Moral Kidnapping? Damn It, I Didn’t Do It At All, Okay?

Chapter 64 If You Want The Money Back, Send It In

"Uncle Feng, you have also seen Li Guilan's attitude."

"You gave them your heart and lungs, but they want to eat your heart and lungs!"

"We can't just let this matter go."

Lin Bei took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Even if the money is used to feed the dogs, it won't be cheap for this family!"

"The money must come back, and people must also be sent in!"

Uncle Feng gritted his teeth and nodded slowly.


The real chilling is not making a fuss.

Real disappointment is not tears.

But the words are short and the eyes are cold...

Li Guilan's hurtful words, every word, turned into invisible swords, stabbing several holes in Uncle Feng's heart.

Uncle Feng was completely disappointed.

At his age, to put it mildly, he doesn't have many years left to live, so he doesn't want to go to the grave with a feeling of grievance.

That would lead to death in peace.

"But Xiao Lin, can you really get this... money back? And what does it mean to send people in? Where to send them?"

Uncle Feng asked.

Lin Bei asked: "Uncle Feng, why did you donate money to Zhu Wang?"

"To put him through school."

Uncle Feng said.

"now it's right."

Lin Bei explained patiently.

"The purpose of your donation is to allow Zhu Wang to complete his education. In other words, every money you give to their family is used for education."

"But Zhu Wang dropped out of school in the third grade of junior high school. After that, Li Guilan continued to ask for property from you on the pretext of going to school. The purpose was definitely not to support his children in school."

"This kind of behavior is suspected of fraud!"

"This is a criminal offense and they will be held criminally responsible."

Lin Bei asked Uncle Feng, "Have you signed any funding contract or anything like that with Zhu Wang's family?"

If you want to get your money back and send people in, it's not as simple as just talking.

There has to be evidence.

One of the key pieces of evidence is the clear agreement between Uncle Feng and the Zhu Wang family on the use of the donated money.

This is called a paid gift, also called a "conditional gift."

Paid gifts are recoverable.

It's very simple. I gave you this money to allow your children to complete their studies, but you did not perform this act. Then you have to pay back the money.


The other party made up lies and made up facts, causing Uncle Feng to have a wrong perception, mistakenly thinking that his children were in school, and mistakenly thinking that the money was used for education, thereby controlling his property.

This satisfies the constituent elements of the crime of fraud.

In fact, this nature is the same as the betrothal gift.

I gave you a betrothal gift in order to marry you, but you regretted the marriage after receiving the betrothal gift. I'm sorry. It's okay to regret the marriage, but the betrothal gift has to be returned.

If you were like Ren Junshuang, you took the gift and ran away...

This is called marriage fraud, which is also suspected of fraud.

I guess Ms. Ren is quite skilled at using a sewing machine by now...

After Lin Bei asked, Uncle Feng smiled bitterly and said, "No, I didn't think much about it at the time. I just wanted to let my children have books to read and learn..."

Without a contract, this would be difficult.

Lin Bei rubbed his teeth.

At this time, Uncle Feng seemed to have thought of something and said, "But I always note the purpose when I transfer money."

"And every time Li Guilan calls to ask for money, I will write it down in my notebook."

"As I get older, my brain doesn't work very well. If I don't remember something, I will probably forget it when I turn around."

As he spoke, Uncle Feng took out a shabby notebook with the corners rolled up from his pocket.

Lin Bei took it and looked through it.

"X, month, XX, tuition fee + book fee, 3150"

"X, month, x, year, sneakers, 800"

"X, month, x, year XX, make-up tuition fee, 2000"

"X, month, X, year, data fee, 500"

Lin Bei's face grew darker and darker as he looked at it.

He still underestimated the shamelessness of this family.

It’s okay to ask Uncle Feng to pay for tuition and miscellaneous fees. He even asks for money to buy shoes, clothes, colds and fevers, and bicycles.

He really took him for granted.

Lin Bei roughly calculated that in the more than three years since Zhu Wang dropped out of school, Uncle Feng had already paid more than 80,000 to his family.

That is to say, the average annual income is nearly 30,000 yuan.

Which poor student spends 30,000 yuan a year to go to high school?

Uncle Feng is still too soft-hearted.

It's a pity that sometimes sincerity cannot be exchanged for sincerity, but may also be exchanged for calculation!

Only by sending this white-eyed wolf inside can Uncle Feng's injured soul be comforted.

The amount of 80,000 yuan has reached the "huge amount" standard for the crime of fraud.

More than three years, less than ten years!

This is very punishing.

"How about Xiaolin, is this useful?"

Uncle Feng looked at Lin Bei eagerly and asked.

"Useful! This notebook, plus the transfer notes, plus the recordings of the phone calls last night and just now, these evidences are almost enough."

Lin Bei pondered for a moment and said.

Of course Uncle Feng’s senior phone does not have call recording.

But it didn't matter, Lin Bei's "Ruyingying" aerial camera came in handy, and both calls were completely captured.

And thanks to the "loud voice" of the fake elderly mobile phone, the sound is also completely recorded.

This is also an important piece of evidence.

Xiao Li next to him was already trembling.

This young man, damn!

He sends people in at every turn. What does he do?

Jia Guangming was also very surprised and asked, "Well, excuse me, Mr. Lin, are you a lawyer?"

Lin Bei smiled and shook his head: "No, I'm just a legal enthusiast."

Jia Guangming: "..."

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Bei and Uncle Feng left the school.

But there was no rush to leave Blackwater.

Lin Bei decided to come to the door, not to vent his anger or anything, but to supplement evidence.

After all, this is a criminal case, and even the slightest flaw in the evidence chain may become an opportunity for the other party to escape guilt.

Lin Bei didn't want anything to go wrong.

He went to an Internet cafe in the county town, turned on a machine, and then started "cracking."

It is not difficult for an advanced hacker to know Li Guilan's mobile phone number and locate her location.

the other side.

"This old man has quite a lot of tricks up his sleeve."

"You can't just send the money over first and then investigate. It's really sick!"

Li Guilan cursed.

His face was very ugly.

For a person like her, not being able to take advantage is simply more uncomfortable than killing her.

"Mom! Who do you think is sick? By the way, when will the money be paid? There are only three days left until the rog event."

A chubby boy of sixteen or seventeen came out of the room yawning.

Fat head, big ears, face covered with acne.

The lenses were as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle, and my hair was streaked with oil.

It was Zhu Wang.

Although he dropped out of school early, he did not join the team of Sanhe Masters, but stayed at home to grow old...

Although their house is very old and the furniture and appliances are quite old, it is obvious that their economic conditions are not good.

But Zhu Wang is a famous brand.

He wears AJs, Adidas, and even his socks are from Nike.

I have Sony headphones on my head.

Holding the latest iPad mini in his hand.

In the game interface, a little zombie with a yellow talisman on its forehead is moving its body.

"My name is Qiqi, and I am a zombie."

Damn it, Yuan?


This is purely teasing, no malice intended [sincere face]

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