xiaojiao's wife's neck.

"What's the matter?" Jiao Qi hesitated in his heart, wouldn't the goods break up?

"Money relationship."

"Oh, I thought you were talking about flesh | body relationship." Jiao Qi patted his big hand into his pajamas and turned off the lights to sleep.

"That can't end. I won't ask for your money again, but people still want it."

"Hey! What time is it, don't make trouble, oh ..."

The next morning, Zhang Chenzhuang overslept in a world of paradise, and the position beside his opened eyes was empty, and two hundred yuan of cash were placed beside the pillow. This proves the young master's determination to maintain a monetary relationship with him.

I know, your body has been transformed, hunger | thirsty ...

I heard that you like to play spawn play. Although I don't understand it well, I will try my best to cooperate with you ...

Pile drivers still charge by the hour ...

Two hundred at a time, I don't take advantage of you ...

Zhang Chen walked downstairs tremblingly, drained of courage by this shameful script: "Butler, is there no whole durian in the house?"

"No, only the cut."

"That's good."

Jiao Qi, who insisted on exercising, took Guangzong to run, and heard this conversation as soon as he entered the living room. After taking the hot towel handed over by the housekeeper, he wiped his sweat, raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhang Dazhen standing on the stairs.

Zhang Chenyan swallowed: "So what, come up to take a shower and finish eating."

Giving Guangzong, who had lost all his soil, to the housekeeper, Jiao Qi stepped up the stairs step by step, grabbing Zhang Chen's ears and choking people into the room.

"Awake?" Jiao Qi took off his coat and glanced at the guy rubbing his ears.

"Hey, baby, you've worked hard these days." Zhang Chen rushed over to help Jiao Qi take off his sports vest.

"Go aside." Slap away that impure hand, Jiao Qi undressed himself, went into the bathroom barefoot, and shut Zhang Chenyu who tried to follow up behind the door. He rushed out and someone was waiting by the chair with a hairdryer.

Quickly dried the hair of Xiaojiao's wife, soft hair passed between her fingers, her fingers couldn't help sliding down the contour, raised her chin, kissed her head and said, "Yan, I'm very happy."

In the past years, because he was fully capable of handling everything in the business, he almost never had trouble with Jiao Qi. Seeing Xiaojiao's wife guarding him like this, even durian was worth kneeling for a day.

"Why don't you tell me when you have a difficult business?" Jiao Qi looked up at him.

"Huh? My business has been very good." Zhang Chenzhang is unknown. So, such things as stigmatizing him often occur. Last year, some people said that he had robbed Gao Shiqing and took control of Shizhang.

Bent over and hugged Xiaojiao's wife from behind, holding the tip of one ear, and chuckling, "It doesn't matter how others see me, you know how strong I am."

The contained ears turned red at the speed visible to the naked eye.

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