Modify Super God

Chapter 509: What a liar!

"Laugh if you want to laugh!"

Xiao Hei shrugged: "After all, dying is so funny, isn't it?"

"I just didn't expect that the damage caused by their gunfight actually stole my eldest brother!"

Although it is just speculation, the root cause of the previous balcony fall incident is likely to be the shooting in the video!

It may be that a bullet was shot at the key position of the balcony connection, causing hidden dangers.

In addition, Xiao Hei's eldest brother was standing on the balcony, and a group of uncle and aunt who had just offended Sui Yu passed by in a group.

So, the cause of the accident broke out completely under the influence of Sui Yu's high luck!

And this is the root cause of the previous accident.

"But no matter what happens, this place will be yours from now on!"

Xiao Hei pointed around and said to Sui Yu, "The gym will be yours in the future!"

"Speaking of which, it's really full of coincidences for you to take over for Gao Yanei!"

"Because the inner ghosts are rampant, it can be said that they are suspicious of everyone, including you!"

"But not only do you usually do things everywhere besides staying in the hotel, but you don't care about the affairs of the organization. At most, you occasionally borrow the name of the organization when you are doing things."

"And even more coincidentally, you were invited to an important meeting, but you didn't attend because of trouble."

"To be honest, if you attended that meeting, even if you were innocent, the above would not dare to entrust you with a heavy responsibility!"

"Because most of the participants in that meeting were unlucky!"

"But you didn't participate! So it proves that you are really not an insider!"

Hearing this, Sui Yu felt a little embarrassed.

Because he is really an undercover!

However, he certainly couldn't say that.

"Haha, so that's the case!" Sui Yu sighed with a smile: "I originally regretted that I missed that meeting and the opportunity to be promoted because of my anger."

"But I didn't expect that it would be a blessing for Sai Weng to lose his horse."

"It's a good thing to miss it!"

Gently patted Sui Yu's shoulder, Xiao Hei also sighed with a smile: "That's right! A lot of things in the world are like this!"

"Of course, if you can control chance, then you are a real master!"

"Anyway, this place is up to you!"

"Come on! Work hard to make achievements!"

"As long as you are good enough, sooner or later I will find a way to bring you to meet the real boss of the organization, and then it will be up to you whether you can seize the opportunity!"

Seize the opportunity?

For Sui Yu, this sentence has two meanings!

If he seizes the opportunity, presumably his mission can come to an end.


After Xiao Hei left, Sui Yu pouted and muttered while looking at the gym account: "How can I do this well?!"

fitness? !

In a county-level city, gyms are not very popular.

In addition, the county W has been booed and tattered, and there are ghosts who come to spend money on fitness!

Of course, Sui Yu also understood.

The industry under the name of Gao Yanei is definitely not only the gym.

But obviously, the profitable industries have been divided up by others.

In the end, this unprofitable gym was left to me.

Euphemistically, it is called inheriting the status of Gaoya Nei.

Actually only inherited an empty shell!

Even the younger brother in the gym was newly acquired recently.

Moreover, while Sui Yu was checking the accounts, several younger brothers ran over to submit their resignations to Sui Yu.

Just ask.

Where is this little brother, he is an ordinary applicant for a job.

It's just that, because of the sluggish business, I'm afraid I won't be able to get paid for the gym work, so people simply resigned and left!

What is this special thing called? !

Can you resign if you join a club?

Hearing it for the first time!

Sui Yu was depressed, so he decided to take Xiao Funi to a nearby restaurant for a drink.

Of course, by the way, a note with information was passed on through the cat and dog channel.

To be honest, it's really difficult to transmit information now, there are surveillance everywhere, and the trouble is to die for!

As a result, Sui Yu could only imitate the magic trick, using various blind spots to quickly put away the pen and paper, and then take advantage of the opportunity to go to the toilet to quickly write down the information that was converted into code.

Eh! Undercover work is really tiring!

In comparison, he really would rather face magical girls, fallen witches and all kinds of monsters than be an undercover agent!

I hope to finish this mission as soon as possible, and then start to be a hero as soon as possible!

Sui Yu sighed inwardly while eating the noodles in the bowl.

As for Xiao Funi, she was lying on the ground dealing with the chicken legs in the paper lunch box.

Not to mention, although this small restaurant next to the gym looks unremarkable, the taste is still very good.

At the very least, Sui Yu, who has eaten all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas with Yue Yeshan, feels that the noodles here are very well made.

The noodles are chewy and taste very good, and the seasoning is just right.

Coupled with the very fragrant soup, this taste is absolutely amazing!

Meimei took a sip of the thick soup with a spoon, and Sui Yu decided that the meals for the past few days would be settled here.

As for the gym...

Anyway, now there is no need to pay rent or pay taxes in that place, and the water and electricity bills are also shared by the organization.

It can be said that even if you don't do anything, you don't have to worry about losing money.

At most, the service fees paid by the guests who come to the gym occasionally are paid to the employees who are willing to stay.

You don't have to worry about running out of money if you have video income on the surface.


In order to complete the task, we still have to find a way to produce some results.

But how exactly does a gym make money?

Selling fitness cards?

Hire a professional coach?

Provide weight loss services and matching nutritional meals?

Sui Yu was very distressed.

Others have thought of every way they can think of, some of them succeed and some fail.

Even if it is successful, I am afraid it will take a long time to work hard.

My luck attribute is quite high now, but if the chance of success is zero, then no matter how many times it is doubled, it is zero!

what to do?

What should we do?

Sui Yuchou!

And just when Sui Yu was worried, along with the sound of gulping, a fierce-looking man drank the soup in the bowl.

He raised his head and made sure there was nothing left in the bowl. The man put the empty bowl on the table and shouted, "Checkout!"

The boss came out, smiled and said to the sturdy-looking man, "A bowl of beef noodles is 20 yuan. Is it cash or QR code?"

It seems that because the man looks very tough, the boss is very polite.

Hearing this, the man took out his pocket, sighed, and said to the boss, "I forgot to bring the money! This meal is on credit! I'll give it to you next time!"

"The phone..."

The sturdy man clapped the table and stood up, just when Sui Yu thought he was going to start The man opened the payment page of his mobile phone and showed it to the boss: "Look! I really have a dollar in my mobile phone. nothing!"

Yes, the man only had a few cents in his cell phone.

Then the sturdy man glared at his eyes and complained loudly to the boss, "How do you make money by walking, playing games, watching videos, and reading novels!"

"It's all a lie!"

"First of all, set a threshold, so that you can withdraw a few cents and then die of exhaustion, don't even think about earning an extra penny!"

"After setting the withdrawal limit and playing badly, I swore in the advertisement that there is no threshold this time. The small print that the amount of the activity is based on the actual amount is as transparent as possible, and it is hidden as much as possible in a place where people can't see it!"

"The result! It's completely a matter of changing the soup but not the medicine!"

"The withdrawal threshold has become a variety of other thresholds. In the end, I was foolishly busy for a long time, but I couldn't even earn money for food!"

"It's obvious in the advertisement that you earn sixty or seventy! It's only a few cents for me!"

"Instant noodles indicate that the pictures are for reference only, at least you can match the ingredients according to the pictures!"

"But what about this bunch of cheating ads? I'm afraid I won't be able to make any money from his ads in my life! Sixty or seventy? I'm afraid I won't be able to save even if I watch ads for a year without sleep?!"

"What the heck is going on?!"

"Routines! It's all routines!"

"Liar! Everything is a liar!"

Well, this is called a bitter hatred!

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