"VN is looking for trouble with Kassadin? Did I see it wrong?"

The commentators were all surprised.

However, at this time, Wei Shen said:"We are now from a God's perspective, so we naturally know that VN has been double-teamed. However, if we are regarded as VN, this is actually his only chance to fight for his life.." There were four commentators on the scene.

Only Great God could say such a thing.

Because he has truly been a professional player.

He can understand the current situation of VN.

Living to death, the only way to kill Kassadin, VN There is only one way to survive.

But the key to this question is, can he kill Kassadin?

At least Great God thinks that he can't do it. But some people may always be able to create miracles.

Very quickly, VN rushed forward and was already fighting with Kassadin!

Xiye didn't regard VN as an opponent at all. He was a powerful mage assassin and had no reason to be afraid of a weak VN!

‘The Stick of Time' is totally true!

The R skill rushes directly into VN's face, and the Q skill rushes over!

But at that moment, VN's blood volume dropped a little, but Xiye frowned,"The damage is wrong!"

It turned out that at the moment he R, VN rolled forward and happened to be behind Kassadin, so Avoided the damage range of Kassadin's R skill.

Of course, the Q skill cannot be avoided.

VN's blood volume has dropped a bit, which is very thrilling!

Fortunately, Kassadin did not ignite this wave, but brought teleportation for support, otherwise VN would definitely die.

But now, Jiang Yi still has room for maneuver.

What confused everyone was that Jiang Yi did not activate his ultimate move.

You must know that VN's ultimate move has a very high status bonus during use, so when playing solo with Kassadin, the chance of winning will be better.

No one would have thought that Jiang Yi was trying to preserve his own strength.

Use all your trump cards at the moment Baolan dies.

Because after his teammates died, Jiang Yi was the strongest

"Why doesn't this VN activate the ultimate move? Did he already feel that he was certain to die, so he didn't use his ultimate move and gave up resistance?"

"Maybe, knowing that he was going to die, he even skipped the flash ultimate move. This is a very good result. It only gave the head to one person and did not let others get assists. It is an acceptable situation."

"But... Baolan and Shy also sacrificed their lives to save VN."

"I feel that IG has made a major mistake now. Baolan came too early and was targeted. Shy's vampires should not have come to support, and VN went to Kassadin for a duel. All three of them were going to die!"

The commentators all said that IG performed very well in the early stage of this game

, but they did not expect that this wave would suddenly give LGD a very big opportunity.

Three people will die here!

In the IG lounge,

Chris's fists were clenched. Bai,"It's over!" It's all over! Shy and Baolan shouldn't have rescued them!"

Those who are obsessed with the authorities are clear to onlookers.

Chris knows that from everyone's perspective, Shy and Baolan are not mainly responsible for saving VN. Now if VN dies once, the biggest impact may be that there is no one to guard the road, and LGD will be pushed off the road. The second tower.

For IG, I can only say that the advantage is given away, and there will be another chance in the future.

But now, if all three people die here, LGD will still have a Canyon Herald, three will be killed by IG, and one will be killed by LGD. It is also possible for Bo to directly take the high ground.

Therefore, VN can be sold.

Chris murmured:"This time, Jiang Yi did a good job, but Baolan and Shy were too impulsive."

He didn't know what was happening on the court at all.

Although this was Jiang Yi's second time on the court, people at IG vaguely regarded Jiang Yi as the hope of a comeback.

This is a subconscious idea.

So Jiang Yi is When encountering danger on the road, Baolan went to rescue him immediately, and Shy immediately teleported.

They all wanted to protect Jiang Yi, which implicitly regarded Jiang Yi as someone who must be protected.

Chris clearly knew that in the IG team, There has never been a situation like this, so desperate to protect AD?

IG has never been good at protecting it?

Although it is very touching, I have to say that the choice of these two people is too stupid to save VN. Putting their own lives on the line.

So in the eyes of the audience, Shy and Baolan made a major mistake!

But was it really a major mistake?


Jiang Yi operated the VN, dealing output at close range around Kassadin.

Therefore, the close distance was just enough to put a level A distance between Kassadin and Kassadin, so that Kassadin could not touch him at all.

After that, VN hit the first three rings!

The damage from the third ring exploded on Kassadin's body. Xiye was startled,"Oh no, the damage is so high!"

The current VN has been ruined, and there are still more than 1,000 gold coins on him. If If this economy is replaced by equipment, the output will be higher

"But that's all. In front of my Kassadin in Xiye, no AD can show off."

Xiye flashed and started chasing VN!

Apparently he was too confident and didn't even use his own flash.

At the same time, Baolan's Titan handed over the flash and entered the tower, but it was still EZ's Q skill that killed him!

【Detect the death of teammates! Strength improvement……】

A moment!

VN disappears!

After Kassadin turned on W, he wanted to level AVN, but lost his goal instantly!


Xiye suppressed it for a moment, turned up the VN time, rolled the Q skill to one side, and then released the E skill again, pushing Kassadin away.


In just a moment, Xiye reacted quickly. The second R skill was refreshed in an instant, and he rushed directly towards the VN!

Jiang Yi pressed his D button!


Kassadin not only R was empty, and even his E skill and A failed to cause damage to VN!

Because Xiye never expected that the position of VN at that moment was exactly where his R hand started! , the two positions were changed, and

Kassadin's RE skills were all empty!

Two R skills, one E skill, and one W skill failed to deal damage! The VN's output did not stop!

And relying on the ruin, it slowly sucked up his blood!

Xiye's forehead suddenly broke out in sweat. This VN was really like a hunter in the dark, his whereabouts were unpredictable!

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