It is a long journey from the Star Stronghold to the Everfrost Frozen Land.

Traveling with a large force is not as simple as "taking an airship and floating there in two or three days" as Feng Ying and others described.

A large team of more than a hundred people, carrying a huge amount of supplies, boarded the ship from the port of the Star Stronghold and set sail on several ocean-going giant ships.

They set out from the southern part of the New World and traveled westward along the offshore coast of the New World. After more than a week of sailing, they arrived at the coastline in the northwest of the continent.

Different from the warm and comfortable South China Sea, the sea here has strong winds all year round. It is winter at this time, and there are still large ice floes floating in some areas.

Thin ice floes are not a problem, and ocean-going ships can easily run over them.

But once you encounter an iceberg that is inconspicuous on the sea surface but turns out to be a huge iceberg under the sea surface, it is normal for the fleet to hit the rocks and sink the ship if it fails to avoid it in time.

Fortunately, there are sea people to help.

Under the orders of the Commander-in-Chief, the sea people hunters from Aziz Territory came to this sea area early to explore a relatively safe channel.

And in a small boat, he piloted several nautical miles in front of the transport fleet throughout the journey.

Following closely in the wake of these "children of the sea", after several days of sailing without any danger, they finally approached the coast of the ice sheet.

However, they encountered the biggest trouble of their trip.

Big cold wave.

The sea surface, which is more than ten nautical miles away from the permanently frosty coastline, was frozen solid by the sudden cold wave, making it impossible for ships to approach.

According to Aziz and others who dived into the sea to investigate, the ice layer freezing the offshore sea is several meters thick, even up to ten meters in some places.

There are both bad and good aspects to this.

The bad side is that there is no way to break the ice and the ship will be completely unable to move forward.

The good thing is that, let alone people and vehicles, it will be fine even if a few blaster dragons run over it on this ice.

Therefore, the material squad leader in charge of the command decisively ordered the personnel to disembark and unload the cargo on foot.

But then, they encountered new trouble.

There is too much cargo, the ice is slippery and difficult to move, and there is a lack of suitable transportation tools. If only people pull and drag on their backs, they may not be able to transport all the supplies for several weeks.

Just when everything was at a deadlock, the messenger who went to Yuechen's stronghold to contact them brought back good news.

After hours of anxious waiting, a large number of snow deer and sleds dragged by Bobo appeared at the end of the ice.

Overland transportation was made possible with the help of these snow creatures and large sleds.

Although it is still impossible to take away all the goods at once, if you spend some manpower and go back and forth several times, you can always finish the transportation.

The fourth phase of the group is specialized in doing this.

A furry figure jumped off the sled and ran towards Gordon and the others.

"Master Gordon! You are finally here!"

The person running over was Feng Ying, and Hayata was stunned when she saw her snow-white fur equipment.

Isn't this the snow mountain suit she often wore back then?


"Ah! By the way, I almost forgot about this!"

Just as An Xil was about to speak, Feng Ying, who remembered something, ran back to the sled and brought some clothes.

"These are cloaks to keep out the cold. Everyone, put them on quickly!" She stuffed an extra large fur cloak into Gordon's arms, and then stuffed another one into Hayata's and the others', as well as Pork Chops and others.

So did the others who came from Yuechen. The sleigh team brought a large number of cold-proof cloaks and distributed them to the new arrivals.

Everyone who came from the stars had tried their best to dress as thickly as possible, but in this ice and snow of minus 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, it was still not warm enough.

These thick cloaks do the trick.

Feng Ying looked around and saw that there was no one around, so she said mischievously: "Don't tell others, these cloaks we brought are high-end goods made of thick ice jackal fur. They are more beautiful than other cloaks made of snow deer fur." Keep warm.

What's more important is that it is waterproof. If snow falls on it, it will slide down and it will not get wet.

If your clothes or shoes get wet while you are in this damn place, it will be really fatal. "

Gordon said hey, I haven't seen this guy for a month or two, why has he become so oily?

Anhil didn't have time to put on his cloak and asked quickly, "How long does it take to take these sleighs to Yuechen stronghold? Is there a warm house over there in Yuechen?"

He himself was not that afraid of the cold, he was worried about his mother and Fufu.

It happened to be a cold wave, the temperature was lower than expected, and the wind was stronger, which was a bit overwhelming for young people, let alone the elderly and children.

Mrs. Sterling and Fufu are still on the boat, and Ancil does not dare to let them get off.

He already regretted it a little, maybe he should have left them in the stars.

"Don't worry, the sled is very fast. If you go here, you can get there in less than an hour.

As for the house over there at Yuechen, hehe, don’t worry, it will only be warmer than you think! "

Feng Ying intentionally left half of what she said, obviously trying to sell it off.

An Xil breathed a sigh of relief. He believed that Feng Ying wouldn't talk nonsense. As long as Fufu and the others could live in peace, he didn't care about the rest.

As for what exactly is built over there in Yuechen, you will know when you see it with your own eyes.

Under the organization of the supplies squad leader, important goods were quickly loaded onto the sled, and the remaining large quantities of supplies were neatly stacked, leaving a few hunters to guard them, waiting for subsequent transportation.

Fufu, who was wrapped into a ball of fur by Gale, Mrs. Sterling, and some older scholars crowded onto a large sleigh padded with thick furs.

They will go to the Yuechen stronghold first with the sled transport team.

As for Gordon and others who are young and strong, they are not qualified to enjoy the warm sled. They have to brave the wind and snow to walk to the stronghold.

Everyone had no opinion.

No member of the survey team who can come to the New World can endure hardships, and those in poor health will not be sent here to develop the ice sheet.

The Yuechen stronghold is established in the snow forest not far from the coastline. The straight-line distance from here is only about 20 kilometers.

From what Feng Ying and the others said, the terrain along the way was flat, but the snow was thicker.

This level of trekking is just a warm-up for the hunters, and even those civilian employees can walk down it easily.

As the sun rises, the wind and snow pause.

The air is still bitingly cold, but there is no longer the feeling of cold wind hitting your face and making it difficult to take a breath.

Hundreds of people formed a long queue.

Everyone was full of curiosity about this new land and looked around along the way.

No need to worry about danger.

Even not counting Silver Edge, there are more than twenty elite hunters in this team.

Not to mention the incoming flying dragon that came to cause trouble, even the incoming ancient dragon might be able to defeat it on the spot.

Hayata tied her cloak tightly and lowered her hood. The fur on the edge of the hood directly covered her entire face.

Feng Ying was surprised, "Acridine? Sister Hayata, you are indeed like this, and so is that guy Jean, who likes to cover his entire face with a hood."

Hayata smiled and said: “This way we can eat less wind and snow, and more importantly, it can block the sunlight reflected on the snow.

Otherwise, if you walk in the snow for a long time on a sunny day, your eyesight will be damaged. "

She also grew up in the Snow Mountain of Frasia, and the environment on the top of the snow mountain was not much better than here.

"No wonder this winter suit has this on the hood." Feng Ying raised her eyes and looked at the fur filter eye mask on her forehead, "I thought it was a visor."

"You know, why don't you quickly take off the blindfold?" Gordon scolded.


"By the way, Feng Ying, do you know where to find Feng Piao Long?" Hayata asked again.

"I know, we have to go through the snow forest and go further north. There are many mountains and valleys over there." At this point, Feng Ying muttered.

"Xuanxu always wants to run there, but we don't dare to let her go. There are a lot of dangerous monsters there, and I've even seen Qilin's footprints.

Does Sister Hayata also want to find the purple wind-drifting dragon? "

".Well, no, I'm looking for another Fengdiaolong."

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