Movie Master

Chapter 227 Shocking

"'Troy' world premiere simultaneously, sensational stage!"

"The menacing, shocking stage, 'Troy' aims at the historical record!"

"Spanning the three continents of Asia, Europe and the United States, the trend of ancient Greece has ignited heated discussions, and 'Troy' is expected to replicate the glory of 'Ben-Hur'."

"The stars are helping out, the premiere is shining, and 'Troy' is determined to win!"

"Brad Pitt: I play a hero who is the most vulnerable and true."

"The flames of war ignited during the summer vacation, and the first duel: 'Troy' VS 'The day after tomorrow' sparked heated discussions."


"Lancelot Strelow attends 'Troy' premiere, sparking attention!"

"Strello vs. Pitt, from above the screen to below the premiere, the hero of the epic tragedy takes the lead."

"The dark horse in the summer vacation disrupted the world premiere of 'Troy', and unexpected guests disrupted the rhythm of Chinese theaters"

"With punchlines and laughs, Strelo steals Pitt's 'Troy' premiere."

"The atmosphere is tense and explosive: Strelo takes the initiative and rises to the challenge!"


On May 14th, almost all the media started reporting on the premiere of "Troy". No matter in terms of coverage or interest, it was higher than last week's premiere of "The Day After Tomorrow", especially Lance's unexpected attendance. It completely detonated the gossip of the media.

Lance's hint at the premiere was fueled by reporters and began to speculate: Warner Bros. preferred Lance, who filmed "City of God", to direct "Troy", and Lance also performed very well in the audition process, Warner Bros. was satisfied, but Brad opposed this choice, and even threatened to withdraw from the project. The main reason was that Brad believed that Lance was not famous enough and not strong enough to control a big scene like "Troy". Warner Bros. had to give up Lance and chose Wolfgang Petersen.

Of course, none of these groundless speculations have been confirmed by any party, including Lance. When reporters surrounded him to ask for relevant details, Lance denied it with a smile, thinking it was just a joke, and reiterated his friendship with Brad; Warner Bros. also denied it. Even so, it doesn't help that people's enthusiasm for internal gossip has far exceeded imagination.

Especially when the box office duel between "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Troy" is about to debut, the heat of discussion is even more difficult to control. This also pushes the box office duel of the two works to a new peak. Almost the entire film market is discussing this duel. Whether the box office of "Troy" crushes "The Day After Tomorrow" or "The Day After Tomorrow" achieves a miracle again The counterattack has become a topic that everyone does not want to miss.

Less than 12 hours after the premiere, the first batch of reviews for "Troy" came out. A total of 24 media outlets immediately released professional film reviews, once again outnumbering "The Day After Tomorrow". But it surprised everyone, because this highly anticipated epic masterpiece ushered in a lot of scolding, almost bathed in a lot of criticism, unable to lift his head.

The "Wall Street Journal" gave severe criticism, and only scored an ultra-low evaluation of 20 points. "In 'Troy,' it is like puffy dead skin. After everything is magnified, there is only one Empty and hideously pale, the elaborate costumes and spectacle quickly become a Trojan horse and an Achilles' heel."

The New York Times also scored only 25 points, "The clash between the Trojan horse and the Mycenaean army generated by computer special effects looks empty and empty, and there is still a long way to go from epic, as if just watching a child It’s like a toy box of little plastic men fighting. It makes Petersen’s shots look boring and uninspired, sleepy.”

The New Yorker has a score of twenty-five, "'Troy' looks good, dazzlingly gorgeous, but in fact, after a while, can reveal its true colors as a dud—flat to nothing Any character, or story, or brain, in any pen and ink, has almost ruined the grandeur of Homer's epic."

The New York Post, which scored 30 out of 10, said in its review, "What really makes Wolfgang Petersen's 'Troy' the worst Hollywood disaster in recent years: a lackluster scene. Setting and plot framing, grossly neglected characterization, crap and useless script, and a mindless story that completely ruins Homer's 'Iliad'..."

"Variety Show", a representative Hollywood magazine, commented, "Judging from the war scenes, Peterson's scheduling still showed his ability, the rhythm is brisk, not sloppy, and the man's battle is brought to the extreme; but the problem is that , the audience is always torn between 'whose story is this' and 'Brad Pitt's buttocks', and the lack of personality of the characters makes everyone confused after watching the movie." 35 Points, this is the score they scored.

Roger Ebert's review in the Chicago Sun-Times was no exception, "The movie sidesteps the existence of the Greek gods and turns the hero into an action-movie cliché. The problem is, we're tired of computer armies .” A mere thirty-eight points is abysmal.

It can be clearly seen that, amidst the scolding, the comprehensive media reviews of "Troy" are very tragic, and the negative reviews of large blocks of bright red are simply shocking. In fact, among the first batch of reviews, 14 out of 24 media outlets gave negative reviews, while the last six media outlets gave neutral "mixed reviews"—that is, mixed reviews. Only four media outlets gave favorable reviews.

The "San Francisco Chronicle" gave a full score of 100 points in spite of the world, which shocked everyone, "This is definitely one of the most outstanding epic movies in Hollywood history. This is a very eye-catching movie. Top notch cast and compelling story."

The "Los Angeles Times" also gave support, but the score was obviously much more conservative, giving 75 points, "'Troy' is obviously not as good as 'Gladiator', not to mention the lack of an Oscar-level screenwriter. However, Why would we give up the gift of a visual feast when summer movie heaven arrives?"

The "Seattle Post" commented, "In this vigorous and massive epic movie, they mixed the grandeur of the fight scene and the close emotional connection, honor and obsession, romance and masculinity, in this way Demonstrating the glamor and stupidity of war." The 80-point rating is also clearly a major affirmation.

The "Hollywood Reporter" comment is really intriguing, "Entertainment epic, eye feast (Eye.Candy)." Obviously, they regard Brad's large number of/naked/exposed scenes in the movie as the focus of publicity, including Orlando- Bloom, Eric - Bana, Diane - Kruger and other actors also showed their good figure. In the end, they awarded seventy-five points.

These are the only four positive comments in the first batch of reviews. Amidst the storm of criticism, they seem to be alone and helpless. Under the eyes of the public, "Troy" made its debut, but the result surprised everyone, and the bad reviews were even more unexpected-if the polarization of "the day after tomorrow" is a typical trend of commercial movies, then "Troy" Getting caught up in the vortex of bad reviews is a total disaster.

In the end, the comprehensive media review of "Troy" was temporarily fixed at 51 points-thanks to the generosity of the "San Francisco Chronicle", this made the film's first-round score more than half, and it did not fall into a more embarrassing situation. But even so, this still made Warner Bros. up and down stunned.

The media review of "Troy" is even lower than that of "The Day After Tomorrow"? This is simply... tragic news!

The diorama film industry was even more flustered. Although Tucker continued to comfort himself, the impact on ratings and box office was not direct, and the influence of film critics on the box office market was also limited; Falling into an extremely passive situation, what's worse, in the current situation, what they can do is very limited. In addition to publicity, or publicity, we can only hope that the strong cast will attract enough audiences into the cinema.

Ryan clearly knows that there is no medicine for regret in this world. Although he has always been very repulsed by high-investment and high-cost works, he knows very well that high-risk is like this. Either win a big victory or fail completely. Now that the choice has been made, "Troy" is a done deal. Instead of regretting it, it is better to devote yourself to publicity-at least the premiere weekend is only Friday, and before the influence of media reviews is further fermented, try to attract as many people as possible. The audience walks into the cinema, this is the right way.

What's more, theater scores, Rotten Tomatoes, and IMDB have not yet been released, and audience feedback is still their life-saving straw.

No one thought that the first round of media comprehensive evaluation between "Troy" and "the day after tomorrow" would be won by the latter. This is indeed a dumbfounding result. However, for the summer archives, media comments have never been their goal. Just like "The day after tomorrow" scored only 64 points in the media review and still achieved a box office success, the goal of "Troy" is also locked in Above the premiere box office.

With the grand debut of the grand premiere, the second week of May ushered in a brand new frenzy of movie watching, but this time it was obviously more interesting than the previous week, because there were more choices, and this is also the most interesting point of the summer file: every There are blockbuster works every week, absolute focus every week, and countless choices every week.

This is only the second week of the summer vacation, and there are only two choices, so things are relatively simple, it "Troy" or "the day after tomorrow"?

This is not a problem for Sean Wells at all, because he has already made a decision at the Super Bowl, "'The day after tomorrow', two, thank you!"

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