Movie Master

Chapter 730

Of course, Lance will not be shaken by Leonardo's anger. Even when he cooperated with "Borrowing a Knife" at the beginning, Lance was able to deal with Tom freely, not to mention that Lance returned to Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures not long ago. A closed door. Lance smiled instead of anger, and said calmly, "Because you are not suitable."

Simple and clear, but decisive, Lance cut off almost all possibilities, directly rejecting Leonardo as "unsuitable", it seems that there is no possibility of cooperation at all. This made Leonardo frown, as if he was on the verge of getting angry at any time. Instead, Tom, who was sitting opposite, showed a thoughtful expression.

Lance did not rush to explain immediately, but waited for a while, and after confirming that Leonardo had no intention of speaking, he continued, "What kind of series is 'Mad Max'? Do you understand something?" Lance's eyes circled around the three people, "Mr. George Miller and I want to create a grotesque wasteland world where everyone lives in a desert without water. Resources, oil, and natural gas are also extremely scarce, and everyone must fight for survival, and the style of the entire movie will be more...rough and primitive, so the shooting conditions will be very difficult. The desert is our first choice."

Although Lance didn't go into details, he can describe the hardships of the shooting scene in a few words, even ten times and a hundred times more difficult than "City of God".

Leonardo opened his mouth and wanted to defend himself. He also suffered a lot in Southeast Asia in order to film the work "The Beach". As a dedicated actor, this is not a problem for him at all. But this time Lance didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued, "The main character in this movie is the chase, not the actor. All the characters have to serve the plot. Action scenes and chase scenes should occupy most of them, so The performance space is very limited, this is a commercial film, and I won't forget that."

Leonardo will certainly not rack his brains to cooperate with Lance in a commercial film-even if he himself said so, but they all know that if Leonardo wants to take a commercial film, the whole There are countless scripts in Hollywood for him to choose from, and he can definitely choose a handsome and charming character to play, such as "How to Get Away with Law" for example.

Choosing to cooperate with Lance, the statuette is Leonardo's ultimate goal, as if he did everything possible to reach a cooperation with Martin Scorsese, the first work is "Gangs of New York" starring Daniel Day-Lewis, reason Very simple.

Relatively speaking, "Mad Max 4" is not only difficult to shoot, but also has limited acting challenges. Leonardo is really not worth playing, he is not a box office superstar like Tom Cruise, Will Smith, in his acting career so far, action scenes have never been his strong point, nor is he pursuing .

"In addition, I have decided to play the leading actor myself. I think you don't want to deprive me of the opportunity to try to show off on the big screen, do you?" Lance said in such a teasing way, Tom and Terence They all smiled, Leonardo was stunned for a while, and finally shook his head with a helpless smile.

If Leonardo still hesitated just now, then Lance's last sentence gave him a step forward, officially declaring his abandonment of "Mad Max 4". For a supporting role, and then go to the harsh environment of the desert to challenge yourself, and it is still a commercial work without acting challenges? Of course Leonardo would not choose, and now he finally understands why Lance rejected him.

"So, you mean, I don't even have a place for supporting roles?" Even so, Leonardo is still unwilling to miss Lance easily. Even if it is not "Mad Max 4", he also hopes to have a Opportunity for cooperation, after all, this is the hottest director in Hollywood at present, not only "Murder with a Borrowing Knife", even the "Hard Candy" that is currently being screened has made people see Ellen Page's wonderful performance, Lance has it The magical ability to turn stones into gold made Leonardo covet.

Lance shrugged, showing a embarrassed expression, "Are you serious? I worked with Leonardo DiCaprio, and then used him as a supporting role?" A joke made everyone laugh They all seemed to agree with Lance's point of view.

Lance's words are part truth and part white lie. In fact, the main characters in "Mad Max 4" all have strict requirements on acting skills, whether it is Max's tough appearance and soft heart, or Ferosa's softness and strength, bravery and toughness, or Nak Strange paranoia, Undead Joe's creepy horror, these roles will be severe challenges, requiring actors to interpret the madness of metal rock, and if necessary, actors even need to shave their heads or wear earrings to bring out their appearance. The connotation of the role. Even if Lance decides to take the role of Max himself, it doesn't mean that the acting task will be any easier.

However, these roles are not suitable for Leonardo, and it can even be said that Leonardo's performance will ruin these roles.

If you think about it carefully, the roles Leonardo has chosen in the past few years and the next few years, you can see that he has a lot of baggage, whether it is idol baggage or acting baggage, it is the same, he is always performing the same type role, it is difficult to achieve subversive breakthroughs. If it is Vincent in "Borrowing a Knife", Leonardo may be able to challenge it, but the character in "Mad Max 4" not only cannot perform the essence, but also destroys the image, so this is very important for Leonardo. In many ways, it is a choice that is not worth the candle.

Of course, Lance would not directly open other people's wounds, so he chose this roundabout way and rejected Leonardo. Lance had been ignoring Leonardo's letter before, because he thought that when Leonardo learned that his latest project was "Mad Max 4", Leonardo would quit , As for today's meeting, it was unexpected.

"This is really disappointing." Leonardo shook his head dejectedly, "To be honest, I am really looking forward to working with you."

Leonardo looked at Lance with piercing eyes, motionless, without a link between the past and the end, obviously waiting for Lance's reply. Lance raised his eyebrows, "I'll be the first to let you know when 'Mad Max 4' is finished." One sentence made Leonardo smile contentedly.

Perhaps, for Leonardo, Lance is the springboard for him to win the statuette; but for Lance, Leonardo is the springboard for him to break the blockade. The dispute between Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures seems to have come to an end for the time being, but Lance is not so naive. Recently, in order to form a crew for "Mad Max 4", he can clearly feel the resistance in the circle.

Photographer team, lighting engineer team, make-up artist team, prop team team... almost every team has more or less failed when they are looking for experienced and professional talents. Objectively speaking, there are 80,000 or 100,000 behind-the-scenes staff in Hollywood. It is not difficult to form a team, but it is not that simple to find a strong team with real materials.

The problem now is not just that Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures are behind the scenes, but that everyone in the industry knows that Lance has had trouble with the six major film companies, and some people simply refuse to cooperate with Chaos Pictures. It is not worthwhile to offend the Big Six for a Chaos Film Industry; some people are taking advantage of the fire, and they are willing to cooperate with the Chaos Film Industry, but they are constantly raising prices with the momentum of this blockade. This is not good news for Chaos Films.

To make matters worse, the main studios in Burbank are now "reserved" by major film companies, which also means that Chaos Pictures will have to find a suitable location for shooting in the short term. It has become extremely difficult. If "Mad Max 4" needs to be filmed in a studio, you will either be forced to rent a studio in Canada-maybe even Canada can't rent it, or pay double or even triple the cost Leasing, which means that the cost needs to increase investment.

It is conceivable that if Lance wants to rent props, the cost may also rise; if Lance wants to occupy the streets in Los Angeles, the procedures may be more cumbersome, or delay time... Small actions like this behind the scenes, in the intricate Hollywood Here, for a large film company, it is just a matter of saying hello, but it can bring huge difficulties to Chaos Films. This is also a direct manifestation of the huge gap between independent film companies and large film companies.

Relatively speaking, actors are much better. After all, actors are not so closely connected with large film companies. On the contrary, they are more closely connected with directors. However, considering the cooperation between major film companies and brokerage companies, as well as the influence of producers on actors, Lance still encountered some obstacles.

If actors like Tom Cruise and Leonardo DiCaprio are willing to break the mold and take the initiative to cooperate with Lance, this will play a vital role in alleviating the predicament. After all, the six major film companies have big businesses, but it is impossible for them to control the entire Hollywood.

Therefore, if Leonardo is willing to join, Lance naturally agrees. It's just that "Mad Max 4" doesn't quite fit.

Even so, Lance has already made up his mind, and he will call Dorothy after returning home to release the news-Leonardo hopes to join "Mad Max 4", the next work of the crew is bound to be smoother .

"I heard...tomorrow's public audition will be very special?" After finishing the business, Tom raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully, and then both Terence and Leonardo showed their faces. A heart-to-heart smile—a tacit understanding that only exists between men.

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