Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 927 In order not to crash

After hearing what Hayata told Gordon, he realized that the flying dragon egg brought back by Evelyn Fedi and the others was actually a fertilized egg.

Although some were born prematurely, resulting in the eggshell not being hardened enough, in theory, it is possible for the egg to hatch.

Researchers at the Institute of Ecology were very interested in this. They hired craftsmen to build a thermostatic cabinet and placed the egg in it.

I hope that one day this unique egg will hatch.

Xuanxuan is the most enthusiastic one. As long as she has nothing to do at night, she will go to the Institute of Ecology and squat there, chirping at the egg.

Even though the director of the Institute of Ecology told her that it would take at least fifty to sixty days for eggs planted by flying dragons to hatch, she didn't care and still went to find eggs every day to chat.

However, Evelin and his wife, who had put in a lot of effort to bring the egg back, didn't seem that concerned.

They chose to drive away the male fire dragon and bring back the egg, more out of sympathy for the female beast. As for the energy in their spare time, they must still focus on their own babies.

Pork Chop also paid close attention to the egg, which raised a possibility.

——After the little wind dragon inside the egg hatches, if it can be tamed, it may be able to solve the problem of ordinary pterosaurs not being able to carry Gordon.

Wouldn't it be majestic to let a large flying dragon fly with it?

Gordon thought the pig chop was whimsical. In his opinion, the proud flying dragon would never be kept in captivity.

You may be able to be a pet or a companion when you are young.

But when it grows to a certain level and grows sharp claws and fangs, sooner or later it will break free, awaken its wild nature, and return to its habitat.

Although, Gordon didn't expect at all that he would be able to hatch some kind of vehicle from that egg.

But the fact that the Winged Dragon couldn't carry him was indeed a problem that needed to be solved urgently.

The density of ancient dragon species hidden in various places in the New World is much higher than that in the Old World. It is too dangerous to rely on airships to sail long distances, and pterosaurs are almost the only means of fast travel.

If he didn't have a pterosaur that could carry him, it would be a waste of time and a headache to rely on his legs to go anywhere.

Of course, he is not the only one with similar worries.

And Ted.

During the reconnaissance mission a few days ago, although he was lucky enough not to crash, he still walked back.

The pterodactyl that took him there refused to fly down and take him no matter how much he whistled or scolded.

If Maka and the others hadn't stopped him, Ted, who was so angry, would have almost fired all the bullets and knocked down the pterosaur and roasted it.

In desperation, these two super strong men had no choice but to find the leader of the group who was on vacation in the stars for advice.

The "golden lion in human form" is no joke. Even though he is old, the physique of the grand leader is still not inferior to the two of them.

Although he is now retired and no longer a hunter, he is still active as an investigator throughout the New World.

I must ride on pterosaurs and the like on weekdays.

Arms and Lynx Pavilion.

Gordon Ted ordered a large table of luxurious meat and fine wine for a banquet, just hoping to get that good idea out of the mouth of the grand leader.

The head of the group laughed boldly while chewing the barbecue, "Hahahaha, I thought you wanted to ask me something, but it turned out to be this, it's simple!"

Gordon and Ted immediately pricked up their ears.

The grand leader pointed to his chest, then to his back, and then to the head chef who came over personally carrying a huge roasted bird.

"do you understand?"

"Huh?" Gordon was confused.

Ted shook his bald head and answered bluntly, "I don't understand!"

The head chef put down the roasted poultry and found a chair to sit down on, while giving the group leader a sideways glance.

With a voice that was too thick to look like Elu's, he said in a deep voice: "What he means is that he didn't wear armor, didn't bring a weapon, and didn't bring a cat."

Gordon: "."

Are you talking nonsense? ?

The Grand Commander spread his hands and said, "Actually, that's it. Short-distance emergencies are okay, but if it's a long-distance flight, it's impossible for the Pterosaur to drive a hunter with our kind of physique and full armor."

"Is there no other way?" Ted wiped his forehead in distress, and the grease on his hands made his head shine even more.

The leader drank a large glass of wine in one breath, wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and burped, "Hiccup--, actually, it's not completely impossible, it's just a bit difficult."

Gordon quickly tore off a huge piece of leg meat from the oily roasted bird and handed it to the group leader, "What do you think?"

The Grand Leader tore off a large piece of meat and said vaguely: "You should also know that pterosaurs are not just pterosaurs, right?"

Gordon nodded, "The Pterosaurs that live in the Ancient Tree Forest are the most numerous, there are also the Pterosaurs that are common in the Great Ant Mound Wasteland, and the Pterosaurs that are found in the Coral Terrace, right?"

"Well, yes, these are the three most common ones." After finishing the leg meat in two or three bites, the leader threw the bones on the plate and continued: "Actually, there are more ferocious, larger, and stronger ones. A pterosaur species lives in the Grand Canyon, and because it can spit acid, we named it the acid pterosaur."

"You mean, this kind of pterosaur can carry us?" Gordon said and added, "I mean the kind that is fully armed and can fly long distances."

"It can be carried. The wingspan of the Acid Pterosaur is almost half that of the Walking Pterosaur, and its strength is estimated to be twice that of the latter. If you can catch a few large and strong individuals, tame them, raise them in the stars, and fly The problem will be solved once and for all.”

Gordon and Ted looked at each other, and they saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

The answer is Acid Pterosaur!

"Don't be too happy. Do you think I haven't tried it before? That thing is a bit difficult to catch. It has good endurance and strong offensive power. The acid will also corrode the armor.

I managed to tie one back before, but it died within a few months of raising it. "

The head chef was trying to make trouble, "Did I remember it wrong? Why do I remember that someone was playing with it after being drunk, and after being pecked, he got drunk and twisted its neck."


"Hahaha, is that true?" The leader smiled, without any embarrassment at all.

After Gordon was speechless, he also realized some key points, "You said that you raised that acid pterosaur for several months before it was beaten to death.

In other words, it is possible to domesticate this kind of creature, right? "

"Yes, it just needs to be beaten twice from time to time to let it know who is the boss, otherwise it will be untamable and disobedient.

Nor can they be raised together in a pterosaur's shed, as the pterosaur will be bitten to death. "

Gordon nodded, slightly pleased.

There are indeed a lot of troubles, but they are all the kind that can be solved. Compared with the flying dragon egg that is not yet known whether it can be hatched, catching a few strong acid pterosaurs is indeed a more feasible solution.

"So when are we leaving?" Ted asked Gordon, already a little eager to try.

The grand leader glanced at the two young men and said, "Don't blame me for not warning you. Sour pterosaurs appear in groups, and they are not that easy to catch alive."

"How did you catch it?" Gordon asked curiously, wanting to get some reference.

"Of course, throw a hook and lock to entangle him, pull him off and knock him unconscious, then tie him up and drag him back!"

Gordon imagined a laughing, muscular old man, surrounded by a group of acid pterosaurs, tearing them off head-to-head with a rope, beating them unconscious, then picking the one that was more pleasing to the eye, tying it up, and carrying it home. .

My scalp is numb.

".So why not use capture tranquilizer bombs?"


Because there is no bonding stone, the kind of knight in the story will not appear in this book.

Of course the egg will hatch, and there will be a "use it once" plot, but if Guaiguai is a pet for the rest of his life, he is no longer a flying dragon.

"Call of the Wild", "Wolf Totem"?

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