Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 930 Bait Operation

Liefeng was a little reluctant, but he could only follow Zhupa's urging, clinging to the rock wall and climbing up bit by bit.

They try to stay quiet, not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble too early.

Perhaps it was because the sun had not yet risen, and these diurnal creatures were relatively lazy, or perhaps it was because Gale performed really well. They climbed to the middle of the mountain without attracting the attention of any of the acid pterosaurs.

"It's not far, meow, there's still fifty meters to go, meow." Zhupa's whole cat was pressed against Lifeng's back, whispering encouragement to the latter, "Fifty meters further up, there's a good target, meow." , that guy is quite big!

Let's just touch it, scratch its paw, and then run towards Gordon and the others, meow! "

Liefeng raised his head and stared closely at the sour pterosaur that Zhuchi was talking about. What he was thinking about was not scratching his paw, but taking a bite.

The target was getting closer and closer, just as Gale was thinking about where to start.

In the distance, on the other side, the Sour Pterodactyl, which woke up earlier and was flapping its wings, happened to look over.

The sour pterosaur tilted its neck.

It had never seen anything like the Tooth Hound in the Grand Canyon, but the Acid Pteranodon never minded broadening its diet.

These canyon bandits have never known fear. Even against opponents like large flying dragons that have no chance of winning, as long as they have enough companions, they dare to surround them and harass them.

The acid pterosaur that found its prey opened its long pointed beak and was about to let out a sharp cry to wake up its companions.

A penetrating bullet shot through its beak and penetrated its throat.

The chirping stopped suddenly, and the acid dragon convulsed all over. It fell from the mountain wall and rolled all the way to the bottom of the valley, completely lifeless.

The one who opened fire was naturally Ancier.

The muzzle of the crossbow is equipped with a reaction suppression component, which can also function as a flame arrester and silencer. However, in the quiet environment of the Grand Canyon in the early morning, the movement caused by the crossbow is still not small.

But he was not worried. The sound of the dead acid pterosaur falling from the mountain wall was louder than the sound of his firing.

Most of the Acid Pterosaurs who were awakened turned their attention to the corpse at the bottom of the canyon.

Maybe they were also curious about how someone of their own race could fall asleep and fall to death.

Food resources are relatively scarce in the Grand Canyon. For the Acid Pterosaurs, the corpses of their own species are also a type of food.

After a brief period of confusion, the awakened acid pterosaurs left the rock wall one after another and pounced on the corpses at the bottom of the valley, scrambling for food.

"Chong Meow!"

Under Zhupa's urging, the gale climbing on the mountain wall suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the sour pterosaur that they were interested in.

The sour pterosaur, which was huge and one could tell at a glance that it was at the top of the group, was about to leave the rock where it lived and dive down to the bottom of the valley to grab food.

The gale that was rushing upwards had already rushed in front of it, opened its big mouth full of fangs, and bit into the shoulder and neck of the Sour Allosaurus.

"Ji Ga——" The acid pterosaur let out a painful scream.

Also screaming at the same time was Pig Chop, "Be gentle, meow! Do you want to chew it to death, meow?!"

Gale shook his big head as if venting his anger, tearing at it and widening the wound even more. Then he let go of his mouth and continued to climb in the direction where the hunters were ambush.

The Sour Pterodactyl, which had a bloody wound on its body, was originally a little panicked, but when they saw the strong wind and ran away, they immediately became bolder.

The sharp claws kicked hard on the rock, and at the same time it flapped its broad and powerful wings, screaming strangely and chasing the "prey that was desperately trying to escape."

It is true that the Tooth Hound is good at climbing, but its speed is certainly not comparable to that of the flying Sour Pterosaur, and Pork Chop Gale was quickly caught up.

"Go up at full speed and deal with it when you come down!" Looking at the attacking Sour Pterodactyl, Zhupa, who was riding on Gale's back, straightened up and pulled out the Sky Comet Totoro Sword.


The silver blade and claws clashed together, and Pork Chop twisted his waist to push away the acid pterosaur that was trying to pounce.

The ferocious Sour Pterodactyl would not give up its pursuit just because of a single rude attack. It kept attacking. Pork Chop responded with his sword while yelling angrily:

"If I don't have to capture you alive and take you back to work as a coolie, I'll blow you up to death!"


Finding that its claws could not affect the opponent, the Acid Pterosaur opened its sharp beak and spit out a ball of acid.

Pig Chop quickly pulled the reins and directed Gale to change direction and dodge.

The acid fell on the rocks on the mountain wall, and large bubbles quickly appeared on the rocks, making a "sizzling" corrosion sound.

The continuous spitting of acid made Pork Chop Gale look a little embarrassed, but they were not nervous.

The destination is in sight.

The strong wind roared, and his strong limbs exploded with force. He crossed the last section of the rock wall and jumped onto the ridge.

The Acid Pterosaur, thinking that it could quickly kill its prey, followed Gale and the others unpreparedly and landed on the ridge.

Then, it saw two creatures that looked like golden lions screaming and rushing towards it, knocking it to the ground.

"Ji Ga!?"

"Hahahaha! The first one!"

Ancient Tree Forest, the woodland west of the Giant Tree.

Several figures flew under the guidance of the Winged Dragon and landed steadily on the ground.

Pandan jumped off Hayata, licked her paws and scratched her face, arranging her hair that was messed up by the wind.

Hayata and others took out dried fish or meat and threw it into the air. The pterosaurs flew past, grabbed the food in their mouths, and let out bursts of happy chirps.

This is their reward.

Hayata unfolded the map and took a look. Their landing point should be quite accurate, but for a more precise location, you have to ask the person involved, "Azi, the place where you met the Deter yesterday was right here. Is it nearby?"

She is the captain and commander of this temporary team. After all, she is the hunter with the highest level among the three hunters.


Az pointed in the direction, "Just walk a few hundred meters into the forest over there, and you'll see a pool. Er and Lin were fishing by the pool yesterday. They met the Deter while investigating. .”

"Mr. Monroe?" Hayata looked at the old scholar who was traveling with him.

As an authority on the research on orcs and the "consultant" for this investigation, Monroe adjusted his hat and said, "Let's go. If the child really wants help or communication, he will probably come back here."

Scanning the surroundings, Oshula frowned, "In such a forest, it would be too difficult to find an orc about the same size as Ellu.

Is there a more active way, such as incense or something, to attract it? "

Monroe glanced at the whimsical light crossbowman, "The orcs are not insects, how could they be lured here through incense?"

Hayata asked tentatively: "Will Mu Tian Polygonum be effective?"

"Meow?!" Xianglan subconsciously pricked up her ears.

"This is an unimagined direction." Monroe was deep in thought, "Detel and Elu are very closely related, and it is indeed possible that they like the taste of Muten Polygonum.

It's a pity that there is no Polygonum acuminata distributed in the New World. We can find a way to get some from the Old World in the future. "

Xianglan seemed very regretful when she heard that there was no polygonum in the New World.

"Okay, don't worry. I have a way to actively attract people, although it's not with scent." Monroe stroked his beard and smiled.

"What can I do?" Urshula asked curiously.

"Use Elu's cry to attract it." Monroe looked at Xianglan and said: "It is difficult for humans to communicate with Detel, but Elu can understand the original language and totem writing of the Detel tribe to a certain extent. .

The same goes the other way around, so shout louder and call for it. "

"Meow? How to call meow?" Xianglan was confused.

"'We are here to play with you~, come out~!' Like this." Monroe said seriously.

Pandan: "."

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