Seeing that the effect of the sensor mine was so obvious, Xiao Ling had a way to deal with the giant spider in his mind.

Xiao Ling and Hua Wu tacitly continued to deal with the giant spider, and then led the giant spider to the location of the second sensor mine.

But the giant spider seemed to be vigilant, and it was no longer as reckless as before. The numerous compound eyes in the center of its body were rolling around, scanning the surroundings like a radar, and its movements became extremely slow.

The giant spiders were no longer as rampant as before. It was a good thing for Xiao Ling and Hua Wu that the giant spiders did not chase them. They could still kill the giant spiders by maintaining normal output.

A shadow attack magic was thrown out, and Xiao Ling suddenly heard the sound of branches and leaves trembling from around him.

"Not good." A thought flashed in Xiao Ling's mind, and he fled to the side. A small mechanical spider jumped down from the tree and landed beside Xiao Ling.

Didi, the small mechanical spider emitted a red light, exploded with a bang, and a strong wave of air rushed towards Xiao Ling.

Immediately afterwards, another small mechanical spider pounced on Xiao Ling from among the branches and leaves, and carried out a suicide attack on Xiao Ling.

The giant spider gave up chasing Xiao Ling and Hua Wu, so it turned its focus to manipulating the small spiders to attack them.

It stands to reason that Hua Wu would heal her when she was attacked. Xiao Ling glanced back. Hua Wu was too busy to take care of herself at this time. There were many small mechanical spiders ambushing her. Small spiders exploded in front of Xiao Ling one after another, and Xiao Ling quickly drank a bottle of expert instant recovery potion. The expert-level instant recovery potion is different from the advanced instant recovery potion. The advanced instant recovery potion can only restore a few thousand HP, while the expert-level instant recovery potion is calculated on a percentage basis, and can instantly restore 80% of the total blood volume. After drinking the expert-level instant recovery potion, Xiao Ling's blood volume recovered.

Fortunately, the number of small mechanical spiders that attacked Xiao Ling and Hua Wu this time was not as terrifying as before. Xiao Ling and Hua Wu could barely support it.

In order to avoid the suicide attack of a small mechanical spider, Xiao Ling kicked his legs and jumped high. To Xiao Ling's surprise, he jumped five or six yards high in this jump. Then it landed firmly on the ground. Move your body. This jump did not cause any burden to the body, so Xiao Ling got rid of the pursuit of those small mechanical spiders.

Seeing Xiao Ling jumping so high suddenly, Hua Wu froze for a moment. Immediately realizing that this was the effect of the external mechanism on her body, Hua Wu suddenly accelerated, borrowing force from a tree, and leaped more than ten yards away. Break away from the siege of those mechanical spiders.

Xiao Ling and Hua Wu were running at full speed nearby. Don't let those small mechanical spiders attack him, and bombard the giant spider with magic. The blood volume of the giant spider drops rapidly. After Xiao Ling and Hua Wu's attributes are enhanced, the attack on the giant spider is still very lethal.

It's not chasing, and it's not chasing. After being attacked and provoked by Xiao Ling and Hua Wu, the giant spider finally couldn't help it anymore, and its compound eyes scanned carefully. Make sure there is no danger. He rushed towards Xiao Ling and Hua Wu.

Xiao Ling and Hua Wu led the giant spider to the location of the second sensor bomb.

Didi, the giant spider was dumbfounded again. Obviously, I have detected it with my compound eyes, and there is no danger in the vicinity, so why did I step on the thunder again?

With a loud bang, the heat wave generated by the explosion toppled the giant spider into the sky again, and then fell heavily to the ground.

It should be noted that these sensor mines were designed by old goblins. Many protective mechanical puppets in the mechanical puppet city have been set with automatic protection procedures, and the old goblin cannot control them. Although he can't control the guarding forces of the Goblin Mechanical City, as an authority on Goblin Engineering, he is well aware of the weaknesses of these protective mechanical dolls. How could the designed sensor mines be detected by giant spiders?

The giant spider turned over from the ground and stumbled up. It was blown away. Although it was a machine, it was endowed with human-like intelligence by the designer, and its head could also think. It understood that it could not detect the sensor mines at all. There were countless sensor mines planted nearby, and it couldn't chase them. If it continued like this, it would have to be dragged to death by Xiao Ling and Hua Wu.

The giant spider squeaked, and didn't dare to move on the spot. Its body didn't move, but the steel plate on its abdomen opened, and countless small mechanical spiders rushed out of the giant spider's body.

This trick again made Xiao Ling feel dizzy. These small mechanical spiders were too difficult to deal with. They rushed up and exploded at every turn, but they were endless like the tide.

While dodging these small mechanical spiders, Xiao Ling and Hua Wu ran and bombarded the giant spiders, trying to kill them as soon as possible.

"Help me pay attention to my surroundings. I want to cast an area attack magic." Xiao Ling said, raised his staff, and began to chant. Xiao Ling sang the God's Fire skill carried on Dutt's suit.

Some small mechanical spiders rushed towards Xiao Ling, but were intercepted by the mechanical gargoyle and Hua Wu one by one.

Chain Lightning!

The Titan Ent cast a lightning chain, and the target of its attack was not the giant spider, but the small mechanical spider under the giant spider.

The lightning kept jumping, emitting a brilliant silver-white light. These small mechanical spiders were relatively dense, and they themselves were made of metal and could conduct electricity. There were crackling noises for a while, and hundreds of these small mechanical spiders were killed. They fell to the ground, their bellies turned white, and white smoke emitted. (Startup) The Titan Ent's attack is very effective against those small mechanical spiders, so it doesn't do anything else, and concentrates on cleaning up the small mechanical spiders.

A brilliant white light shone in the sky. It was as if a god was about to come to the world. The fire element hovered and danced in the sky, forming a substance in groups, like a phoenix dancing in the sky. This is the range magic that Xiao Ling will cast!

Squeak, the giant spider looked at the sky in horror, and the small mechanical spiders on the ground also went into a commotion.

After eleven seconds, Xiao Ling cast this area magic.

For a while, the sky was dim and the earth was dark, and groups of flames burned in the sky. It fell down, like a blizzard, clusters of flames with incomparable momentum, trying to destroy everything.

The flames reflected the surrounding sky and buildings red, and everything that touched the flames turned into ruins.

This is a devastating blow, and the range of the fire of the gods is smaller than that of magic like hellfire. But its attack density is not comparable to magic like hellfire. These flames are like thunderstorms, washing the ground over and over again. The flames burned all the plants on the ground into charcoal, and the ground was covered with scorched deep pits. But the flames continued to fall, and the powerful pressure made the giant spider unable to breathe. .

Group after group of flames exploded on the giant spider, like fireworks, causing damage as high as 70,000 to 80,000 each, and the damage value was in pieces. Let the giant spider's blood volume drop sharply. I didn't expect the effect of the fire of the gods to be so strong. If I knew it, I would have used it earlier, Xiao Ling thought.

The flames kept burning, and the small spiders below made squeaking noises. They were burnt red by the flames of the fire of the gods, and then exploded one after another.

Hua Wu threw out the Trials of Light one after another, and the Titan Giant Ent was not far behind, and continued to cast Titan Arrows.

In just over ten seconds, the giant spider lost more than one million HP, this damage value is too terrifying. If it goes on like this. Xiao Ling had to kill him directly. A strong white light suddenly burst out from the giant spider, resisting the flames of the fire of the gods. Jumping up high suddenly, stumbled and escaped from the casting range of the fire of the gods.

Without the effective cooperation of control magic and melee professions, Xiao Ling and Hua Wu could only watch helplessly as the giant spider escaped from the attack range of the fire of the gods.

The giant spider landed on the ground, staggered a few steps, and gasped for breath. It still had a total of hundreds of thousands of blood. Its body was covered with various burn wounds. The metal all over its body was burnt red, and some of the metal was melted by the high-temperature flame.

Seeing the landing of the giant spider after jumping, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Ling's mouth, because at this moment the place where the giant spider landed was exactly where one of the sensor mines was.

With a beeping sound, the giant spider was dumbfounded. It obviously didn't expect its luck to be so bad.

Bang, there was a violent explosion, and the powerful impact knocked the giant spider upside down. The giant spider's HP finally bottomed out, and it was blown to pieces by the powerful impact of the sensor mine explosion.

The giant spider shattered into pieces and scattered on the ground.

"It's finally done." Xiao Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and when the magic in the area of ​​the fire of the gods gradually subsided, Xiao Ling and Hua Wu walked towards the giant spider's corpse, wondering if the sixty-five-level enhanced elite had revealed any good things.

Xiao Ling and Hua Wu searched the ground.

"I'll clean up the metal." Xiao Ling said, it was impossible for Hua Wu to know that those metals were relatively rare, Xiao Ling had to do it himself.

Xiao Ling began to disassemble the rare metals on the giant spider. This giant spider was covered with treasures. Xiao Ling wished he could move the whole thing back, but it was a pity that he didn't have such a large package space.

"Here is a puppet heart." Hua Wu said, and handed a puppet heart shining with dark black light to Xiao Ling.

When Xiao Ling saw this puppet heart, his eyes lit up immediately. The level of this puppet heart was much better than the puppet heart obtained from killing the mechanical giant.

Xiao Ling put away this puppet heart and some rare metals, and the harvest was pretty good. The two continued to search, and after packing up, Xiao Ling kicked away the remains of the giant spider on the ground and walked to Hua Wu's side.

"This is something that exploded from a giant spider. It belongs to a mechanical alchemist." Hua Wu said, and handed the two things he had just found to Xiao Ling.

According to past experience, this giant spider is a mechanical monster at level 65, and it would be strange if it didn't explode the mechanical alchemist's items. Xiao Ling took a look. Among these two things was a mechanical alchemist's passive skill book and a mechanical alchemist blueprint.

This passive skill is to increase the flexibility of the mechanical puppet's joints. It's not a bad passive skill book. Joint flexibility has a great relationship with movement speed, attack speed, etc. Xiao Ling learned this passive skill book directly. As for the mechanical alchemy blueprint, Xiao Ling was very excited. This mechanical alchemy blueprint is actually an alchemical blueprint for making a self-destructing little spider.

Mechanical Alchemy Blueprint: To make a self-explosive little spider, you need a deep ruby ​​or an alternative gem, and a piece of any metal. x gentleman x son x hall x first x hair x requires engineering level: master level or above.

Self-explosive little spider: It is divided into five levels, and the power of self-explosion is related to the energy contained in the gem. The damage value of the explosion (first-order: 5000, second-order 30000, third-order 80000, fourth-order 200000. Fifth-order

Self-destructing little spider. Unexpectedly, the blueprint for making this thing could be released, Xiao Ling was very excited. Looking at the drawings, he is a master of engineering. If the conditions are met, you can make a self-explosive little spider.

According to the description on the drawing, the little mechanical spiders that attacked him just now should belong to the third tier. The damage caused by the self-explosion is not only related to the level of the self-destruction little spider, but also related to the explosion point, the closer the target is to the explosion center. The higher the damage caused by the explosion. So the damage value will vary.

With Xiao Ling's current engineering level, it is impossible to make a self-explosive little spider above the second level. Only the first level can be made. Although it only has a damage value of 5,000, it is a very useful thing in battle, especially in the competition between players. It can be used to kill people at critical times. The materials needed to make a mechanical little spider are about 50,000 gold coins. This is really expensive, and ordinary people really can't afford it. If not necessary. It's better not to use it, otherwise no amount of money will be enough to spend.

It doesn't take much skill to make a first-order self-destructing spider. It's still very simple, and the materials are not difficult to find. Xiao Ling is going to go back and make a few spare ones, and make some for Heavenly Maniac and the others.

Xiao Ling smiled slightly, and put away the mechanical alchemy blueprint.

Looking at Xiao Ling's insidious smile, Hua Wu knew that Xiao Ling was thinking badly again, and felt amused. Xiao Ling's own combat power was considered top-notch, and the most terrible thing was his strange and weird body. In addition to the two mechanical puppets, there was also a black snake that could be intimidating at any time, as well as the killing spirit, the Balrog, and the Horadic mist bomb. It would be strange if the weird things didn't kill people.

"Next time, I'll prepare a few mechanical spiders for you too." Xiao Ling said, these little mechanical spiders do not need to be authenticated. Apart from mechanical alchemists, other players can also use them, but if they do not pass the certification of using magic elements, they cannot operate smoothly like mechanical alchemists. Just like the goblin tank, ordinary players can also use it, but if you really want to operate the goblin tank smoothly and know the attributes of the goblin tank, you must inject magic elements into the goblin tank for authentication, and the self-destructing spider is the same. .

Xiao Ling turned his head and searched for the location of the Mechanical Gargoyle and the Titan Ent. When Xiao Ling saw the location of the mechanical stone ghost, his wits flew out of his mind, because a sensor mine was installed where the mechanical stone ghost was standing.

Guji guji, the mechanical gargoyle pressed its little hand on the sensor mine.

Didi, the sensor mine rang, and Xiao Ling was in despair. If the sensor mine exploded, the huge energy generated by the explosion would definitely blow up the mechanical gargoyle. The cute face of the mechanical gargoyle flashed in Xiao Ling's mind. Only then did he know how important the mechanical gargoyle was to him.

Unexpectedly, there was no explosion sound after a long time.

The sensor mine did not explode.

The mechanical gargoyle grabbed the sensor mine and put it in the package.

Xiao Ling's eyes were wide open, could this sensor mine still recognize people? The mechanical gargoyle approaching the sensor mine will not detonate the sensor mine?

Xiao Ling thought about it, and there was indeed this possibility. Maybe when the old goblin sensed the landmines for the mechanical gargoyle, he set it so that it would not detonate the sensor mines.

Xiao Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and the mechanical gargoyle began to recover the remaining sensor mines, and put away all the sensor mines that did not explode.

Xiao Ling and Hua Wu recovered their mana and blood on the spot, and walked towards the end of the jungle.

After walking in the jungle for a few minutes, the two came to another building. In front of it was a metal door, made like the hatch of a spaceship, which was extremely advanced.

After Xiao Ling and Hua Wu came here. The metal door opened automatically.

The whole city, except for those guards, is controlled by the old goblin. When the metal door opened, it should be the old goblin who was guiding the two to enter.

Xiao Ling and Hua Wu entered this hall.

When Xiao Ling and Hua Wu approached the hall, the hall was closed, surrounded by screens. These screens light up. The old goblin appeared on the screen.

"Congratulations on completing the first phase of the mission. Once you arrive here, you only need to pass two more levels. You can reach the center of the Goblin Mechanic City." The old goblin said.

After passing the first level and two more levels, Xiao Ling was speechless, which reminded Xiao Ling of some level-breaking games. This goblin mechanical city is equivalent to a dungeon, all players only need to enter the goblin mechanical city. Just got a chance to break through. Breaking through is death, but this task is too difficult. Just the first level encountered just now made Xiao Ling and Hua Wu almost wiped out. I don't know what the next two levels will be.

"Those who can't pass the first level will definitely not be able to pass the remaining two levels. Some people came to Goblin Machinery City before, but they couldn't even pass the first level, so they are not qualified to accept the challenge of the remaining two levels. Since you can come here, it proves that you still have some strength. I will tell you the specific information of the remaining two levels. Let you be prepared in your heart." said the elder goblin.

After passing the first level, Xiao Ling and Hua Wu's strength was finally recognized by the old goblin. It gave the old goblin some hope to leave here, so the old goblin decided to tell the truth about the remaining two levels.

"The second level is the Illusion Hall. This Illusion Hall is the only building in the Goblin Mechanic City that I cannot control. It is controlled by a humanoid intelligent machine. After entering the Illusion Hall, the Illusion Hall will simulate your appearance. Even the attributes are the same as your illusions. The only difference is that they will never know fatigue, because their magic value is infinite." Said the old goblin.

Hearing the old goblin's words, Xiao Ling and Hua Wu glanced at each other. They were not intimidated. Although they encountered an opponent whose strength was comparable to their own, they firmly believed that they could kill each other with tacit cooperation and manipulation.

"As for the third level, I think you will be very surprised." The old goblin glanced at Xiao Ling and said, "There, you will meet the most powerful Thunder God machine in the Enzes Continent."

"The most powerful Thor machine? Is it the crystal dragon?" Xiao Ling asked after a pause. The titan is already a very high-end Thor machine. The powerful titan's combat power is even comparable to that of a giant dragon, and higher than that of a titan. Then there is only the crystal dragon called a mythical machine. The crystal dragon is also upgradeable. The high-level crystal dragon's combat power is even comparable to the highest-end dragon races such as hell dragons and holy dragons.

Xiao Ling thought of his father's mount, that terrifying hell dragon, and the aura emanating from that hell dragon frightened the Golden Feathered Griffon so much that it dared not move. The high-level crystal dragon is just like the hell dragon, it cannot match it at all.

"Fortunately, this crystal dragon is only an ordinary elite of level 60, so you still have a chance to defeat it." The old goblin said, "But it should be noted that the crystal dragon is a physical immune creature, and it can also be immune to about 90% of magic. Whether you can defeat it depends on your luck. I will prepare enough sensor mines for you."

Physical immunity, magic can also be immune to 90%? Can this be played? Xiao Ling was shocked.

"Kill the crystal dragon, and then I will guide you to the center of the goblin mechanical city. As long as you destroy the energy core of the goblin mechanical city, your mission will be completed and you will be free." The old goblin had some expectations in his heart.

Some more tentacles rose in the hall, some sensor mines were added to the mechanical gargoyle, and some bullets from the goblin musket were added to the titan Ent.

"By the way, do you know the attack characteristics of the Titans?" The old goblin looked at Xiao Ling and asked.

"What attack characteristics?" Xiao Ling asked suspiciously. Xiao Ling knew very little about the various attributes and functions of the Titan Ent, because Xiao Ling couldn't find any relevant information at all.

"It's his melee attack. The titan's melee attack has a knockback effect. Its physical attack has both physical attack damage and electric magic attack damage. So when dealing with the crystal dragon, you can also let the titan use melee attack to attack the crystal dragon." said the old goblin.

This was the first time Xiao Ling knew about this characteristic of the Titan, and Xiao Ling hadn't studied the specific attributes of the Titan's Ent in depth, so he didn't know at all. He heard the old goblin say so. Xiao Ling also understood. .

"The addition is complete. You go on the road, the Hall of Illusions is ahead, I wish you good luck." The old goblin said. At this time, a door on the southeast side of the hall opened.

Xiao Ling and Hua Wu made eye contact, and they walked towards the door.

The two walked into the door, and there was a gorgeous white light inside the door, and the two walked into this white world just like that.

The door behind it was closed and then disappeared. The two of them seemed to be standing in a void and chaotic space. They can only see each other, but they don't know where they are standing at this moment. They can vaguely feel that this is a closed space, but they don't know where the end of the space is.

The light and shadow in front of them suddenly distorted, and two light and shadows appeared very abruptly. The two light and shadows gradually condensed, and then transformed into the appearance of Xiao Ling and Hua Wu.

Seeing the exact same self, Xiao Ling and Hua Wu were still very shocked even though they had already been mentally prepared. The equipment on them and so on. Every detail is the same as Xiao Ling and Hua Wu.

Seeing two flower dances, if it is not known in advance that it is true. Xiao Ling couldn't tell the difference at all.

Good guy, this time I have to fight myself.

With a wave of the fake Xiao Ling's hand, he also summoned a mechanical gargoyle and a giant titan, exactly the same as those summoned by Xiao Ling.

"Is there any copyright here? I want to sue them for copyright infringement." Looking at the fake Xiao Ling who was exactly like him, Xiao Ling said angrily.

Hearing Xiao Ling's words, Hua Wu burst out laughing, and the originally depressive atmosphere relaxed.

Xiao Ling and Hua Wu looked at each other, Hua Wu slowly stepped back and stood about three yards behind Xiao Ling.

"Do it." Xiao Ling shouted, both sides had the same attributes, and the one who did it first would definitely win.

Xiao Ling shot out a flame of mana, aiming at the fake Hua Wu, and the Mechanical Gargoyle and the Titan Ent also attacked at the same time. With a wave of the fake Xiao Ling's hand, he put a shadow shield on the fake Huawu, and a flame of magic energy shot out.

Holy Light Judgment!

Holy Light Judgment!

The scene where the two Hua Wu's Judgment of Light were released at the same time seemed really strange.

The two sides were fighting back and forth, and Xiao Ling and Hua Wu were surprised that although the two phantoms cooperated differently from theirs, their actual combat effectiveness was no worse than theirs. The coordination between Xiao Ling and Hua Wu was cultivated after a long period of practice, but the coordination method of the two phantoms was the best coordination method calculated through precise calculations, so the attacks of those two phantoms were much sharper than Xiao Ling and Hua Wu's.

The blood volume of Xiao Ling and Hua Wu dropped faster than those two phantoms. If this continues, they must be defeated. Xiao Ling gritted his teeth, took out some potions that Ye Luo gave him from the package, and drank them, only to find that the phantom took bottle after bottle of potions and drank them without regret.

Xiao Ling was dumbfounded, he is richer than me! There are so many potions worth at least 600,000 to 700,000 gold coins, how could Xiao Ling be willing to use them all at once? But that phantom was willing to drink it all at once without hesitation.

After the phantom drank so much potion, its attributes were immediately higher than Xiao Ling's by a large margin. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have brought these potions into the Hall of Illusions. Isn't this causing trouble for myself?

Xiao Ling's eyes lit up, and a thought flashed through his mind.

With a movement of Xiao Ling's hand, two Horadic mist bombs appeared in his palm. Xiao Ling threw the two Horadic mist bombs out. With two bangs, the Horadic mist bomb exploded.

Xiao Ling summoned the Balrog with a summoning spell. The Balrog stood in front like a hill, blocking part of the attacks for Xiao Ling and Hua Wu. Xiao Ling and Hua Wu quickly retreated.

Summon the Thorn Beast!

Summon the spirit of carnage!

Due to the improvement of Xiao Ling's own attributes, these summoned creatures are much stronger than before. Under Xiao Ling's command, the three summoned creatures rushed towards the two phantoms.

The Horadric mist bomb captivated the eyes of the two phantoms, and the two phantoms quickly took out two bottles of antidote from the package and drank them. The titan and mechanical gargoyle on the other side wanted to break through the fog, but were immediately entangled by Xiao Ling's summoned creature.

There was a crackling sound, and sensor mines were placed around the two phantoms one after another. The mechanical gargoyle moved very quickly, and in just a moment, sixty to seventy sensor mines were placed. Fortunately, the old goblin had prepared enough sensor mines, otherwise it would not be enough.

All the landmines around the two phantoms were planted with dozens of yards, and the number is still increasing.

The effect of the poisonous mist was lifted, and the two phantoms magically attacked the Balrog one after another, smashing the Balrog into pieces, and cooperated with the mechanical gargoyle and the giant titan to kill Xiao Ling's remaining two summoned creatures. When they wanted to chase Xiao Ling and Hua Wu, they suddenly found that there were sensor mines everywhere on the ground.

The magic attacks of the two phantoms couldn't attack Xiao Ling and Hua Wu, and they wandered inside.

Trapping those two phantoms, Xiao Ling and Hua Wu breathed a sigh of relief. Although they still couldn't deal with them, they at least gained some breathing time.

"Those two guys are so strong." Xiao Ling said in amazement. He didn't expect that these two phantoms were much more difficult to deal with than he imagined. Their cooperation was stronger than that between Xiao Ling and Hua Wu. Only then did they know that they could still cooperate like this. The fighting methods of the two phantoms gave them some inspiration. Fortunately, I thought of this method and trapped them for a while. Although they could escape by riding the Golden Feather Griffon, if they really dared to do that, Xiao Ling would be very happy, because once they rode the Golden Feather Griffon and flew into the air, they would undoubtedly be a moving target, and Xiao Ling would never let them have a chance to land.

"What should we do?" Hua Wu asked, she didn't expect to encounter such a situation, if it drags on, no one can do anything to anyone, Xiao Ling and Hua Wu don't want to go out either.

"The best way is to delay for five minutes." Xiao Ling said.

"Five minutes? Why?" Hua Wu asked suspiciously.

"That guy is so ruthless that he poured all the potions in the package in one go. His attributes are full. We are undoubtedly looking for death if we fight him now." Then, Xiao Ling smiled sinisterly, "Most of the potions that Yeluo gave me lasted for five minutes. After five minutes, many potions have negative effects, which will be enough for him. The negative effects of all the potions are added together, and the attributes will drop by at least 50%. If one goes up and the other goes up, we have a chance."

When Xiao Ling saw the phantom drinking so much potion in one go, he had an idea. With this idea, he ordered the mechanical gargoyle to lay down a minefield and trap them inside. As long as they can trap them for five minutes, that's enough.

I have received a lot of blessings during this period, and here I would like to thank those readers who have been caring about Snail, Snail is very grateful.


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