Movie Master

Chapter 224 Momentary Fragility

After Lance strode away from the balcony and hurt Jason severely, he didn't panic at all. He was still thinking calmly. Although it seems that Jason is only aware of the change in his personality - it will happen sooner or later, and he has not really realized the trap of "Troy"; however, Lance cannot take risks.

"Troy" has already been released, but the game between Chaos Films and Diorama Films is still going on, he can't easily reveal his feet, and he can't easily let Ryan and the others relax. Therefore, he had to make an emergency response.

Turning quickly in his mind, Lance went straight to Ryan and Tucker, and George, who was standing next to him, walked towards Lance, expressing his avoidance and support for Lance. Then Lance stopped three steps away from Ryan, "I'll tell you a secret, 'Troy' will fail at the box office, an epic failure."

Ryan looked at the evil smile on the corner of Lance's mouth, and felt chills in his heart, but it didn't show at all on the surface. Instead, he looked at Lance incredulously like looking at a lunatic. Before the words came out of his mouth, Lance turned around and walked quickly towards the projection hall of the Chinese/Chinese Theater.

George didn't stop, and followed Lance closely.

Tucker stepped forward, looked at Lance's back with astonishment, and then the more he thought about it, the more absurd he became, he burst out laughing, and said strangely, "Is he crazy?" This reminded Tucker of the last time Lance rushed to the Diorama Films office in a huff to smash the situation.

Indeed, no one can predict the box office, not even the prophets. From Lance's actions just now, combined with Lance's hastily attending today, everything makes people feel Lance's despair, the curse after reaching the extreme, like a madman, helpless, and can only mess around.

Ryan couldn't help but also nodded, "He's crazy."

But what did Jason and Lance talk about just now? Both Ryan and Tucker were very curious, but Jason disappeared completely, leaving the Chinese/Chinese Theater through the back door, leaving behind the ongoing premiere, and disappeared. It has been two days since I saw Jason again, but no matter how much Ryan and Tucker pressed, Jason kept silent about this conversation, which became an unsolvable secret.

The premiere ceremony of "Troy" was very successful. Even though there was an accident like Lance, it still came to an end with great excitement and vigor. Lance participated in the entire premiere, although there was no conflict with Brad again - as the protagonist, he was the focus of attention and had no free time at all. Even if the reporter wanted to provoke again, the on-site staff of Warner Bros. would strictly guard against him; but Lance is completely at ease, but George's full company has become an advantage, allowing Lance to meet many important people. Obviously, after the foreshadowing of "City of God" and "The Day After Tomorrow", it has gradually become easier to open the situation in social situations stand up.

After the premiere, Warner Bros., together with Plan B Films and Diorama Films, held a celebration banquet. This time, Lance was among the guests. However, Lance declined the invitation instead—he appeared at the celebration banquet, he was likely to be a target, and he was not profitable. This was not a good deal.

Therefore, Lance bid farewell to George and Brad, and left the Chinese Theater in a hurry.

Looking at the back of Lance leaving, Brad only felt a bit of displeasure. He never expected that Lance was able to retreat unscathed, which was almost equivalent to giving him a slap in the face—and still on his territory. "After the box office of the premiere comes out, this sullen breath will come out." George's calm and comfortable voice came from next to his ear, and Brad gritted his teeth bitterly, and this was considered a temporary stop.

Since "Troy" will have its world premiere at the same time, in order to consider the time difference, it was chosen to kick off at 5 pm local time in Los Angeles, and it will be half past 8 pm after the premiere screening is over. The last rays of the setting sun remained on the horizon of Los Angeles, and some stars could be faintly seen in the dark blue sky, supporting the sky, making it impossible for the night to fall.

Standing on the street, Lance didn't want to go home.

The streets of Los Angeles are always full of a lazy holiday atmosphere, especially compared with the busy New York. Standing at the crossroads of Manhattan, the endless stream will always give people an illusion of incomparable insignificance. In the crowded and wide world, it seems that you are just a speck of dust, and just a gust of wind will blow you into unknown corners. ; while standing at the crossroads of Los Angeles, the crowds of straw hats with hot pants, surfboards with beach shorts are always mixed with laughter, and the dry breath left in the air by the sun begins to brew the atmosphere of the party early, only at sunset In the short moment interlaced with the moonrise, the loneliness and loneliness of being alone will sound like a conch in the soft sound of waves.

Things are different, and this word has a powerful force. He thought he was invulnerable, he thought his heart was rock-solid. After talking with Jason, he can continue to plan, communicate, and work as if nothing had happened, and strictly implement his plan to the end; he can push Jason into the abyss, and then continue to attend the premiere in a cold-blooded and rational manner. He can even chat and laugh with everyone; he can even continue to pretend to be George's best friend without any burden, and use George's so-called friendship without any burden, turning "trust" into a weapon to achieve his own goals... But , when all the hustle and bustle disappeared, all the lights were extinguished, and all the warmth cooled down, the vicissitudes of life in my heart surged, but I was so tired that my steps were heavy.

I hail a taxi parked on the side of the road to rest, and prepare to leave the range of the Chinese/Chinese Theater. After getting in the car, I ask the driver to go south aimlessly, watching the city flashing outside the window, all the noisy They were all blocked from the windows. When the street started to be blocked, Lance paid the fare, then got out of the car, picked a direction at random, and walked slowly along the street. His blank mind seemed to have stopped functioning. He simply watched the people coming and going on the street, and his unfocused eyes tried to find a trace of familiarity under the dark blue sky.

When his footsteps stopped, he suddenly felt a little dazed, not knowing where he was at all. Los Angeles was still too unfamiliar to him. Apart from Theo, there seemed to be no scene he was familiar with in this city; but what about New York? He lived in that city for more than ten years in his last life, and he is extremely familiar with every street and alley in Manhattan, but he is still a rootless duckweed.

In this strange time and space, he seems to be unable to find his belonging at all. He suddenly wanted to make a call to Theo, or Ian or Gawain, but when he checked his pocket, Lance found that he didn't bring his mobile phone out at all. He reluctantly showed a wry smile, raised his head, and tried to find a public phone...but his sight stopped across the street.

It was a group of youthful children - it is not accurate to describe them as children, it should be said that they are teenagers, teenagers aged fifteen or sixteen, they walked out of a building, laughing happily, their faces full of joy. With joyful and vivid vitality, even the slowly dimming night cannot hide it. The energy of the years burning like a flame is like the North Star in the evening, illuminating the whole street.

A little girl standing next to her caught Lance's attention. Her figure began to twitch slowly. She seemed to be at least a palm's distance taller than she remembered. Her dark red hair was neatly combed. It became a high ponytail, and the immature broken hair disappeared a lot, completely revealing the fair face, the round baby fat seemed to be cut a little, and some facial lines could be vaguely seen, and the gleaming big The eyes are bent into two crescents because of the bright smile, sweet and playful, the simple white T-shirt paired with light blue jeans and shorts outlines the youthful vigor, slim and graceful like a delicate magnolia flower, with/bud/ready to bloom.

It was Emma Stone, it was Emma Stone.

Although it is said that the eighteenth year of the female college has changed, the image of the yellow-haired girl in childhood gradually faded away, revealing her beautiful face bit by bit; but it was only two months since I saw Emma last time, but it seemed that I hadn't seen her for two years. see you. Emma in front of her eyes can already see the fresh, pleasant, sweet and pretty appearance of the first love girlfriend of "The Amazing Spider-Man" when she grows up. That hearty smile is like a neon light, surrounded by flashing yellow halos. Blooming wildly.

He raised his head and looked at the building. It was an acting academy.

The group of teenagers walked along the street with friends and companions, and Lance stepped forward in a strange way, following their steps slowly, and the stronger and stronger sea breeze brought their cheerful laughter, as if The whole street was full of vitality, and when Lance came back to his senses, the sea level had already appeared in front of his eyes. The bars and restaurants along the Venice Beach are illuminated at night, supporting the dark blue sky and outlining the winding coastline. Frolicking crowds swarm into the sight, and the whole world becomes noisy in an instant. The waves almost made him unable to stand still.

In the turbulent crowd, Lance saw Emma again. The group of young people directly dragged their shoes, threw their backpacks to the side, and then collectively ran to the beach, asked for a volleyball at the nearby bar, and directly Started to play. The night was getting darker and darker, and only the shadow of the volleyball could be vaguely seen shuttled back and forth among the lights, but they had a great time playing. The laughter and the sea breeze mingled together, making the whole beach come alive.

Lance stood there a little at a loss, he didn't know how he got here, and what he should do next. However, he still didn't want to go back. After thinking about it, Lance walked to the bar by the beach, ordered a bottle of beer, and then sat down. His eyes wandered casually on the beach, but finally fell on Emma.

"Mine, mine!" Emma yelled happily, and then rushed towards the volleyball, but she tripped under her feet, and then fell to the ground, but she still did not give up, tall He raised his right hand, put the volleyball up in a daze, and then yelled while spitting sand, "Quick! Quick! Jenny!"

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