Morgan, Something is Wrong with You!

Morgan, something is wrong with you! Chapter 269

Regarding this point, Da Vinci in the video agrees very much.

At the same time, she also said to Gao Wen and Agguiwen: "The greatest respect for an opponent is to drive them out."

"Well, I will."

Gao Wen nodded seriously.

Then, he looked at the soldiers who were in the distance at the moment.

"Are these the troops we want to train?"

Gao Wen said to Fujimaru Tatsuka.

"Well, yes, these troops are soldiers of the local kings of Ireland." Fujimaru Tachika nodded, "We have successfully united with those kings, but the quality of their troops is really too poor, so We need to carry out unified training."

"Ireland in this era is still at a relatively backward stage of civilization, and the combat quality of soldiers is far worse than that of England."

Agguiwen said this, and then walked towards the soldiers.

"Now, I'm going to give them a thorough training."

Seeing him walking past like this, Gao Wen also held his sword and followed behind.

"I also went over with Agguiwen to have a look."

Gao Wen said to Fujimaru Tachika with a smile.


Two people came to the front of the army, and then began to train the army.

This Irish army is very poor in terms of equipment, quality, and coordination.

There are quite a lot of jobs for Agguiwen and Gao Wen.

Agguiwen's eyes were fixed on those soldiers all the time, without any slack.

Gawain was relatively relaxed. While starting to train the soldiers, he also looked towards the opposite side of the island of Ireland, which was England behind the sea.

There are my own parents there, and now I want to make enemies with them.


For this matter, he has no pressure at all.

In his previous life, he chose to separate from Morgan, and he will do the same in this world.

just don't know,

In this world, why does another female version of herself choose to stand with her parents.

And what is she doing?


"Dad, don't do it!"

At this moment, Gao Wen was watching Lot approaching her with a smirk on his face.

At the same time, he picked up the Agga-style text and handed it to her.

"Come on, in order to promote the relationship between the family members, it is better not to let the nanny take care of this little Agguiwen. It is more appropriate for your own family to take care of it yourself. However, your mother and I have something to do, so It's up to you to do this."

Lotte said with a smile.

"I think it's more appropriate for the nanny to do this matter."

Gao Wen said with a look of disgust.

To take care of children, this kind of thing is troublesome if you think about it.

And still go to take care of this guy Agguiwen. He is different from ordinary children. Although other children are annoying when they cry, they are very cute when they laugh.

But this Agguiwen has always had a lifeless face.

Who would have the slightest liking for this baby?

This brother is not cute at all!

"This is necessary to cultivate the relationship between family members. With Artoria, the four members of the family, except you, have time to cultivate family relationship."

Lott said to Agravin.

"Ah? I have something to do too." Gao Wen said immediately.

"What's the matter with you? I'll let your aunt help you deal with your command matters. Now, you're fine."

Lotter narrowed his eyes and said to her.

"I can handle government affairs."

Gawain thought for a moment, then said to Lott.


"Well, of course..."

Looking at his father's eyes, Gao Wen hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

And just as she nodded, Morgan walked in.

"Come on, you go to deal with the government affairs, I will take care of this little Agguiwen. Also, this is what you said yourself, so don't complain about it yourself."


Although it didn't feel right, since he agreed, Gao Wen had no choice but to do it.

Then she was ready to leave.

But before she left, she heard Morgan handing the Agguwen to the nanny.

"Come on, you take care of her, I'll watch from the side."

"Ah? That's okay, I won't do it!"

Gao Wen opened his mouth wide, and immediately said to his mother.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Morgan tilted his head and said to Gawain.

"Lotte agreed, but I didn't agree."


Gao Wen gritted his teeth and asked, "Am I being deceived again?"

"um, yes."

Morgan nodded of course.

Hearing what Morgan said, Gawain immediately protested and said, "I'm not convinced! If I rebel, I will make trouble..."


Lott gave her a light tap on the head.

"Okay, the suppression is over. You go to work for me."

Lott said to Gawain.


Gao Wen immediately nodded in agreement.

"This girl."

Lott shook his head and said.

"Isn't that good too?"

Morgan was rather happy.

The family is harmonious, and Morgan likes it very much.

Lotte was also very happy, so he took Morgan's hand and began to rub gently.

Morgan reached out and patted the back of Lott's hand, and at the same time gave Lott a coquettish look.

Lot also understood, and at the same time gave the nurse next to him a look.

The nanny immediately understood, and left immediately with the maids.

"Hey, it's daytime now."

Morgan said to Lott.

"What happened during the day? We are kings!"

Lotte said indifferently.

How can the king have no privileges.


Morgan glared at Lott.

Lott wanted to do something, but at this moment Morgan remembered something and said to Lott: "Wait a minute, the office is next door, and little Gawain is still there, what if she hears it?"

"Then just don't let Gao Wen hear it."

Lott said to Morgan with a smirk.


Morgan's eyes widened.

It's just that at this time Lott has already started to do it.


After it was over, Morgan pinched Lott a few times.

Lott didn't care, anyway, his body was strong enough, so these few blows were painless.

Morgan is also helpless. Then, she remembered the three books, and quickly asked Lott: "By the way, have those three books been translated?"

"The Barefoot Doctor is almost translated by me, and I have translated half of the other two."

Lott said to Morgan.

Fortunately, because of time travel, his bilingual level is very high.

Although the number of words in these three books can be said to be quite large, it is not very difficult for Lotter to translate.

It's almost fine anyway.

Coupled with the importance of these three books, it is very important for the current Camelot, so Lott will continue to do it.

"Then can we put it into use now? Kay's suppression in Scotland still needs some help like this."

Morgan asked Lott.

"Well, of course."

Lott nodded in agreement.

"Send those barefoot doctor's manuals to Kai first. At the same time, they must be distributed to all parts of England to train more barefoot doctors. As for the other two books, it's not convenient for others to read, and they should be circulated among the army. it is good."

"Barefoot Doctor? Why does the name sound so unreliable?"

Morgan asked, frowning at Lott.

"I also felt that it was not very reliable before. But then I figured it out. Only by using this name can the public and doctors know their position."

The barefoot doctor is to let those doctors not think too much of themselves, thinking that they are superior to those poor people. And let the public know the role of these doctors. They are the doctors around them, and they can ask them for help if they have small difficulties.

Moreover, if you really encounter some serious illness, don't ask for it if the barefoot doctor can't cure it.

After all, their level is there.

They are the most basic organization of the health system, the cornerstone of everything.


Morgan nodded slightly.

At this time, Lott continued to add: "Also, when the time comes, let those specialized doctors study it for me. If you come up with any messy treatment of cutting off my head, cutting my legs, and bleeding, I'll take it Their thighs were amputated."

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